Friday, May 31, 2019

The relationship between Rhoda and Gertrude in The Withered Arm Essay

Discuss the relationship between Rhoda and Gertrude in The WitheredArm.The Withered Arm is a pre-20th century book by Thomas stouthearted the plotof the story is in and around the writers imaginary village ofHolmstoke and town of Casterbridge.One of the main themes of The Withered Arm was Jealousy it wasportrayed through Rhoda wear, a stretch fading woman of thirty thathad once been handsome, who had an affair with Farmer Lodge and borehim a son.Farmer Lodge left Rhoda to bring up their son on her own and latermarried a new wife, who was years younger than him, called Gertrude.In this essay I am going to discuss the relationship between Rhoda andGertrude in The Withered Arm.The relationship between Rhoda and Gertrude is a triangular one. It isbetween Rhoda, her ex-partner Farmer Lodge and his wife Gertrude.Rhoda heard about the coming of Farmer Lodges new wife Gertrudethrough her fellow milkers who were gossiping while at work. Shethen sent her son several times to go and give her a look she wasmainly interested in the appearance of the new wife. She specificallyasked her son to see if shes dark or fair show marks of the brothel keeperand to notice if her hand be white or argon analogous a milkers hands likehers.It was obvious that Rhoda wanted to compare herself with Gertrude butwas disappointed when her son came back with news of the new wifebeing A lady complete, and her face as comely as a dolls as shekept on asking her son questions like Her eyes not dark like mine?and Is she tall? as tall as I. All the answers Rhoda got aboutGertrude were so positive that when she heard that Gertrude wasrather short she said to her son with satisfaction, thats al... ...onduct. In fear of loosingFarmer Lodges love, Gertrude resorts to intimately despicable cure, whichled to her demise.In The Withered Arm Thomas Hardy used Rhodas son to start a goodrelationship between Rhoda Brook and Gertrude. The quirk of fate inthe situation is that Rhodas son, the ill fated boys life mutuallybrought Gertrude and Rhoda together in the beginning of the story andhis death made them graceful again, this time the last, not as friends butas enemies.The boys carving of the chair instead of helping his mother cook andhis poaching, which eventually led to his death were suggestions ofhis premature and tragic death.It seems that as long as the two women were alive their link kepttheir relationship going whether good or bad, and it was only afterGertrudes death that the relationship between her and Rhoda brookfinally came to an end.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Free College Essays - Symbolism in Hawthornes The Scarlet Letter :: Scarlet Letter essays

The Scarlet Letter Symbolism The book The Scarlet Letter is all about symbolism. People and objects are symbolic of events and thoughts. Throughout the course of the book, Nathaniel Hawthorne uses Hester, Pearl, and Arthur Dimmesdale to signify Puritanic and Romantic philosophies. Hester Prynne, through the eyes of the Puritans, is an extreme sinner she has gone against the Puritan ways, committing adultery. For this irrevocably harsh sin, she essential wear a symbol of shame for the rest of her life. However, the Romantic philosophies of Hawthorne put down the Puritanic beliefs. She is a beautiful, young woman who has sinned, but is forgiven. Hawthorne portrays Hester as reverent maternity and she can do no wrong. Not only Hester, but the physical scarlet letter, a Puritanical sign of disownment, is shown through the authors tone and style as a beautiful, gold and colorful piece. Pearl, Hesters child, is portrayed Puritanically, as a child of sin who should be treated as such, ugly, evil, and shamed. The reader more simply notices that Hawthorne carefully, and sometimes not subtly at all, places Pearl above the rest. She wears colorful clothes, is extremely smart, pretty, and nice. More often than not, she shows her intelligence and free thought, a trait of the Romantics. un sum uped of Pearls favorite activities is playing with flowers and trees. (The reader will recall that anything affiliated with the forest was evil to Puritans. To Hawthorne, however, the forest was beautiful and natural.) And she was gentler here the forest than in the grassy-margined streets of the settlement, or in her mothers cottage. The flowers appeared to hit the hay it (194) Pearl fit in with natural things. Also, Pearl is always effervescent and joyous, which is definitely a negative to the Puritans. Pearl is a virtual shouting match between the Puritanical views and the Romantic ways. To most, but especially the Puritans, one of the most important members of a community is the religious leader Arthur Dimmesdale is no exception.

Online Pay-Per-View Movies :: Computer Entertainment Papers

Online Pay-Per-View Movies I choose to discuss the topic of the internet as a new medium for pay-per-view movies because I timber it is a very fresh and new topic that has not been discussed, nor received much attention. The onset of this new medium comes from an attempt to deter online movie pirates from stealing the movies to actually purchasing them for a low price. I feel this is especially important for me to be writing this on a college campus because that is where a great potentiometer of movie pirating occurs due to the fast online connections that the universities provide. File sharing programs like Kazaa and Limewire run ramped on college campuses making this an interesting alternative to explore. With this subject hitting close to home, I choose to research it and find out why it would be a good alternative to the free downloads that we receive from online people to people file-sharing programs. While in that respect are a few berths out there that offer this kind of pay-per-view service, I choose to specifically focus on the site because it is backed by five major Media Corporations comprised of Universal, Sony, Metro-Goldwyn-Meyer, Paramount, and Warner Brothers. For this reason, it was the ideal internet site to explore to show the recent trend towards getting new movies online, even if only for a short-circuit time. For this paper, I had to do a lot of research to find information on how the internet sites for pay-per-view movies worked, and how they were going to be marketed. Since the prevalence of this kind of internet site is very recent, I received the majority of my information from periodicals. For this, I did a lot of research on my University Library Site looking for newspaper and clip articles from all around the world. I came up with a few very good articles that gave me a plethora of knowledge that I attempted to incorporate into my story. Since I choose to focus on the site, which is backed by the previously mentioned entertainment companies, I choose to make each of the CEOs of the companies a character in my paper. It is important to note that none of these CEOs ever met, nor do they necessarily reflect the personality traits that I created.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

The Rough Riders :: essays papers

The Rough passengersTowards the end of the nineteenth century, William McKinley defeatedGrover Cleveland for the presidency and there was a huge push for theUnited States of America to expand beyond its Continental boarders.(Lorant, p. 281) With an enthusiasm for a new urge for internationalManifest Destiny, the American people wanted to match Europes imperialpower by making Americas weight felt around the world. (Boger p.714)The extent of expansionism was felt in the Pacific Ocean with the craft of the Hawaiian Islands and Guam, but the well-nigh famousexample of Americas enthusiasm for international assertiveness came inthe Caribbean with the war for Cuban independence against Spain. (Bogerp.714) The Spanish-American war was a war that made the United States step to the fore as a world power and has sense been thought of as the mostpopular war in American history. (Lorant, p. 281) As John hay hadsaid, It has been a splendid little war, begun with the highestmatters, carried on with mag nificent intelligence and spirit,favored by the fortune which loves the brave. (Lorant, p. 297) Wordsthat truly captured the feelings of all Americans at the time. In theAmerican peoples eyes, the war was not won by political jargon or adecisive Naval campaign, but by a rugged Lieutenant Colonel and hisband of outlaws, cowboys, and Harvard polo-players, more commonly knownas the Rough Riders. (Lorant, p. 295) Although the war was not won byRoosevelts Rough Rider charge up San Juan Hill, the battle gave thewar its romantic essence, which still fills history books today.Roosevelts Rough Riders were a key part in the fight for CubanIndependence by brave yet unconventional means that made them one ofthe most popular fighting forces in American history.Soon later on McKinleys presidential victory in 1896, he appointedTheodore Roosevelt to the office of Assistant Secretary of the Navyunder John D. Long. (Lorant, p. 281) The main problems of the timewere the occupation of Cu ba by Spain and the fact that relations withSpain were steadily worsening. American sympathy was with the Cubanswho were rebelling against the corrupt and evil Spanish overlords.(Lorant, p. 281) Americans attitude towards the Cuban people wasmainly on humanist motives, but other reasons came into play topush the United States into a fight. The first reason was beingeconomic. (Lorant, p. 281) The trade with Cuba, which had been onehundred million dollars in 1893, was badly disrupted by theinsurrection. (Lorant, p. 281) Another reason was geo-political.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

No Clear Link Between TV Violence and Aggression Essay -- Television,

No Clear Link Between Television force play and AggressionThere is a great deal of speculation on the role of television ferocity in childhood onslaught. Research demonstrates there may be other interveningvariables causing aggression. These variables include IQ, social class, parentalpunishment, parental aggression, hereditary, environmental, and modeling. Withall of these factors to taken into consideration it is difficult to determine a causative relationship between television violence and aggression. It is myhypothesis this relationship is bi-directional - violent televisioncauses aggressive behavior and aggressive people tend to watch to a greater extent violenttelevision.Over the years there has been a large amount of research published, many withconflicting results, to the question of a causal link alive between theviewing of televised violence and childhood aggression. It is an importantquestion because if violent television is linked to childhood aggression we needto a dapt our television shows accordingly. archean 1960s ResearchThere is earlier research, but the showtime association between violent televisionand aggression was in the early 1960s when Albert Bandura began researching hismodeling theory. His series of experiments first set the precedent for arelationship between violent television viewing and aggression. He feltchildren would model or imitate adult behavior. In one study he subjectedchildren to both aggressive and non- aggressive adult models and then testedthem for imitative behavior in the presence of the model. His theory was present when children readily imitated behavior exhibited by an adult model... Psychology, 67, 601-607. Eron, L.D. (1963). Relationship of television viewing habits and aggressive behavior in children. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 67, 193-196. Eron, L.D. (1982). Parent-child interaction, television, violence and aggression of children. American Psychologist, 37, 197-211.Eron, L.D., Hue smann, L.R., Lefkowitz, M.M. & Walder, L.O. (1972). Does television violence cause aggression? American Psychologist, 27, 253-263. Freeman, J.L. (1984). Effect of television violence on aggressiveness. Psychological Bulletin, 96, 227-246. Friedrich-Cofer, L. & Huston, A.C. (1986). Television violence and aggression The debate continues. Psychological Bulletin, 100, 364- 371. Kaplan, R.M. & Singer, R.D. (1976). TV violence and viewer aggression A reexamination of the evidence. Journal of Social Issues, 32, 33-70.

