Monday, August 24, 2020

South America Essay Example

South America Essay Despite the fact that industrialization is interchangeable with progress, in the cutting edge world it has likewise been the reason for some progressions of vitality and regular assets example of human settlement, social and financial setting of wellbeing and in the normal natural constituents. There have been such a large number of occasions in South America where lives have been lost, wellbeing harmed and genuine wounds caused in light of the fact that natural dangers have been disregarded or the distinguishing proof of perils has taken excessively long. By comprehension and distinguishing the dangers early and setting up methods of surveying and controlling existing and new natural perils benefits related with modernization might be appreciated without corruption of ecological conditions.These days South America is confronting different ecological issues. Among a few reasons for natural contamination three significant causes affecting the earth of South America are1.â â â â â â â â â â â â â â Air pollution2.â â â â â â â â â â â â â â Water pollution3.â â â â â â â â â â â â â â Misuse of composts insecticides.(Lamb, 2006, 145, 1)Air pollutionAir contamination is a difficult issue which South America has looked for a considerable length of time. Because of air contamination level of oxygen in air is diminishing step by step. Thus expanding number of individuals is experiencing lung issues. Harmful gases in environment are murdering little creatures winged animal sand affecting human lives. The precipitation territories in businesses have scathing fumes these reason skin issues. In certain enterprises individuals work in fluoride condition .Continuous introduction to fluoride prompts an illness Fluoric in which bones and teeth are affected. Air contamination is likewise throwing radical impact in vegetation of South America. The aftereffect of which is similarly less and sporadic precipitation, which again causes dryness and shortage of water. These causes soil disintegration in light of which fruitfulness of land decreases bringing about more loss of vegetation. The modern territories of South America like Brazil, Argentina, and Uruguay seriously experience the ill effects of air and water pollution.South American nations have immense stores of mineral assets. Argentina has large amounts of store of coal, lead, copper and so forth, Columbia is a main provider of emerald, and Venezuela leads underway and fare of oil outside Middle East, Venezuela positions eighth on the planet underway of jewels. Mining is one of the significant occupations in nations of South America. Major ecological effects of mining activities are: (I) debasement of land; (ii) contamination of surface and ground water assets; (iii) contamination of air. (iv) Deforestation including loss of greenery; (v) recovery of affected populace including ancestral; (vi) impacts in chronicled landmarks and strict places.Prime reasons for Air contamination are follows1.â â â â â â â â â â â â â â Poisonsâ bases lice Sulfure dioxyde, Nitrogã ¨ne oxydes, unpredictable hydro-carbons, etc.2.â â â â â â â â â â â â â â Carbon monoxidesâ and other Poisonousâ gases transmitting from factories3.â â â â â â â â â â â â â â  Carbon dioxide producing from processing plants when crude materials or fuel is scorched increments worldwide warming.4.â â â â â â â â â â â â â â The Ozone layer in our air is continually being affected by cfcs and pressurized canned products discharged by electronic merchandise like fridges, forced air systems and Foam blowing factories.5.â â â â â â â â â â â â â â Methane gas emanating from open trash additionally contribute in expanding worldwide worming. (Sheep, 2006, 199, 1-6)Water pollutionDue to water contamination lives of oceanic plants and creatures are antagonistically influenced. Passings because of wate r conceived illnesses are expanding step by step in South America.Poisonous sewage squanders, plastic parcels tossed in water bodies are murdering oceanic plants and animals.There are different reasons for water contamination, for example, squanders running from ventures and industrial facilities, septic tanks, oil emission from water vehicles, squanders from building destinations and so forth tossed in water bodies. The waterways on South Americaâ like Amazon , Parana , Uruguay , Salvadoâ streaming in mechanical zones of Argentina , Brazil getsâ exceptionally dirtied with toxic squanders tossed from ventures. Harmful pesticides utilized in agrarian territories get disintegrated in ground water and impacts human and creature wellbeing unsafely. Mineral removed connect with ground and surface water along these lines dirtying water assets. Loss of top soil because of deforestation additionally drains ground water assets and results in evaporating of enduring sources like springs and streams particularly in slope territories. (Sheep, 2006, 121, 1)Environmental contamination because of abuse of manures and pesticidesIn South America due to urbanizationâ â accessibility of agrarian terrains has diminished. To adapt up to this issue expanding yield significantly was fundamental. To