Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Professional Mission Statement Essays

Professional Mission Statement Essays Professional Mission Statement Essay Professional Mission Statement Essay Each profession differs in the kind of service it provides or the role it fulfills. People go through life looking for meaning and wondering what to do with themselves. Some of them consider factors like wage range, ease of job, and the prestige associated with the title, while some are forced to glide through life taking whatever they can find as long as they survive. I am quite fortunate to have finally discovered that I want to be a teacher specifically for young kids. It is quite the challenge because this is the age bracket that forms and shapes their habits, behaviors, and attitude towards life, people, and education. I love taking on challenges because they inspire me to work harder in achieving goals and most of all I am passionate about working with children. As an aspiring parent, I believe that setting the right foundation is quite essential for the overall development of children. The young ones spend most of their time in schools more than at home, leaving teachers with the responsibility of being their guardians and guides. Therefore, I find fulfillment in knowing that I have taken part in ensuring that children have the right foundation in building their lives. Becoming a teacher is not the hardest task. One only needs to qualify academically and get enrolled in an academic institution. However, being successful at the job is what determines the nature or characteristics of a good teacher. Anyone can be a teacher, but to be a good teacher especially for the young children requires particular skills. First of all, a teacher should be passionate about the art because the passion drives their dedication to the role (Devine, 2013). Without the passion, the instructor may as well give the children the books to learn on their own. A regular teacher is concerned with exchanging knowledge to students, but a passionate one will ensure that they understand and apply the knowledge appropriately. Secondly, an educator should know how to relate to children on their level. It motivates the children to be receptive towards the teacher and comfortable during class. Other skills needed include patience, communication proficiency, confidence, good lead ership, and organization (Devine, 2013). Due to the tasking nature of dealing with young children, I sought to increase my knowledge in other fields instead of focusing on teaching. For example, I took some early development and counseling courses to sharpen my ability to understand and work with children. I have also volunteered to participate in school and community programs dealing with the kids and their welfares. Through active participation, I am aware of issues that these young ones go through outside the school setting, and how these events affect their lives both inside and outside of school. My primary mission is to impart the young ones lives in a wholesome way other than ensuring they succeed at the classroom level. The current education system has failed to provide this experience to children. Schools are more focused on completing the syllabus as per state or national regulations than how education impacts the lives of the children (Sallis, 2014). My goals are also to ensure that the children focus less on com peting and more on developing their talents, and not being afraid to fail at what they want to achieve. I want to teach children to learn how to love themselves so that they avoid future problems like misconduct due to peer pressure or indulging in destructive behavior. The best way to advocate for children as a teacher is by presenting their needs to the relevant stakeholders such as parents, fellow educators, school administrators and the government. Working in public schools is the bigger challenge due to the standards set across all States, inadequate funding, overpopulation, and lack of amenities among other problems faced by public institutions (Ballantine Hammack, 2015). Instead of burdening children with several subjects that have no impact on their current lives, I intend to focus on nurturing their development by teaching them life skills. I will also use different assessment methods instead of using tests to reduce the pressure of learning to cram the syllabus as opposed to understanding it (Devine, 2013). My primary goal is to set aside a small number of children and apply the different education strategy, and after successful implementation, I will use them as proof that the system requires an overhaul. In the event I fail to do s o, I intend to work within my means by impacting the lives of those I can in a given moment. As a Christian, I believe in setting the right foundation from an early age. Just as my faiths doctrine preaches, when you teach a child certain ways while they are still young, they will never part from those ways even when they are fully grown. I am, therefore, spiritually and morally obligated to ensuring that I use my position to create a positive influence in society. Our current civilization requires an overhaul in nurturing and education (Sallis, 2014). The busy and demanding lifestyles have rendered parents unavailable to fulfill their parenting role leaving it to teachers. Some of them are not passionate about their jobs while others lack the capacity to act due to circumstances such as handling several classes at once or working in public schools. It is easy to choose to give up and follow the system when overwhelmed, but I hope my passion for this role gives me the strength to achieve what I want. There is nothing more fulfilling than knowing I played a part in the success of a childs growth. References Ballantine, J., Hammack, F. M. (2015).The sociology of education: A systematic analysis. Routledge. Devine, D., Fahie, D., McGillicuddy, D. (2013). What is goodteaching? Teacher beliefs and practices about their teaching.;Irish Educational Studies,32(1), 83-108. Russell, T., ;Korthagen, F. (2013).;Teachers who teach teachers: Reflections on teacher education. Routledge. Sallis, E. (2014).;Total quality management in education. Routledge.

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