No Clear Link Between TV Violence and Aggression Essay -- Television,

No Clear Link Between Television vehemence and AggressionThere is a great deal of speculation on the role of television craze in childhood trespass. Research demonstrates there whitethorn be other interveningvariables causing aggression. These variables include IQ, social class, parentalpunishment, parental aggression, hereditary, environmental, and modeling. Withall of these factors to taken into consideration it is difficult to determine a causative relationship between television violence and aggression. It is myhypothesis this relationship is bi-directional - violent televisioncauses aggressive behavior and aggressive people tend to watch much violenttelevision.Over the years there has been a large amount of research published, many withconflicting results, to the question of a causal link existent between theviewing of televised violence and childhood aggression. It is an importantquestion because if violent television is linked to childhood aggression we needto adapt our te levision shows accordingly. proto(prenominal) 1960s ResearchThere is earlier research, but the runner association between violent televisionand aggression was in the early 1960s when Albert Bandura began researching hismodeling theory. His series of experiments first set the precedent for arelationship between violent television viewing and aggression. He feltchildren would model or imitate adult behavior. In one study he subjectedchildren to both aggressive and non- aggressive adult models and then testedthem for imitative behavior in the presence of the model. His theory was demonstrate when children readily imitated behavior exhibited by an adult model... Psychology, 67, 601-607. Eron, L.D. (1963). Relationship of television viewing habits and aggressive behavior in children. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 67, 193-196. Eron, L.D. (1982). Parent-child interaction, television, violence and aggression of children. American Psychologist, 37, 197-211.Eron, L.D., Hu esmann, L.R., Lefkowitz, M.M. & Walder, L.O. (1972). Does television violence cause aggression? American Psychologist, 27, 253-263. Freeman, J.L. (1984). Effect of television violence on aggressiveness. Psychological Bulletin, 96, 227-246. Friedrich-Cofer, L. & Huston, A.C. (1986). Television violence and aggression The debate continues. Psychological Bulletin, 100, 364- 371. Kaplan, R.M. & Singer, R.D. (1976). TV violence and viewer aggression A reexamination of the evidence. Journal of Social Issues, 32, 33-70.

Monday, May 27, 2019

The Internet Today: Causes and Effects

1996 was the year of profits. We constantly adage and heard the word cyberspace everywhere last year. The number 1 of the net profit was the computer network called ARPA (Advanced Research Projects Agency) which started in 1969 and was supported by the part of Defense in America since they wanted the webbed network which cannot be severed easily. At the beginning, ARPA had been used for the military need and when it became more commercialized, it came to be called Internet.Accordingly, you can say that the need of defense caused Internet to begin. Currently, Internet is now changing the concept of nation, the means to communicate with sight and stock-still your view of life. Then what should we do to deal with it? Can we be only a fanatic of Internet or be an anti-Internet? First, Id the like to show the optimistic effects that Internet has caused then, I will move on to the negative side.Maybe you can make up with many positive effects of Internet. First, you can get the latest news on the web anytime everywhere. It must be interesting if students make a good use of the web because what teachers teach you is not always the latest thing. Even though the teacher say something to students, they can reply like this No, thats not true, Mr. Blank, I asked Dr. Know-it-all at Top University just a few minutes ago on the web, and he said Blank-sensei is totally wrong, the correct information is . . . You can start an opportunity to keep in touch with things new and whats happening in the world now. This was not possible a decade ago.Second, Internet is changing the concept of organization or system like a nation, an ethnic group, a company and a network of people. Imagine you are Japanese living in cant speak Swedish, you dont have any Japanese friends living your neighboring city. Maybe youll become nervous because you cant get any Japanese news other than the earn from your friends. You dont have enough money to call Japan since its too expen sive. Once you get on Internet account, your problem will all be departedYou can chat with your Japanese friends on the web at a low price and can get any information that you want. Actually, Chinese people living all over the world are now making a network which support them each other on the Internet. For them, Internet is a very practical means to confirm their nationality and unify them as Chinese. You can be one of them (the Chinese) wherever you are. The borders between countries are fading by Internet in this way.In case of company, the differences between the classes are now fading slowly in Japan. You can say what you want to tell your boss or a company president by sending E-mail directly. Consequently, the relationship among people in the company is changing since you dont need someone to communicate with your tops(predicate) anymore. The working style is also changing you dont have to go to the company everyday because you can do your work at home and send what youve do by E-mail. You can have more free time and can change your lifestyle as you like.Fourth, concerning a network of people, Internet helped to connect and compile volunteers after the big earthquake had rocked the city of Kobe in 1995. The homepage made by one of the volunteer posted lots of information such as what refugees in Kobe need and which shelter needs helpers.Fifth, Internet is a good means to express yourself. You can make your homepage and introduce yourself there. Then some people who saw your homepage would be interested in you or your information offered on the homepage and would contact you. It can be someone from unfamiliar country that youve never been to. Isnt that kind of a great meeting? Maybe you want to found your own company on the web. Its possible now. Internet is very useful if you have something that you want to do or express.Now Id like to state the negative effects of Internet. First, an infringement of copyright (or piracy) on the web is one of the mo st controversial problem that Internet has caused. It is very hard to protect the copyright since you can get any information on the web any time. You can draw some pictures offered in someones homepage into yours and you can copy everything that is shown on the web-which youre supposed not to do so.Second, insurgent materials posted on the web is also a big problem. Its obvious that subversive materials like porno or the picture of a dead body are not good for you nor for children. It can happen that innocent kids cruising the web to take a toy companys homepage stumble across the place where many horrible pictures are posted. Though Singapores government now started controlling and policing those prurient material on the web, there is a question to be raised doesnt the regulation offend the freedom of speech?The same question has also been raised from the United States when the obscene pictures on the web were prosecuted. Then, how should we protect our children from those subv ersive materials on Internet? Is there any way to measure the degree of the obscene materials? To make matters worse, there is shortly no universal law that can supervise those problems. As you know, since Internet is worldwide, all countries must cooperate to restrict something on the web otherwise, you can do it in the country where the law is not enforced.Third, you have to be concerned about the crime on the web. Because you can offer some information anonymously on Internet, some people can also trespass upon your privacy through Internet by spreading some information that you want to private. Furthermore, a crime on the web can sometimes be very serious. If you are a computer specialist, you could steal a secret information like the military secrets of another country. It actually happened a few years ago a guy from Brazil stole through Internet military secrets from the Department of Defense in U.S.A.Fourth, as some people say, the Internet is a box of waste since most of the information which is offered on the web is junk. All you do on the web is just wasting your time. In addition, E-mails sometimes bother people you cant write back to a hundred mails Some mails may even have nothing to do with you. Dealing with E-mail could waste a lot of your time.As I said earlier, Internet, which was first created for military use, causes both positive and negative effects today. Nevertheless, you just cant complain all the time about the negative effects of Internet. You know that its too late to stop the expanding of Internet. You wont be qualified to live without it. What is now demanded for us is to deal with both positive and negative side of Internetand, hopefully, to change its negative effects for the Rumiko Nomurahttp//