satisfy this reason utilization of manures and pesticides are expanding step by step. Pesticides can be partitioned into three subgroups to be specific Insecticides, Fungicides Herbicides. Bug sprays include Chlorine, Phosphorous, Carbonate synthetic compounds, for example, DDT, Aldrin and so on. Herbicides are commonly utilized for controlling development of weeds. These reason less mischief to nature than bug sprays. Case of Herbicides is Atrazine, Propachlor and so on. Herbicides don't leave long haul impact on soil. Fungicides are generally utilized in vegetable ranches and plantations. The elements, for example, soil type, profundity of water table, downpour fall penetration and determination of compound in soil decide the passage of any pesticide in ground water. Some water solvent pesticides get broke up in ground water and go into food and impact human and creature wellbeing. A few pesticides contain fragrant mixes which don't get corrupted effectively in the wake of washing leafy foods. These pesticides alongside food cause wellbeing risks. Water solvent pesticides cause malignant growth, birth deformities and quality transformation. The greater part of the horticultural territories of South America lie in Brazil. Brazil, the biggest nation of South America having 8,511,965 sq km zone is principally a farming nation. Farming records for about 9% of GDP. In certain territories of Brazil on the banks of Amazon River still crude strategies for agribusiness are followed.â Use of manures and pesticides are restricted in these regions. Be that as it may, in beach front territories of Brazil and Argentina, on banks of waterways Parana , Uruguayâ and S alvado present day procedures of farming are followed. Here manures and bug sprays are utilized broadly. (Sheep, 2006, 201, 2-7)Suitable solutions for control natural pollutionThere are a few different ways to lessen ecological pollution.Plantation of trees diminishes air contamination. Trees retain Carbon Dioxideâ â and give out oxygen. This keeps up environmental equilibrium.Industrial contamination can be diminished by following steps.Applying cleaner creation implies methodicallly tending to all periods of the creation procedure and item life-cycle. Cleaner creation includes vitality and crude material protection, decrease in the utilization of poisonous substances and item and procedure changes that diminish squanders and contaminations recently delivered. Every one of these choices have a similar point, to lessen the danger of human and the earth from modern Activities and utilization, and to do as such in the most financially savvy way imaginable. Just the control techniqu es, end-of-pipe (EOP) devises were formulated to take care of the issues of contaminated surface waters , inebriated air and different consequences of modern turns of events. EOP squanders, additionally less unsafe than the crude squanders .Reducing household squanders in another approach to forestall ecological contamination. Squander the board incorporates taking measures with the goal that trash are not left open, reusing of waste items which fills both the needs ofâ sparing assets and lessening ecological contamination. For example, reusing plastic sacks, bottles and so forth , planning paper and composts from trash. The way toward making manures from house hold squanders is called treating the soil. The manures in this procedure progressively helpful in expanding soil ripeness. Help of non benefit associations could be taken for this reason. Specialized ability could be taken from different nations in planning machines to unravel this purpose.To decrease water contamination L lma fertilizer can be utilized . This procedure is utilized in tin and silver mines of Bolivia to treat releasing toxic waters. In this procedure contaminated water is gone through fertilizer beds of limestone and compost. Microscopic organisms living in this compost retain acids in polluter water making it basic. It was created by Professor Paul Younger, educator of Hydro compound Engineering at Newcastle University. U.K. Lima excrement is accessible in copious amounts in South America, creature cultivation being one of boss callings there.Another method of decreasing water contamination is collecting fish and clams. These assimilate metal substance in water. Sea-going plants additionally fill this need. (Lord, 2006, 119, 4)Measures taken by Government of India to tackle natural problemsTo decrease ecological contamination as per the Forth Multi year plan a board of trustees set up in January 1980, for looking into the current authoritative measures and managerial hardware for g uaranteeing natural assurance and for prescribing approaches to reinforce them. In 1985 Ministry Of Environment And Forest was formedâ to fill in as the point of convergence in the managerial structure for the arranging , advancement and coordination of ecological and ranger service programs. Numerous institutions identified with assurance of condition presently being managed by focal and state governments. For example, The Water ( anticipation and control of contamination ) Act,1974; The Air ( avoidance and control of contamination ) Act,1981;â Th