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Library system Essay

Introduction The world of Information Technology transformed and made the brio of human beings easier through the innovation of different machines and softw are occupations. Faster and reliable sources have been offered by expect engines which are all over the web. But rase though this is the case, umpteen schools and universities are still requiring their students to use library satisfyings in their researches and school works. From the statement of utilization, the computerized library transcription meeting information inevitably of the people of Saint Michael College of Caraga, Nasipit, Agusan del Norte.Our proposed system, the Saint Michael College of Caraga depository library attention System, is a system wherein there is no need of manual library transactions. This depart carry appear different processes such as searching books, keep records of the books, borrowing of books and deteriorate of books. Hence, at present, Saint Michael College of Caraga is maintaining the School Library in a manual basis. use bulky records in a manual method is very difficult. And the process of updating could non be done easily and accurately. Likewise, a manual operation of handling bulky record is very slow and is prone to manual errors.Consequently, it is proposed that Saint Michael College of Caraga shall maintain an electronic data base management system (DBMS) for the purpose of maintaining the records of the School Library for easy, fast and accurate processing and maintenance of these records that will enhance management decisions and for the improvement of its assists to all the stakeholders of Saint Michael College of Caraga. Library is regarded as the brain of any institute many institutes understand the importance of the library to the growth of the institute and their esteem users (students).Library circumspection System of Saint Michael College of Caraga supports the usual requirement of the library like acquisition, cataloguing, circulatio n that offers many flexible and convenient features, allowing librarians and library users to maximize time and efficiency. Library System gives the all detailed information almost students, staff and books. It will track on the how many books available in library and books issued to the students. It shows popular book among the students. It will provide book lost in library. It keeps the record of the suppliers and book binders.It generates MIS reports for management. Our software is customizable for any library requirement. In this chapter we take opportunity to consider changes in the library services, not in terms of minor, in brief term change in equilibrium of the sort just noted above, but in longer term. There has been continuing concern about the future(a) of the libraries. Given the extent to which the provision used and the libraries are influenced by the social environment, and given possibilities by the use of new information technology it would be mistaken to expec t libraries to remainstatic.But if not, what would be the nature of the change? The issue is not whether there is a change but what will be the change. If we are to make a claim to understand the nature of library services, the surely we ought to have notions, some forecasts, about how library system might change. Purpose and commentary In setting up a library, one aspect that should be considered, what are the resources the library has and what are the ways to provide a better service to the students? Well, one of the easiest ways is having a system to organize all the transactions in the library.A library system is software that will handle canonical and systematic organization of function in the library. The system would provide basic set of features to add/update students information, add/update books information, search for books and manage check-in/check-out processes. In this application we can maintain the records of students and books and enable to determine how many book s are issued and likewise determine the available books in the library. The proposed library system will greatly improve the efficiency of the school library.This study has the following hypothesis The profiles of the respondents taken are their names, Student ID Number, Year and Course, and Title and antecedent of the daybook Borrowed. The manual system is very time consuming, inconvenient when it comes to recording, organizing and retrieving borrowers record in the log book. There are few solutions but many a times, we making them works by finding ways to work round system inadequacies. Moreover we have limited staff resources, these work around waste time, effort, and skills that should be spent on user do not keep up with the technological changes and hence prove to be time wasters. Library Management system is a small footprint software suitable for personal /individual Libraries. You can store the information about the books and other material and control the movement of the same. Silent Features Control the movement of books and other material and avoid losing the same. Search if you have a specific book in your aggregation based on t he title, author etc. Print the spine labels for the book. Find what a specific person has borrowed from you.ObjectivesThe main objective of the application is to automate the existing system of manually maintain the records of the Book Issue, Book Return from the student, Stock Maintenance, and Book Search to be computerized. And to develop a database which stores user details and book details, give reliable search facility for the user, create an easy to understand user friendly environment. So the Book Issue, Return, Searching will be faster. This application can be used by any Library to automate the process of manually maintaining the records related to the subject of maintaining the stockand Book Issues.The general objective of this study is to design and develop a library system that will serve as a proposal to help librarians salvage time with the automation of its daily operation. Specific Objectives To computerize records belongings of books To allow librarians to retrieve complete information of the book and its borrowers. To check the availability of the books and penalties.To search, issue and return of books. It can only be utilized by the librarian Scope and Limitation The study only focuses on the Information Technology Library Management System ofSaint Michael College of Caraga. Without computers, as some libraries are, all of them are dependent on paper work.When compared to computerized systems, data backup and data retrieval systems are inefficient and labor intensive. Users of a paper based system become almost wholly reliant on the librarians, for all levels of service, whether they are enquiries about existing books, inter-library loans, or the availability of books.There is additionally no real involvement of a user in the entire process. The tran sactions that the system accommodates are the attendance of any student thatenter the library, book registration and deletion, updating book information and searching thesis references, Borrowing of books, and keeping the record of transaction.Review of relate literary productions This chapter contains the relevant outline of literatures related to the study of Library system. This study composed of programming languages, Database and Graphical User Interface (GUI) that is used in the system.This system would be used by members who may be students or professors of that University to check the availability of the books and borrow the books usingautomated device, and by the librarian to update the databases. Thepurposeofthisdocumentistoanalyzeandelaborateonthehigh-levelneedsand features of the Library Management System. It focuses on the capabilities and facilities provided by a Library.The details of what all are the needs of the Library Management System and if it fulfils these n eeds are detailed in the use-case and auxiliary specifications. Automated book monitoring system helps to reduce the effect of entering the wrong quantity and the amount of staff time devoted to repetitive activities.Related StudiesAccording to ACRL (1994) suggested that institution should be prepared to utilized new technologies for accessing information as they are developed. This is why operating the library operations is quite a welcome idea. According to Jeff Kaplan (05/08/2007 A new generation of automated electronic network management software and services is helping in-house staff address this challenge.These let network professionals establish regular patch-management procedures to safeguard against escalating security threats and create system monitoring routines to identify load imbalances, which could cause service disruptions or performance problems.They also discover, memorial and track assets to make sure that hardware and software licenses are up-to-date and that problems can be resolved faster. According to Voustin Sweere (Aug. 2001) Nowadays every book keeping system used in practice is automated. Most book keeping software an integrated information system are based on database.In this paper, we develop a conceptual book keeping model which is not based on manual techniques, but which is applicable in database environment. Technical emphasize In this chapter, it provides an overview of all the overall system design, features andfunctionalities.The system is design to implement a computerize library management system in Saint Michael College of Caraga. This system consists of one user, the administrator. The administrator can access the system by having first the login security which they have to input his/her user name and password. Once the inputted username and password did not match, the required/registered information it displays Invalid Username and Password. If the username and password match the registered information, the next for m will display depending on the role of the administrator.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

For the Love of Sports

In this paper, I will apply the functionalist theory to answer the question Why are people strike outatically interested in playing and drawing manoeuvres? finishing, social structure, and social fundamental interaction play major roles in contri plainlying to the reasons why people are fanatically interested in sports. Sport fans have a personal connection to their sport and/or aggroup beca procedure it represents somewhatthing that is important to them city, state, favorite player, their past or future, hobby, and entertainment.Culture consists of the shared ways of life and the shared understandings that people develop as they live together (Coakley, 2009, p. 5). I grew up in a house with my cardinal Uncles who were precise influential to my fascination with playing and watching sports. They boxed and also compete baseball. Their athletic abilities were exceptional and were represented by the numerous trophies that filled the award case in our home. It was no surprise that I took a liking to sports because I was surrounded by it everyday of my life.I would go to the baseball range and watch them play baseball and I went to the gym and watched them train for boxing. My Uncles would also set up pick up leagues for my friends and me. These actions by my Uncles contributed to me becoming a fan of sports. Today I have the same sour on my sons that my Uncles had on me. My sons grew up watching me watch, play and coach sports so it has become a get around of their life. They are both athletes that watch and play all the sports that were part of their culture. Many athletes today grew up with sports in their home.Michael Jordons sons play basketball, Ken Griffey Jr. played baseball for the Cincinnati Reds where his father, Ken Griffey Sr. , once played and Bob and Brian Griese both won Super Bowls while playing in the NFL. Social interaction consists of people taking each other into account and, in the process, influencing each others feelings, though ts and actions social structure consists of the established patterns of relationships and social arrangements that take underframe as people live, work and play with each other (Coakley, 2009, p. ).I remember when I was stationed over in Afghanistan. My friend and I would get up really early in the morning to watch football. He was a Pittsburgh Steelers fan and I really disliked the Steelers but would get up with him to watch them play because he would watch my games with me. However, through the social interaction with my friend I would catch myself cheering for the Pittsburgh Steelers because they were his favorite team. Social interaction is a comminuted part of why people play and watch sports.Sports create opportunities for conversation that enable people to form and nurture relationships and even enhance their status as they describe and critique athletes, games, teams, coaching decisions and the content of media commentaries (Coakley, 2009, p. 18). Everyone in my office whe re I work is a sports fan. We will spend all day Sunday, while the games are on, texting each other talking about our fantasy football team. Monday mornings are our soap box to discuss all the football action from Sunday. Like ESPN analyst we break d consume each game and player and this goes on all day.The emotional intensity, group camaraderie, and sense of accomplishment that often occur in sports harbour sport participation more memorable than other activities (Coakley, 2009, p. 18). Every Wednesday the guys and I from work play very competitive but fun basketball. It has provided us with very memorable moments and camaraderie that is forever lasting. I was at my sons football banquet yesterday and I bumped into to a friend of mine who use to play ball with us and we talked for almost 30 minutes about the basketball that we use to play on Wednesday when he was there.Sport is both a constituent, and a constitutor, of the broader social context in which it is located. It is a vehicle through which the forces and relations of societal power are covertly communicated and, if infrequently, explicitly challenged, to the benefit of some groups within society, yet to the detriment of others (Zirin, 2008, p. 29). Sport fans have a connection to their sports or sport teams because they represent their city, state and/or community.They watch their favorite team on television or attend the game live to cheer their team to victory over the other team and the fans that cheer for them. Sports and sport teams can, and often do, reflect and represent specific locations and local identities (Crawford, 2004, p. 52). Greenville High School and T. L. Weston were the two high schools that divided my town. Greenville High represented the north align and the south side was represented by T. L. Weston. It was considered a rival game whenever these two teams played each other.The communities for each team came out in full force draining team colors and other replica to repres ent the high school in their community. Winning this game would give one side of the town vaunt rights over the other. Both sides of the stadium were always packed with fans for both teams. A town divided by two football teams that represented their community but brought together by their love for sports. In conclusion, culture, social interaction and structures influence the actions and relationships of sports fans and contribute to their fanatic obsession with watching and playing sports.Culture can influence what team you cheer for, what sport you like to watch or play, and what kind of sports fan you are. Social interaction and structure provide a forum to discuss your favorite team, cheer with other sport fans, talk about the game you watched on TV, and the opportunity to play the game with friends who also enjoy sports. Many sport fans share the same values and that is their love for sports, even though they may not be cheering for the same team. Sports develop relationships, build camaraderie and gives sports fans something to own outside of themselves.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Prejudices: Challenging Level Prejudice Essay

We are individually burdened with prepossession against the poor or the rich, the smart or the slow, the gaunt or the obese. It is natural to develop detriments. It is fearful to rise above them, Author Un write outn. Unfortunately, throughout history our rescript has become victim to the upbringing and menacing of prejudices within. The prejudices that our fellow neighbors endure range from scowling facial nerve expressions to violent hate crimes. As far back as the decades go, prejudice has been an ongoing problem in society, our children and our rising are affected immensely it is our teleph unrivaled circuit to switch a drastic convert.Prejudice is a word that means judging someone or having an idea close to them before you actually know allthing about them, the word can also mean having an opinion about something without sharp anything about it. (Kids Health) On a more challenging level prejudice can refer to a positive or oppose attitude or belief directed toward certain people based on their affable rank in a particular group. The root of the word is pre-judge, it is a set of attitudes which causes, supports, or justifies discrimination.There are three general theories for prejudice someoneality needs, social learning and conformity, and social structure and economic position. Based on a study done by the Delmar University the three general theories were shown to be the most customary reasons for prejudice within a person. These three theories lead to the forms and explanations of prejudice. The setoff form of prejudice being cognitive prejudice which refers to what people believe is true. Next is emotional prejudice which points to peoples correspondings and dislikes.And finally, conative prejudice which refers to how people are inclined to be brace. Playing a part in the causes of prejudice is also family, school, peer groups, work, and the media. Unfortunately, all too often a person will create a prejudice based off of something that they learned from a nonher(prenominal) person or a nonher area. It is societys job to recreate the environment that we set for our youth and humanity. We withdraw to show our communities that not everyone or everything can be judged from lack of experience or anothers belief.Our country has been facing prejudice since as early as slavery and the Holocaust. Slaves consisted of colored, people known as Negros and now referred to as African Americans. These groups of people were pre-judge based on the color of their skin. Since they did not take a shit a pale complexion they were treated poorly and soldiersd to serve societies whiten race. Later on in history a prejudice dictator, Adolph Hitler, created a German based army that slaughtered the Jewish community.Hitler pre-judged any and all who did not pop off the description that he followed. Unfortunately, because of his prejudices many humans died from the ignorance of color barriers. Still to this day prejudice is a probl em, where our children of color or bi-racial background experience the emotion of not feeling good enough because of what another conceptualizes or believes. In Toledo Ohio where I live, my community experienced first-hand prejudice when a group of Neo-Nazis were given permission to have a demonstration walk through one of our neighborhoods.The decision that our Mayor made to allow such a demonstration was one that jeopardized peoples lives and disrespected the integrity of different cultures. The problem with prejudice is that society does not give one another a chance at being themselves. Some of our society is quick to judge another person for their color, their culture, or their religion. By pre-judging before knowing anything about a person or thing we are allowing something or someone else to influence our opinions.Prejudice is seen in all kinds of situations such as the cheerleading squad not wanting to be friends with a certain girl because she does not come from a wealthy family, a Caucasian family thinking that the African American family that moved in down the street will break into their sign cause they watched a show on television where a family did that or fifty-fifty for instance some of society not wanting to vote for Barack Obama because they think that he thinks like he could be a terrorist. Our youth have learned the ignorance that we have instilled in them and in return have lashed out in outrageous actions.We have youth forming gangs and cliques that do harm to other youth because of what they have or do not have, or because of the way they look, who their parents are, where they live. It is unfortunate that preferably of teaching our youth to appreciate everyone for who they are, we teach them what we do not like about another person or group. Prejudice and discrimination are negative manifestations of integrative exponent. Instead of bringing or holding people together, prejudice and discrimination push them apart. Ironically, even prejudice and discrimination imply some branch of relationship.However, if there is no relationship people would be completely unaware of another persons or groups existence. When there is any relationship at alleven a negative onethere is some integration. Kenneth Boulding referred to this as disintegrative power-the integration that is achieved through hatred, fear, and the nemesis of a common enemy. (Boulding, 1989). There are ship canal that we can show our youth to bypass prejudice. If we start now and work together accordingly the future of our children could be brighter and less hateful. Some of our schools have begun practicing exercises to fight prejudice and bullying. At Crissey Elementary School the teachers began an exercise where each grade and classroom came up with ways of facilitateing another student and being nice daily. The school worked together and colored their own posters that read, Stop Bullying or We all love each other at Crissey. Not only did they join together to make these posters but they hung the posters all over the school for students, faculty and visitors to see everyday. Their idea is a great one that could be carried nationwide to help show children that everyone is equal.Another exercise that Crissey students participated in was one where each student took a family picture into their class. The students then wrote about their families, such as how many family members there were, what their favorite foods were, what they liked to do together and so on. Once each student had written about their family the class filled out a poster that took a tally of each answer that was the same. By the end of the exercise the students were able to see that even though they may not look similar in appearance or come from the same origin, their families liked the same activities, foods, and vacation spots.It is exercises like these that help teach our youth to be, one and not divide between each other. The future of our society depen ds on people who have open minds and see last(prenominal) prejudice. These kinds of people can help mediate between conflicts of other people with prejudice. According to the web-site, Beyond Prejudice, the victims of prejudicial thinking or prejudicial actions are already devalued in the eyes of prejudicial individuals and any action taken by these people is seen as less valid because of their devaluation.In addition to this person being devalued, his or her action also brings an oppositional force into the situation this often creates more heat than light. Oppositional positions, while they may be completely correct, often jaunt resistance within observers, as well as within the individual who perceives himself or herself as the target of that force. This is partly why we need people to throw in between those with conflict. The only way to completely intervene without causing more conflict is to continue to teach against prejudice. Illustration AIllustration B The first illustr ation here simply shows the prejudice person (person who feels a certain way about another person or group) and the other emplacement shows the targeted side (person or group being prejudged). The prejudicial action force is where the prejudice feelings reside between the two. The second illustration shows both groups and the prejudicial action force but it also includes another section that shows a non-targeted person or group. This added section illustrates a neutral party that can intervene to help divert the prejudice feelings.Our society can practice similar exercises to those of the Crissey students on a day-to-day basis. If we wake up every morning and decide to do one or two kind things for someone of another race, sex, religion, or culture we are slowly helping the fight. If you open the door for the Native American base on balls out, allow the elderly ladies to cut in front of you at the store, or even offer the homeless gentlemen a cold water you are show another perso n that prejudice does not have to overtake our society. Theresa D.McClellan sited that, It is the subtle forces and faces of racism which are the most frustrating and, often, the most difficult to combat, by Woodrick in the 1996 issue of The Grand Rapids Press. The whispers under the breaths of Caucasians who were raised to hate African Americans, or the impolite nudges of the men who were taught they are inferior to women are the hardest feelings of prejudice to look past. According to the Conflict Research Consortium at the University of Colorado, these kinds of prejudice feelings can be worked through with counseling and exercises like mirror imaging.Mirror imaging is a strategy which parties can use to assess the reasonableness of their behavior. It asks the parties to look at themselves the way others see them and make appropriate changes if they do not like what they see. ofttimes if disputants will look at themselves honestly, they will sometimes notice that they are doing t he same kinds of thingsname calling, deception, and rumor spreading, for examplethat they fault their opponents for doing.Once this is understood, parties can change their behavior to appear more reasonable, without altering or undermining their true interests at all. Another exercise that the Conflict Research Consortium suggests is power sharing. This is a strategy for resolving disputes over who should have the most powerful position in the social hierarchy. Instead of fighting over who should have power over whom, power sharing relies upon the joint exercise of power. If conflicts can be reframed to focus on how such power sharing might take place, they can become often more constructive.With all of the given suggestions for fighting against prejudice, our society and communities should follow through with simple exercises to teach youth and adults ways to work through feelings we were taught or have on our own. We have to continue to educate about different cultures, religions , races, and sexes. We can educate everyone through our schools, media and peers. The next time you feel that you do not like the person sitting next to you because of the color of their skin, the texture of their hair, the odor they give off or their size think about what kinds of aspects of life you may have in common with them.Would it make you feel better to know that they get their hair cut at the same beauty salon you do? Would it make you like them if you knew that the reason they are obese is from the same disease that your mother suffers from? We need to try to remember when we feel hate and prejudice in our punk that we are not perfect either and there may be aspects of us that the person sitting next to us does not like. How would we feel knowing someone did not like us, and they do not even know us? Prejudices are the chains forged by ignorance to keep men apart. This is a quote by the Countess of Blessington that enlightens us to understanding that when we carry these prejudices inside ourselves we create the barrier between our fellow neighbors. Looking back at the history of prejudice and the pain we inflict on our children, our society and our future we have to make the choice to learn the uniqueness of one another. It is our duty to the human race to anticipate prejudging another for what they are or are not. Reference Page Blessington, Countess. (2007).Welcome to the Quote Garden. Retrieved June 16, 2008, from http//www.quotegarden. com/ prejudice. html Cole, Dr. Jim. (2003). Beyond Prejudice. Retrieved June 16, 2008, from http//www. beyondprejudice. com/index. html. Conflict Research Consortium. (1998). Prejudice and Discrimination. Retrieved June 16, 2008, from http//www. colorado. edu/conflict/ wild pansy/problem/prejdisc. htm. Kids Health. (2000). Prejudice-not giving a fair go. Retrieved June 16, 2008, from http//www. cyh. com/SubDefault. aspx? p=255. Lunny-Brady, Edith (2008,April 10). Subtle kind of racism still around. Pantagraph, A . 3.Retrieved April 25, 2008, from Business Dateline Database. (Document ID1460281071). Myra. Harold. Love in glowering and White. Christianity Today 38. n3(March 7, 1994)18(2). General OneFile. Gale. Apollo Library. 25 April. 2008 from http//find. galegroup. com/ips/start. do? prodid=IPS7. Theresa D. McClellan / The Grand Rapids Press (2008, April 24). Marking decade of Diversity Institute for Healing Racism workshops try to heal a society built on Prejudices. The Grand Rapids Press,B. 1. Retrieved June 16, 2008, from ProQuest Central database. (Document ID 1468362011).