Saturday, August 22, 2020

4 Tips to Sneak Soft Skills in Your Resume

4 Tips to Sneak Soft Skills in Your Resume What should your resume resembles? There are a lot of standard resume tips and resume best practicesâ out there, yet just a couple gives significant tips. Here are some canny tips you can join delicate abilities into your resume. It’s frequently simpler to simply list your last five situations than to consider innovative approaches to sell your character, yet think about these means to incorporate delicate aptitudes into your resume! 1. Utilize Soft Skills Mentioned in the Job PostingWhen in question, consistently reap from the advertisement that revealed to you the activity was accessible! Chances are they’ll notice â€Å"detailsWhenever you’re stuck, think about the STAR technique â€Å"Situation, Task, Action, Result†-to back up what you did, how you did it, and why it matters.Situation: â€Å"As the clinical clinic’s head receptionist†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Tasks: â€Å"†¦responsibilities included looking after calendars, controlling admini strative work, documenting arrangement records†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Action: â€Å"†¦.and building up an organized way to deal with the coordination of care between offices.†Result: â€Å"This planning framework has now been embraced by each of the five centers in the structure and encourages more clear correspondence and speedier clinical consideration over the clinic.†4. Feature Your Leadership QualitiesEmphasize the jobs wherein you’ve managed others, created leader conventions or approaches, or featured significant activities! By and by, ensure you haveâ specific guides to help each example. In the event that you make it to the meeting, you’ll need to outline your claimsâ with quantitative experience.

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Make Homemade Playdough for Your Classroom

Make Homemade Playdough for Your Classroom Homemade playdough is easy (and fun!) to make! Save yourself some time and money at the craft store and try out these quick and easy playdough recipes using ingredients you probably already have in your pantry. Here’s what you’ll need to get started: • 1 cup water • 1 tablespoon vegetable oil • 1/2 cup salt • 1 tablespoon cream of tartar • Food coloring • Saucepan • 1 cup flour • Plastic gloves • Food coloring Instructions: 1. Combine water, oil, salt, cream of tartar, and food coloring in a saucepan and heat until warm. 2. Remove from heat and add flour. 3. Stir, then knead until smooth. The cream of tartar makes this dough last 6 months or longer, so resist the temptation to omit this ingredient if you don't have it on hand. 4. Separate the dough into several balls. 5. Put on your plastic gloves. 6. Add 3 or 4 drops of food coloring to each ball. 7. Knead the dough until the food coloring is blended. Add more food coloring for more vivid colors. 8. You’re ready to get creative! Themes: Back to School (426) Add to Favorites CREATE NEW FOLDER CancelManage My Favorites

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Is Modern Hip Hop Music - 965 Words

Within the last two decades, young Native Americans have chosen to express themselves through the lyrical broadcast that is modern hip hop music. Not many substantial records of Native American Hip Hop exist before the founding of popular internet websites such as RedHipHop went up on the internet in 1999 and disappeared in 2003. The web site connected users with hip hop blogs and downloadable MP3s. (RED HIPHOP) Soon after, went up and began to gain traction. Due to the increasing adoption of the internet and hosting sites like YouTube, NativeHipHop has held a long record of frequent visitors and consistent updates. For example, on November 4th 2014 was updated with a new song representing the Cree Nation. (Native Hip This song features multiple artists of both genders and illustrates a narrative about their lives. The song received over 8000 page views in the first two weeks of being online. (â€Å"I BELIEVE†)The web s ite didn’t upload the song themselves, but instead linked users to a YouTube video where the artist uploaded it on their own. While other locations discuss Native American hip hop, it’s better to discuss the message of the music itself. Young Native Americans are utilizing cultures of the future to reflect on the present. Using modern hip hop music gives young natives a worldwide stage to converse with today’s society about what it means to be Native American. Whenever a new idea comes into our world, itShow MoreRelatedHip Hop And Its Influence On American Culture1008 Words   |  5 PagesExpression Music has inspired and touched the lives of many aspiring hip hop artists which makes it one of the most influential culture in American. Hip hop has become one of the most vital, and profitable, forces in popular culture. Hip hop beats have influenced popular music genres from rock to jazz to reggae. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay Overview of Dementia - 1381 Words