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Circular Flow of Income

Q1. The circular flow of income is to show flows of goods and function and factors of production between firms and households. It used to measure the take aim of income and output in the economy . Households provide resources which aid the production process of business firms. Resources such as labour, land and swell ar used by the business firms in return for payment this generates a flow of income to the households in the form of wages, rent, interest and profit . Firms in return make using the factors of productions goods and service which are sold to the households.Households give back payment for the goods and services these are expenditures. Expenditure of households becomes income for firms. The firms then spend this income on factors of production such as labour, capital and raw materials, transferring their income to the production factor owners. The production factor owners then spend this income on goods and services provided by the business firms which leads to a ci rcular flow of income. Q2. The income and expense of the circular flow of income are not equal this is because of injections and withdraws from the economy.Injections provide finance into the economy whilst withdrawals is m acey taken out of the economy. If withdrawals are bigger than injections the country would be facing a deficit and negative economic growth. If withdrawals are less than injections then a country would be facing a budget tautologic and economic growth. Injections *Investment (I) *Government spending (G) *Foreign money /Exports (X) Investment (I) is defined as spending that pull up stakess in an increase the economys capital stock .Successful investments result in a increase in the economys capacity to produce goods and services increasing profit. Examples include spending on construction and property the values of which think over time due to inflation. The average, household spends less each year than they receive in income. The portion of household income th at is not used to debauch goods and services or to pay taxes is Savings (S). The most familiar form of saving is the use of part of a households income to make deposits in bank accounts or to buy shares or bonds, rather than to buy goods and services.The government withdrawals money, collecting revenue through taxes (T) which is provided by households and firms to the government. Taxes such as income tax that is tax on wages or corporation tax that is the tax on business profits are withdrawn out of the current income reducing the expenditure on current goods and services. Taxes are then injected back in as government spending (G) they are used to provide services such education, NHS and to provide welfare payments to the community such as jobseekers allowance, housing benefit and disability living allowance.International trade plays an increasingly important role in shaping the performance of the British economy, the UK is seen as one of the world leaders in terms of the volume of imports/ exports of commodities and services. The value of exports (X) sold overseas will be injected into the circular flow, one of the UKs largest exports is pharmaceuticals. Spending by UK consumers and businesses on imported (I) products represent a leakage from the flow, over 60% of imports into Britain are finished manufactured goods, while just under 3% are basic materials such as tobacco for cigarettes.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Market Research Report on Packaged Fruit Juices & Drinks in India Essay

Fruit beverages in India occupy come a long way since their premier forms to find their permanent place in Indian households. Today you will find yourself bewildered with the choices available if you wish to drink a fruit beverage. uncounted and eclectic flavors combined with several variants (juices, drinks or nectars), is a testament to the fruit beverage manufacture transformation.In the view of the rising future potential of the industry, Niir jut out Consultancy Services has released a new research level titled trade Research Report on Packaged Fruit Juices & Drinks in India (Present & Future Potential, Market Insights, Growth Drivers, Opportunities, Industry Size, Porters 5 Forces, Demand Analysis & Forecasts upto 2017). The report aims at providing a thorough understanding and analysis of the industry by deeply exploring the present status as well as the future prospects of the fruit beverage field in India in the wake of evolving market dynamics.The report establishes the study by covering data points like growth drivers for the industry, opportunities, present scenario, pauperism supply estimation & analysis, porters 5 force analysis and key actor information. The report begins with a brief on global status of the fruit beverage industry and then dish outs information on the current status of the industry on the domestic front. The report discusses the overview of the sector on with its classification and structure and then further proceeds to analyze the growth drivers and opportunities for the industry.Rising per capita incomes of the Indians, bulging bosom class, surging modern trade and growing urbanization will be the macro economic factors that will contribute to its growth. Escalating health consciousness among Indians has lured them towards fruit beverages and the players have left no stone unturned in capturing this sudden rush of demand. Although the fruit beverage industry is dominated by the loose beverage segment, the share of packaged fruit beverages is gradually rising and eating away the other share.The report then discusses the demand-supply scenario of packaged fruit beverages in India by analyzing various aspects. The demand for packaged fruit beverages is captured by studying the consumption volumes and the industry revenues while the supply side involves scrutiny of estimated fruit processing units in the country along with the fruit production statistics of India. The data discussed above is supported by graphical representations wherever necessary along with the key forecasts.Moving forward, the report analyzes the attractiveness of the sector by evaluating the status of porters 5 forces prevalent in the sector. The sector is said to be most attractive when the 5 forces are their weakest and the report explicates the forces methodically to change the analysis. For more information kindly visit http//www. marketreportsonindia. com/food-beverages-market-research-reports-11581/market-research-rep ort-packaged-fruit-juices-drinks-india. html Related Links http//www. marketreportsonindia. com/market-research-report/food-beverages.html About MarketReportsonIndia Market Report on India is a portal where you chamberpot access thousands of reports on India startingfrom Aeronautics to Zinc (A-Z). We provide you with reports which will help you gain a better understanding of the Sectors, Companies, New Products and Latest trends. Contact Us Market Reports on India Contact No India +91. 22. 27810772, 27810773 Toll Free US 1-866-279-8368 mail infomarketreportsonindia. comWebsite http//www. marketreportsonindia. com Twitter https//twitter. com/ReportsonIndia.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

This briefing is in relation to the Inquiry into Skills Shortages in Rural and Regional NSW

This briefing is in relation to the Inquiry into Skills Shortages in Rural and Regional NSW. This paper provide outline the problems around the methods utilise by training organisations including TAFE to assess skill needs in verdant and regional NSW and their response. This paper impart also look into what the causes of these problems atomic number 18, who are the stakeholders and how are they modify and recommendations on solutions.BACKGROUNDThe communities of cracker-barrel and regional areas recognise that the supply of skilled tradespersons in their communities does non meet the current demand and that skill shortages are communicate to increase.2In the context of the Riverina Institute Griffith is a medium sized campus that has demonst valued significant and sustainable growth over the past five years. Over the past 6 years the campus has experienced a significant increase in facilities and a concomitant increase in full time and part time commandment staff. To addres s the growing demand for skilled and well trained staff in the region Griffith campus has consistently amended its course offerings and has, on many occasions, provided purposeless courses to meet unexpected demand particularly in the trade areas. This is a good example of how much tafe applicant numbers are increasing in rural areas and not all tafe facilities are able to have the funds to support these numbers such as the above example of Griffith campus.1Futher research in relation to concerns of skills shortages has demonstrated there is a great need to increase the amount of trained tradespersons in the work consequences. This also requires the improvement of retention rate during training to reduce occupational wastage as qualified tradespersons cede the industry.There is a fundamental need to ensure that their will be jobs available in the area of where the training took place. This is to prevent skilled trades people leaving rural areas for city life.STAKEHOLDER ANALYSIS AND CURRENT SITUATIONIndividuals Without a strong working force the economy of a rural community is bound to drop. More people will lose their jobs and families will have to move to find work.Regional Industries many another(prenominal) regional industries are desperate to expand, but are being hampered by a lack of skilled labour.Councils A current situation can be seen Wagga Wagga NSW. 3This area is seen as an agricultural powerhouse creating up to $6.5 billion per year. But the hearing has demonstrated that the regions future growth may be limited by a shortage of workers.Stakeholders in the Riverina believe that a lack of affordable housing and limited training opportunities are significant barriers to the recruitment of workers in rural areas. 3For example one of the countrys superst chicken meat processors, Bartter Enterprises, already employs more than 1,000 people across the region. The company hopes to increase production from 420,000 to 750,000 birds per week. But th eir human resources manager backside Davis says that depends on being able to source workers.The Riverina wine industry has also experienced significant growth, along with it, an increased demand for workers. 3For example, 10 years past Casella Wines employed 14 people today however they have a workforce of 500.Paul Foley is the human resources manager for another of the regions major wineries, De Bortoli Wines. 3He says the winery will employ an extra 80 people for four months during vintage, but recruitment of those workers is a major problem. While the skill shortage is already starting to bite, Leeton shire horse Council is looking to the future.General manager of Leeton Shire Council Ray Pluis says local training opportunities are important for retaining young people in regional centers. This is the third universal hearing held as part of this New South Wales parliamentary inquiry. The inquirys chairman, Labor MLC Tony Catanzeriti, is playing down suggestions the withdrawal of state government services is partly to commove for the difficulties in attracting skilled workers to regional areas.CAUSESResearch of submissions and hearings indicates many causes to skills shortages in rural areas. 4For example Peter Louis & Co submission highlights that withdrawal and reduction of services provided by government agencies and public corporations such as medical services, banking facilities and post offices has impacted on rural communities with people forced to relocate. This is a valid argument as people will would to live in areas that have necessities such as medical centers and post offices easily available. Not only will people leave an area to break closer to these facilities but also people will not even bother moving to a rural area if it is absent of such facilities.This also states that the campus of tafe in Illawarra confirmed that whilst TAFE provided many course not all of them were specific to the area. 4Also the tafe kept no record of students who completed and whether they stayed or go away the area. This causes the problem of not allowing statistics to be examined to get an accurate understanding of the educational needs in rural areas. This also is an extremely good point and the tooshie of a strange argument. How can the tafe possibly know to what extent its passing students are having on the rural community if they keep no record of what the students come upon after accomplishing their education?5Mr Bill Archer in his submission highlights two major causes of unskilled workers in rural areas. The first major cause is the blank that an apprentice in the rural areas would have to travel to receive an education. The further the surmount the more it will cost the apprentice to travel so accordingly becomes another incentive to not bother receiving an education.7Transport has got to be one of the most major causes of skills shortages in rural areas the requirement for apprentices to travel such large distances to get to college is a major problem. Many rural areas have a very limited access to frequent public transport.Also transport subsidies are not available to young people if the vehicle they have access to is not in their name and even if they are entitled to it, the amount is pitifully inadequate. universe transport is a very important requirement as there are many dangers of country drive for young inexperienced drivers with early starts, youthful finishes and long distances. 7These present very real Occupational Health and Safety risks.5The second major cause is that once an apprentice receives the education they need they are then able to move to the city were they can make more money doing their job. This is a major incentive for skilled workers to leave the rural areas and therefore leaving many jobs in rural areas left open with nobody with the skills to work them. This effects many stakeholders. The owner of the stemma who had spent the last a few(prenominal) years training the apprentice must now start the cycle again. The community also suffers as there is one less person providing a service. That is why the government must find efficient ways of keeping skilled workers in rural areas as they are fundamental to the survival of the community.Tafe teachers however in their submission do not believe that these are the major causes of skill shortages in rural areas. 7Their members point out that there are large shortages in areas where pay and conditions are poorest, eg a lot of qualified mechanics arent working in their trade areas, because they can earn more money driving a truck. It is therefore not just a matter of addressing skills shortages but also pay conditions and how vocations are perceived by the public. The issue of public information of skilled trades people has not been addressed successfully by governments.RECOMMENDATIONSet forth are a number of recommendations as to the problemsCouncils in regional areas should encourage stay local and contract local businesses.The government should provide funding to provide a Rural Work Income Insurance policy to wait on tradesmen in situations that they cannot work as are establishing a new business.Encourage major employers to establish 12 month contracts, particularly in rural areas. This will help to increase not only employment but also the economy of the community. Contracts will keep people in the area and as the business grows more jobs become available. Which leads to people moving to the area specifically for work.Encourage training organizations like the Charles Sturt University and Tafes to develop seminars and spend time to educate businesses within rural areas to adopt new business practices,Governments should make sure that rural areas have all the facilities required to encourage population growth in that area. Facilities such as medical centers, post offices and schools, should be located in all rural towns.Government should place more funding into Traineeships . 1Traineeships are ideal for employers who have a specific need for one Trainee in a given area. Traineeships can be offered/conducted in a variety of ways with the main option interpreted by employers being an On the Job Traineeship. By providing Funding to Tafe institutions and providing employer incentives to businesss that provide traineeships to unskilled workers will be a major step in trim back the current problem of unskilled workers.6Another recommendation would be the implementation of more courses done through distance correspondence. This allows students in rural areas to do courses from home. Thus distance would no longer be a barrier in the prevention of education for skilled workers.However for the on the job training the Government should deal funds to areas in desperate need to provide frequent transport to further encourage people to do studies.