Dementia is a syndrome, which is usually of a chronic or progressive nature, which causes deterioration in cognitive function. It goes beyond what is expected from normal aging. It causes changes in what you remember, like appointments, or phone numbers. It may cause you to get lost in a familiar setting like driving to the grocery store. You may not be able to balance your checkbook or add up your points in a card game. Communication becomes difficult; as you cannot find the words you want to say. Your personality may change, you may become paranoid, be crabby or short tempered, and you may say or do inappropriate things or laugh when nothing is funny. Dementia is one of the major causes of disability and dependency among older people†¦show more content†¦Even though people with dementia can stay fully conscious, they have loss of short and long-term memory partially or in full. These people may also have difficulty expressing themselves or making themselves understood. They may not be able to follow patterns or recipes even though they may have hundreds of times before. They may not realize what time it is or what season it is. They may even get lost on the way home from the grocery store. The majority of dementia is not inherited, but it depends a lot on the particular cause of dementia. Some rare causes of dementia are inherited, like Huntington’s disease. â€Å"This is an ‘autosomal dominant’ disease, which means that only one faulty copy of the gene is needed to inherit the disease† (Living with dementia magazine April 2009 n.d). If someone had an inherited disease and lived long enough, they could pass it on and it wouldn’t skip a generation. Dementia affects each person in a different way, depending on the impact of the disease and the person’s personality before he/she became ill. The signs and symptoms that are linked to dementia can be understood in three stages. There are the early stages, middle stages, and late stages. The early stages of dementia are almost always overlooked since the onset is gradual. The symptoms are familiar to us all, like misplacing items, forgetting appointments not being aware of the time. As dementia reaches the middle stage, theShow MoreRelatedOverview of Dementia Essay988 Words   |  4 PagesIntroduction Margaret is a 77 year old who has a diagnosis of dementia and type 2 diabetes mellitus. She has been recently separated from her daughter who was her primary carer and her husband who were both unable to cope with her agitated behaviour. Margaret now resides in an age care facility. Margaret’s mental and emotional health is a cause for concern and the family are upset and are struggling with feelings of guilt and anger. 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Dementia occurs in different stages in this paper we are going to be discussing late stage dementia, and the end stage. The effect that dementia has on a person’s nutritional status. Why is the dementia patient more at risk for malnutrition? Things we as healthRead MoreThe Stages and Treatments of Alzheimer’s Disease Essay925 Words   |  4 Pagesdo not know exactly what causes Alzheimer’s, but scientists say the disease develops a complex series of events that take place in the brain over a long period of time (3). Alzheimer’s is known to cause dementia with older people. Dementia is the loss of thinking, remembering, and reasoning. Dementia affects daily life and activities just like Alzheimer’s (â€Å"Alzheimer’s Disease Fact S heet†1). Alzheimer’s is not a normal part of aging, and is not hereditary (Hyde 57). There are three different casesRead More Dementia and Alzheimers Disease Essay examples638 Words   |  3 PagesDementia and Alzheimers During an average lifetime, one can expect to have at least occasional memory lapses from time to time. Usually its something as simple as forgetting what you just did a few minutes ago, forgetting if you turned the stove off, or if you left your keys on the table or in the bathroom counter. Such lapses are relatively normal, but when they become a recurring theme, its a more serious problem. As people age, it is natural for them to experience a mild degree of memoryRead MoreIs Parkinson Disease A Disease?1290 Words   |  6 Pagesit will progressively get worse (Parkinson’s: Overview April 6, 2015). However, it still has not yet shown to be fatal. (National Parkinson Foundation 2015). Diagnosis Doctors who diagnose Parkinson start by performing a physical examination on the patient followed by a detailed discussion of the symptoms and past medical history. During the physical exam the doctor test their reflexes, sensitivity to pain or pressure and agility.(Parkinson: Overview Diagnosis April 6, 2015). If the patient showsRead MoreA Research On Dementia Caregivers853 Words   |  4 PagesSummary: The authors argued this study is an innovation research about dementia caregivers, because researchers collect their data from rural area dementia caregivers who have been long been forgotten, and all those pervious studies are only focusing on service-utilizing population who is affluent white people living at urban, furthermore, pervious findings are fail to address the geographic backgrounds of study participants. And in this cross-sectional research study, authors reach their participants