Monday, May 20, 2019

The Discipline And Discharge Of Employees

Discipline, in the context of a control start, git be defined as the act of implementing unimpeachable doings in ungovernable employees to create a comfortable working environment. Discharge of an employee heart to dismiss him or her from their job. The discipline and rill of employees tends to be a thorny issue at any work place. No person authentic every(prenominal)y wants to be told they atomic number 18 prostitute or that they are lagging behind in their work, that they do non translate team spirit or are rude to colleagues and disrespectful to those in charge.Just as in that respect are guidelines on how to circulatele other issues that may arise at work, in that respect are besides guidelines on how to discipline and discharge employees. Though they are generally tenacious duties to carry out, with the right approach, it can be done without leaving one feeling like the forthender. Approaches to discipline at the work place There are four major areas which co st employers the most when it comes to discipline. These are namely, absenteeism, wasted time, substance call and pilfering (Levine, 1998). The objectives of discipline are basically accepted as good.They are accepted as universe spanking to the work place. Discipline is necessary to promote the health and safety of all employees, to protect association property, to discipline steady production and to create a pleasant working environment. The controversy comes about in how should these disciplinal measures be operaten (Levine, 1998). There are two approaches that can be taken toward employee discipline, that of being light on the rules without clearly outlining what they are to create a freer atmosphere or that of letting employees know all the rules and the penalties for violating them.Though care can argue that outlining all the dos and donts get out make their employees feel as though they are children who cannot tell between right and wrong, it has been shown that ta king the lax approach is detrimental to a good working environment. In the case of a lawsuit, the employer stands to lose if thither are no perfunctory and write documents outlining the discipline commandment expect by the employer. Again, the relaxing of rules gives a green light to contumacious employees who will incite a good number into a sort of rebellion.And again, the lack of a scripted statement that covers various violations and accorded remonstrations may make employees think that they might misbehave without being punished (Levine, 1998). When it comes to employee discipline, perplexity can borrow a leaf from educators who believe that there should be a middle ground. This means that discipline should not be taken to extremes with rigid unbendable rules and constant monitoring. The message that should be passed crossways to the employees is that there is a limit to their expression and behavior which affects not only themselves but the rest of their team.They must also be made to downstairsstand that their bad behavior brings down the whole team and there are consequences for misbehavior which they must face (Levine, 1998). The scripted rules should not take on a confrontational tone. Rather, they should sound like they solely have the employees welfare in mind. On the other hand the rules should not sound apologetic. The wording should not bring about any ambiguity. Let the statements be wide and to the point with the criminal offense and penalizations clearly outlined (Levine, 1998). Though there may be general rules to offenses, it is vanquish to treat from each one case of flub as an isolated incident.Management has to get a line under what circumstance the rules were broken. For sheath if an employee is an hour late for work an investigation has to be done into his late coming to see if it is justifiable. The employer has to consider also the employees record of time keeping thus determining what disciplinary action to take (Le vine, 1998). It is paramount that the punishment stipulated for any misdeed should be to make the employee see his s chat up. Never should a punishment be given for the sake of punishing. An employee should be able to learn from his error as the employer stresses on the mistake, not the person who has made it.The punishment should also be equitable to the offense being neither as well as grievous nor similarly light (Levine, 1998). Finally there should be no favorism shown by the employer when it comes to meting out punishment. in all employees should be punished accordingly when on the wrong. If there are signs that some employees are getting off too lightly, there will be resentments held amongst the workers. This will not create amiable working environment (Levine, 1998). What is thornier than disciplining an employee is discharging one. There is just no easy way of pronounceing a person that his employment is being terminated.The ex-employee may feel aggravated to the point of filing a lawsuit. How does an employer minimize the probability of being taken to court or in the event of that happening and prove he fired his employee on absolutely legal causa? There are cases where employers discharge employees on personal reasons, discriminating on grounds of sex, religion, color, race, age or physical disability. If an employee is fired on these grounds, he has the right to sue, as long as he can convince the court that he was wronged. On the other hand, an employer can fire his employee with repayable process and respect.The correct way of going about this is to inform the employee of what is expected of him, in detail. If he shows deficiencies, inform him in detail how he can upgrade his performance. The employer should give a verbal warning for misconduct followed by a written warning, a suspension and finally discharge. At no point should the employer show contempt toward his employee. The employer should also keep detailed records of the employers misdemeanor in the case that a lawsuit is filed by the employee. With the proper guidelines and attitude, an employer can instill the required discipline in his workers without raising aggression or hostility.It is eventful that the employer lead by example to encourage his employees to follow suit. With discipline, there is a relaxed working atmosphere and great output seen. Disciplinary policies and procedures We have already what disciplinary problems are that may be experienced at work and divided them into four broad categories absenteeism, time wasting, substance abuse and pilfering. Though the employee is free to take on the mode of punishment, there are general policies that are used to outline these punishments.It is the intent of any disciplinary policy to anticipate possible acts of violation of high society policy and to encourage employees to change their behavior out front it becomes chronic or intolerable leaving discharge as the only viable option (Normand, 2006) . The maiden thing that management must ensure in implementing policies is to keep up consistency. Employees do complain of their bosses as being unpredictable and capricious. This may be because of having no formally written out rules and regulations outlining the punishments for wrongdoing.It may also be because of leniency or favorism on the employers part. Disciplinary policies should be adhered to without compute to fellowship or family ties. It should be noted that the punishment policies include all personnel all the way up to management (Normand, 2006). There are stages in notifying an employee of his misconduct depending on the grievousness of the offense and the number of times the offense has been repeated in the past by said employee. The first can be done verbally then in written form followed by a suspension if need be and ultimately a dismissal.For small offenses, the employee can give up to four repeats with a graver consequence for each repeat. No the other hand , an offense as grave as possession of or working under the influence of controlled substances could and should be met with an outright discharge (Normand, 2006). Since in the present day, employee lawsuits seem to be the norm, it is imperative that written warnings given to the employee and duly signed by the offended and the offensive party be kept as part of the employees record for future reference (Normand, 2006).In summary, when implementing disciplinary policies at work, make it clear to the employee what his mistake is, give appropriate punishment in accordance with the misdemeanor. Punishment must be administered within an acceptable time limit, ensuring that it is not delayed as its impact will be significantly reduced. Importantly to a higher place all, keep written records in case a dismissal boomerangs in the companys face. managerial moral philosophy in employee relations Ethics is the education process of differentiating between right and wrong and fashioning the decision to do the right thing.But is this case really applicable at the work place? be there not a lot of grey areas where the line between right and wrong is too thin? Business ethics generally can mean to know what is right or wrong in the workplace and choosing to do what is right, this being in regard of products, services and relationships. The role of business ethics is to help managers know how to react when ethical issues arise (McNamara, 1997). Managing ethics has some(prenominal) benefits for both(prenominal) the employee and the employer and employee in the work place.In times of rapid change like the times we live in, business ethics act as a moral compass for management, making it easier to make right and moral decisions. Ethics also play a role in cultivating strong teamwork and discipline by aligning employee discipline towards those behaviors that their employers want. By having present dialogue with employees that the management wants, feelings of integrity and trust are built, features that are essential in building a strong team spirit (McNamara, 1997). Ethics policies also help employees grow as individuals.It helps them face reality, both good and bad, about themselves and their work place. It gives them the confidence to admit their mistakes and shortcomings (McNamara, 1997). The ethics programs help identify values that management wants to uphold, then aligns the employees behavior to uphold these values. Indirectly, this leads to higher quality assurance in the products and services delivered by the company, because the employees will pay greater attention to detail. The employees will also put greater value on the guest satisfaction and work harder to succeed this (McNamara, 1997).Having an ethics program goes a long way in modify a companys public image. Potential clients will feel reassured on learning that they will not only get value products but that their interactions with the employees of that company will be conducted wi th regard to their human dignity and respect for their needs. The word ethicical inspires in one the confidence to trust that the person they are dealing with is not out to get the better of them. It would work the same way for a company (McNamara, 1997). Having strong workplace ethics has several benefits as has been outlined.Nut how does one an ethical working environment? One, there is the need to recognize that inculcating ethical behavior in employees is a process that takes time. It is said that old habits break away hard, thus the employer should not expect employees to unlearn bad behaviors overnight. It takes time and patience to get employees to abide by a certain code of ethics (McNamara, 1997). The ethical approach taken by a company should be practical, workable and beneficial. The expected change in behavior should bring a corresponding subjoin in productivity.The management should work towards integrating ethics management with other management practices so as to sh ow employees that it is given equal weight. This also allows for management to allow their employees to know what ethical behavior is expected of them (McNamara, 1997). Forgiveness within a company fosters an amenable environment. To err is human and where there are several people involved, there will be mistakes made. It is important that mistakes be recognized as such and be let go off, not bringing them up to the surface whenever there is a disagreement (McNamara, 1997).If a company is to succeed in instilling ethics in its employees, it must develop an appropriate code of conduct. There are essentials that are applied in outlining the code of conduct to be used by the company as guiding its ethical principles (McNamara, 1997). The management has to identify the key behaviors that it wants its employees to develop and then comprise in the code of conduct. When writing out a code of conduct, use wording that stipulates that the code is to rehearse to all employees (McNamara, 199 7).Before implementing the code of conduct, management should obtain opinions from key people on its workability and its practicality. Management has to distribute written copies of the code to employees so that they do not give the excuse of ignorance if they are caught in acts that go against recommended behavior (McNamara, 1997). In conclusion, cultivating a healthy working environment is of the greatest essence but it is a challenging task that is full of pitfalls. The employer is charged with this multi faceted task that with the proper guidelines he or she can achieve with minimum damage.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Assessing what appears to be the use of LAMP in Eduardo Gamarra’s CVA

In January 2003, Eduardo Gamarra and his research team exercise out to lend their pro and academic expertise in mitigating the prob sufficient causes of Bolivian competitivenesss through the Conflict Vulnerability Assessment or throw of Bolivia (Gamarra, 2003, p. 1). Assessing the possible causes of battles in Bolivia will stop the ongoing threats to countrywide instability.The Bolivian instability whitethorn affirm started and peeked during the 2002 elections where parties started to clamor for position by entering into party coalitions due to this, the majority vote that should possess been echoed as the Bolivian democracy has been counterproductive to insure the satisfaction of party coalition based interests (Gamarra, 2003, p. 4). done the slash, Gamarra deems that it is possible to predict possible events that could turn into violent confrontations by taking into account the premises set by the baffle Bolivian political landscape.In relation to the primary(prenominal) objectives of this research paper, Eduardo Gamarras preemptive and prognostic research to address future Bolivian encounters will be assessed through the methodological analysis that Gamarra employed in his research. As of this point, Gamarras slash appears to employ prophetical methodologies in its attempts to prevent the occurrence of violent confrontations in Bolivia. Furtherto a greater extent, throw appears to follow conventions of predictive research such as those imposed in LAMP. As the centralise of this research paper, Lockwood Analytical Method of Prediction (LAMP) is one of the widely utilize predictive research methodologies (LAMP, 2010, p.n. pag. ). This methodology offers a new methodological approach from the conventional quantity based projections in predictive researches (LAMP, 2010, p. n. pag. ). LAMP raft be assumed as the methodology used by Gamarra in CVA since CVA is besides elevatedly predictive in terms of its generalizations. This research paper wi ll assess whether Gamarras CVA as a predictive work follows the guidelines set by LAMP. By qualifying the CVA move and foci with the dozen steps prescribed in LAMP, this paper seeks to fulfill its objective and deems that a definitive conclusion is possible to arrive at. Gamarra as a follower of LAMP as seen in his CVATo conclusively qualify whether Gamarra used the LAMP method in writing the CVA would require the tedious work of identifying whether the part of the LAMP be present in the CVA. This task is impeded by the fact that the final format of the CVA does not halt the same labels as the LAMP at least not as blatant. However, the idea that Gamarra used the LAMP in his CVA give the bounce be seen through the parts that his CVA put so much attention on (which follows LAMP prescriptions). These parts appears to have been presented in the CVA these parts entails almost fifty dollar bill percent conformity to the prescribe methodology in LAMP.In the whole CVA, the issue tha t holds the most bearing is the mitigation and prevention of conflicts in Bolivia. Gamarra and his team was more than solid in reiterating that the CVA will focus on Bolivia as a conflict prone country. This is the reason why Gamarra and his team spent a lot of time in onerous to predict the possibilities of the occurrence of conflicts. Through the extensive research facts presented in the paper, it can even be express that the whole CVA seeks to answer one primary question, What atomic number 18 the probable reasons that would cause conflicts to arise in Bolivia? The CVA tried to find the answer for this question by grouping the conflicts in Bolivia in v major classifications, institutional, economic, land, coca/cocaine, and citizen and public surety (Gamarra, 2003, p. 4). In the CVA, Gamarra and his team identified two major actors that can very much affect the outcome of the conflict resolution and mitigation in Bolivia- government and opposition. The MNR or Nationalist Revo lutionary Movement represents the government while the MAS or Movimiento al Socialismo leads the opposition. CVA attri justed that these parties are the main actors in the Bolivian politics and conflicts.Misunderstandings and apathy between these two parties can easily translate the unshakable political divide to violent confrontations (Gamarra, 2003, p. 4). However, the CVA did not dismiss the possibility that the 2002 elections can also reform the conflict situation through these parties (Gamarra, 2003, p. 4). The government and the opposition perceive the issues of conflict in terms of their participations on the issues. The government side pride themselves in terms of the inter subject field economic and security support it has (Gamarra, 2003, p. 6).On the opposite hand, the opposition takes pride in the intermediation they are able to contribute to the conflict resolution transition (Gamarra, 2003, p. 6). In the CVA Gamarra and his team provided contextualizing facts that w ould put the MAS led opposition and MNR led government in their places in the conflict situation. This attempt can be seen with the graphical representation that Gamarra and his team presented to betoken the divided opinions of the national actors regarding the appropriate type of government in Bolivia (Gamarra, 2003, p. 14).Gamarra further contextualized the conflicts in terms of the partisan opinion in considering the plausibility of military uprising (coup detat) in installing new types of government that parties see as more fitting to Bolivia (Gamarra, 2003, p. 12). Even if Gamarra and his team are loyal to LAMP in these parts of CVA, there are other parts of CVA that show that the CVA was not exclusively written through LAMP. The Contradictions, Shortcomings and Disloyalties of CVA to LAMP As said earlier, the CVA appears to be written through the LAMP this can hold for the almost fifty percent of the CVA.However, in terms of the data gathering and presentation part of the CVA Gamarra and his team took a different path apart from LAMP. This claim can be supported with the different formulation of the conflict scenarios in the CVA when compared to the LAMP. In LAMP, the permutations of the alternative futures (z) follow a strict formula XY=Z that is pertinacious by the number of actors (x) and the rime of major scenarios (y) (LAMP, 2010, p. n. pag. ). The formula basis of LAMP insures uniformity in terms of the numbers of scenarios that would be required in predicting through certain national actors.In the CVA there are cardinal major scenarios provided (counter narcotics, political institutions, citizen and public security, economic theater of operations and land ownership). Raising the two identified actors by the quin major scenarios will require thirty-two scenarios. On the other hand, the CVA was only able to provide 16 scenarios under the five major scenarios. Another shortcoming of the CVA was its failure to treat proper pair wise comparison among the scenarios this resulted to different scenarios provided under the five major scenarios.The scenarios of citizen and public security have four scenarios as compared to the three scenarios of all of the remaining major scenarios (counter- narcotics, political institutions, economic arena and land ownership. Due to the absence of a pair wise comparing mechanism, the CVA also lacks the qualifications of probabilities that are determined through votes from comparing pair wise. These characteristics of the CVA deviated by twenty- five percent from the total twelve steps prescribed in LAMP.On the other hand, CVA delivered the remaining twenty-five percent of LAMP in accordance to the prescriptions of LAMP. Gamarra and his team provided the needed information to establish consequential analysis, which the step 9 of LAMP prescribed. The steps 10, 11 and 12 are also included in the CVA through the imaginative conclusion presented in the CVA. The high dependency rate of the Gamarra a nd his teams conclusion with the numbers presented by the graphical representations follow the predictive nature of LAMP. Conclusion and RecommendationsTaking into account all of the investigations presented in this research paper it can be think that the Conflict Vulnerability Assessment of Bolivia is a hybrid research in terms of the methodologies it employed. The seventy five percent of the CVA was written in accordance with LAMP, but the twenty five percent of CVA does not coincide with the duodecimal requirements of LAMP. The difference between LAMP and the methodology employed in CVA does not imply that the CVA is a failed predictive research. CVAs use of different methods only show the flexibility that Gamarra and his team sought to establish in the CVA.Given this conclusion, this paper would recommend improvements for the two major aspects of the CVA- social system and methodology. It is recommendable that the CVA would use a paper structure or format that is more accessi ble in answering specific aspects of predictive research. The current arrangement of the CVA tends to make the issue of Bolivian conflict too broad to discuss and even solve. The discussions without the recommended segmentation appear not only to be reiterating but also to be too general since the reference focal points overlap each other (as seen in the presentation of the scenarios).On the other hand, the methodology employed with the CVA appears to be improvable in terms of make the quantitative aspect of the methodology isolated and only catered as additional empirical references. A qualitative research method is probably more fitting to the undeniable culture sensitive and politics sloshed conflicts in Bolivia. Eduardo Gamarra and his team could have broken away from the conventions of quantitative predictive research by providing more vivid narrative accounts of the current and predicted conflict situations instead of standing on the methodological position of LAMP.The quant itative elaborateness in LAMP makes the quantitative shortcomings in CVA either half-truths or irrelevant both probabilities could have avoided if the CVA was treated as a qualitative research. Bibliography Gamarra, E. A. (2003). Conflict Vulnerability Assessment Bolivia. Retrieved August 5, 2010, from www. digitalcommons. flu. edu http//digitalcommons. fiu. edu/cgi/viewcontent. cgi? obligate=1002&context=laccwps LAMP. (2010). The Application of LAMP. Retrieved August 5, 2010, from www. lamp-method. org http//www. lamp-method. org/2. html

Saturday, May 18, 2019

EBay Business Ethics

One intimacy you boast to understand is EBay is a company in business to make m acey. They offer a product that is one of the best in the industry. When Bidders exhibit linked EBays site to different online auctions they attempted to level the play field unfairly by letting all of EBays competition see what type of set is out there. By doing this they gave EBays competition an unfair competitive edge to match prices. They also open the user names and information of some of EBays customers.If EBay made certain changes to their website or the way they do things other auctions on Bidders Edge website could perplex made those changes as well. This is not resembling the competition in the midst of two grocery stores. If one store matches the prices of another it will not result in situations like computer servers being overloaded or one store putting the other out of business. If Bidders Edge was allowed to cling on to EBays website this would have opened doors for many others t o do the same and it possibly could have driven EBay out of business or caused them serious profit losses.EBay was within their rights to protect themselves. It would be in your best interest to create your dating site to be unique to your individual clientele. The last thing you want to do is link singles from other sites like eharmony. com to yours. Im sure if you did this you would be on the wrong end of a similar law suit. Show your individualism and do your give birth things dont rely so much on what your competition is doing. Make yourself stand out.When you tone of voice at traditional trespass it is an unlawful act causing injury to a person, property, or rights of another. This could be committed with force or violence, actual or applied. This appears to just cover items like furniture or jewelry, or even stock and bonds. This was tricky for the ruling in the State of California because it had to do with parley over the internet. Can you really cause injury over communic ation via electronic means? This is what EBay had to prove.This is what was several(predicate) in the state of California from the original definition of traditional trespass. Since Bidders Edge was communicating with EBays servers without EBays permission they could have caused injury to EBay by impacting their day to day operation. If Bidders Edge won this case other companies would have been able to pick EBay apart. I trust you will use this information wisely when acquire your dating site up and running. Good luck in your future endeavors and feel free to netmail me if you have additional questions.

Friday, May 17, 2019

Dove and Manchester United †the Effectiveness of the Marketing Concepts and Principals Essay

I consecrate been asked to produce a clear cook of nones to go with my presentation of come down and Manchester united fully comparing the rough-and-readyness of the marketing concepts and principals.First of all told I am red ink to start comparing the similarities of the aims of the two businesses. This is that Manchester United inadequacys to become the best football game parlia mentary law on and off the pitch. Dove has a similar aim which is trying to grow its strike out of the existing truelove campaign for women. This volition be effective for both branding companies as they will become one of the top sellers when it comes to future high standards.PromotionSame- Manchester United and Dove communicate the forwarding of their return by victimisation the media like for e.g. TV. This leads to attracting to a greater extent of the public ho occasionholds. An other(a) technique used to fight their product is by In-Store displays, this leads to attracting customer s as comfortably as communicating where the item is dismission to be exchange at. They both also promote on their websites this leads to more information on that product as well as other products of their brand being available.Different- The communication through TV can be unlike as Manchester United have their own channel called MUTV, whereas, Dove wholly provide a 5 minute advertisement on their product. The two different methods that Manchester united use are the pitch and the players themselves this is because a football club is part of leisure/ hobbies. This leads to fans seeing more of the product. Dove uses magazines to promote their Pro-Age product as this leads to attracting more females as this product is part of a real women campaign who are aged everywhere 40.Effectiveness- Dove is effective in reaching its intent market as they communicate the product using many ways of the media as they know that every household has at least one juvenile technology item so the message will definitely reach the conduct market.PlaceSame- both Dove and Manchester united sell their products/services in the high routes because they know most of the public defecate there. This leads to customers not having to travel long distances for the items they require. This is the only same technique both Dove and Manchester united use to sell their products. Dove- supermarkets- Boots, Super drugs, etc. Manchester united- Nike, JD, JJB, etc.Different- Manchester united sells a huge amount of its products portfolio through its website because it is faster for orders to be made and paid for. The website also allows fans to require information of the products sold and some other reason it is suppress is because the public (fans) know that the goods they have bought are original not copies. Dove does not recomm balance this method because it would refer for a heroic postal charge as depended on the weight of the product/s.Effectiveness- Doves choice of place to sell t he product is very effective because it is in the high pass where the local public go, so this leads to people not having to travel further than there high street to buy the product so they are what tend to be happy customers. This also would be recommended to other females so the brand gains more profit and this leads to having to manufacture and sell more of that product.Manchester united has chosen an effective place which is via their website. It is effective because this way customers get a wider figure of items to choose from and buy. So this leads to selling more merchandise as people will want to buy more of their products e.g. if a person cherished to buy a mug and saw a larger variety of products then they will end up buying a lot more like for model buying an extra island of Jersey and an extra mouse mat to go with their computer.PriceSame- Doves pricing strategy for the Pro-Age product would be from 2-15 depending entirely on the manufacturing size of the product li ke for example 15ml/ 30ml. They understand that the product is aimed at households with real women of all ages everywhere 40 and all different ethnicitys/ backgrounds. This also would depend on the same products pricing but of a different brand like for example Nivea, this would lead to competitors hurts dropping to match or under-cutting the other brands so that the competition increases between all the leading brands.Manchester united, however, have to bastardly their product pricing at a fixed rate with the competitors club/ business because fans will not be happy and will end up in an argument. The pricing depends on the individual progress to and number on the back of the t-shirt like for example Ronaldo- number 7 would be at the highest fixed rate as he is the best player for Manchester united. The prices vary from 46-57 after(prenominal) that.Appropriate- Doves pricing is appropriate as it is used as a daily product so disbursal 2-15 for a product is reasonable in this case.Manchester uniteds pricing is also appropriate as they are popular to their fans especially and they have set their aim of fair the best football club on and off the pitch so this would lead to gaining more profit.ProductType- Dove manufactures their products for beauty range of women. These are not just a limited type of women these are women of all shapes and sizes, ethnicity and age over 40. The beauty products of Dove are required for every household as it is a leading brand product but it is also a product that helps allow women to pamper themselves and look after their skin.Manchester united, on the other hand, manufactures and sells their products to fans of the football club as this method shows the players and other fans supporting competitors that Manchester united has got a large supporting fan stand showing wisdom to their team. This leads to helping Manchester united to achieve their aim of becoming the best football club on and off the pitch.Range- The range of products from Dove varies around the 100 real women beauty campaign. This is because they are focusing on achieving their aim which is to grow its brand in the real beauty campaign.Whereas, Manchester united set out a larger variety of products because they want to keep ahead of the fight by producing a lot more products but keeping a fixed rate on prices, this leads to fans expecting more products being purchased into the market and spending more money this helps Manchester united increasing the percentage of profits.Compare- two Manchester united and Dove want to be a successful brand focusing on their target market. They produce and manufacture a whole range of products developing their ideas to make them suitable for the target market. The only difference is that the target market for each individual brand are different towards one another as Dove target women over 40 and Manchester united target both boy/men and girls/women who are into football as part of either leisure tim e or as a hobby.Effectiveness- Dove is effective in producing the appropriate product range and type as they know just now who their target market is. This helps them develop their ideas because the testing of the product helps the brand understand if their product is suitable for these women in the public or if it actually inescapably to be developed meeting the customers needs and wants from the product.Manchester united is effective in producing the correct range and type of products as well because they know who their target market is but the difference between Manchester united and Dove is that Manchester united has a fan base with all ages and also it targets men as well as women.I am now going to go onto comparing how Manchester united and Dove apply to the 4 principals of marketing to their products effectively. Then I going to go onto which of the two businesses has applied to the marketing principals effectively.Manchester united- for this I am going to give you an examp le of either a product/ service. So I have decided that my example will be of a service which is accommodating events like for example weddings, birthdays, etc.1. The first one is the understanding of the needs and wants of the consumer. Manchester United would do this by communicating with the customer between the date that they came to see the accommodation and the date they want to use the accommodation for their event so in between that time they have to look after the customers wants and needs like for example the customer wants a wedding and the colour theme is white and wiretap so they have to give feedback to each other if there are any problems and if everything is going agree to plan.2. The second one would be keeping ahead of competition. They would do this by providing their accommodation at a cheaper price that others or by simply providing more quantity for the same price. Like for example if the price was for a particular amount of people say for example 350 then fo r the same price they can allow 420 people to come so that their reputation becomes higher than other accommodations3. The third pattern of marketing for the business would be the effective communication with consumers. This means that Manchester United as Old Trafford would have to contact the customers who are locating their event at the accommodation intercommunicate them of any problems and also informing the customers if their needs and wants are being responded to.4. The final principle for Manchester United Old Trafford would be the need of Utilising forward-looking technology for the customers and the employees at Manchester United. This would lead to all work being completed faster and if there are any changes to be made for the event then the whole description does not need to be re-written.