Educating Special Needs Students Free Essays

When it comes to special education, this belief really needs to be a true one because special education teachers will have to deal not only with behavioral students or students with high functioning disabilities but they will also be dealing with autistic students and students with severe intellectual disabilities (Grand Canyon University Course Material 2010). With the basic teaching principle â€Å"all students can learn†, teachers will enable themselves to find ways to help the students in learning social and life skills, get prepared to be independent, get a job and to enjoy quality of life regardless of their disabilities (Grand Canyon University Course Material 2010). Individuals with disabilities can show their frustration with anger, they can feel hopelessness, helplessness and have a sensation of disgust, fear and pity. We will write a custom essay sample on Educating Special Needs Students or any similar topic only for you Order Now Many times advocates, educators and even professionals fail by countermanding individuals with disabilities by not properly identifying the intellectual disability. The American Association on Intellectual Developmental Disability (AID, 2008) explains that Intellectual disability is defined as sub-average intellectual functioning but it also should include â€Å"resultant deficits in adaptive behaviors and its occurrence during the developmental period† (Grand Canyon Leistering Course Material 2010). All three conditions must be present in order to determine that intellectual disability is present in the individual. Sub-average intellectual functioning offers to intelligence which is consider as a hypothetical construct difficult to define and is tested with a method called Intelligence Quotient or IQ which consists of several questions and problem solving that gives scores up to 100. Adaptive behavior refers as to the ability of the individual adaptation to the environment and the changes that may come with it. And the third characteristic is the occurrence of a traumatic event which happens to an individual during the developmental period which is before turning 18. IQ tests are considered a reliable source of information but according to IDEA 004, â€Å"IQ scores can’t be considered the determinant of intellectual disability. Individual personal characteristics and circumstances, cultural bias and low correlation between IQ tests remain issues; moreover a person’s IQ changes over time and data over the test provides little and inaccurate information for instruction. Consequently, other definitions focus on individualized needs for supports†. According to AID (2008) causes of intellectual disabilities which happens during the developmental period, may include maternal infections like rubella, syphilis and taxonomists also because of intoxication’s like rugs, alcohol, environmental hazards and incompetent blood type transfusions. Chromosomal abnormalities like Downs syndrome. Among others (Grand Canyon University Course Material 2010). Protecting Workers with Developmental Disabilities PAD (n. . ) say that people with mild disabilities can learn academics and vocational skills, those with moderate to severe disabilities can learn basic safe hygiene and self care skills along with social and communication skills and those with profound developmental skills can learn self care skills as well but they may need constant supervision and care†. The majority of the persons with disabilities are capable of learning, develop and grow, an d they can become great productive an full participative citizens of the community. With appropriate education and accommodated lesson plans all students should be able to learn. One way to teach students with intellectual disabilities is by providing them with real life representing materials which are appropriate and safe for their age as well as interesting. Provide students with information with clear and easy to follow instructions which is revised in a constant basis. Celebrate accomplishments with positive dieback. Whenever possible and according to the seriousness of the disability, try to teach the student is his regular school. Teach students tasks and skills that they will use in real life in a constant basis so they can relate what they learned to the everyday life(Grand Canyon University Course Material 2010). Another intellectual disability is Autism. This disability was first name and recognized in a district in 1943. It is associated with a series of conditions that include According to Autism Society of America (2000) â€Å"Disturbances of developmental rates, and/or sequences, responses to encore stimuli, speech and language as well as cognitive capacities and capacities to relate people, events and objects. This signs appear before the age of three† (Grand Canyon University Course Material 2010). At one time, autism was included in the definition of emotional disturbance. IDEA (2004) defines autism as an inclusion of serious impairments which include, verbal and non-verbal communication and social interaction. According to American Psychiatric Association (2000) â€Å"autism spectrum disorders include a spectrum of that goes from Autistic disorder, Aspirer syndrome, Retest syndrome, a event disorder, distortions, childhood disintegrative disorder, and Pervasive developmental disorder. The characteristics include, apparent sensory deficit or hyper reaction to stimuli, Severe isolation or inability to respond to love and cuddly, self stimulation, tantrums and self abusive behaviors which raise the issue of aversive stimuli, calceolaria and psychotic speech and behavior deficiencies â€Å". The possible causes of autism vary and go from one unfounded theory to an-other but according to well known authorities, causes are not known and but evidence suggests that genetics ND biological factors are key. Very’ little is still known about autism and because of this fact, educators need to be careful in how they treat autistic students. A therapy which is supposed to be appropriate for the treatment of autism is dolphin-assisted therapy. It is recommended to provide autistic students with colored lenses to cure dyslexia and also facilitated communication. Lesson planning is key for educators to have success as teachers and help students succeed as well. Intellectual disabled students need extra help and clear one-on-one instruction but they definitely can learn. How to cite Educating Special Needs Students, Papers

Saturday, April 25, 2020

The Chief Operations Officer’s free essay sample

The Chief Operations Officer’s role focuses on the execution of day-to-day operations and oversight of all the departments; to include morale, welfare, and employee conduct in the company. In order for the company to successfully prepare for an Initial Public Offering we will need to revise the employee handbook, resolve some specific internal employee matters and implement a whistleblower policy. Employment-at-will refers to common law which holds employees that work for an unspecified time period work at the will of their employers and employment can be dismissed any time (Zachary, 2012, p. 25), for good cause, bad cause or no cause, by either the employer or the employee. Some exceptions of dismissal for employment-at-will include discrimination against race, national origin, color, religion, sex, age, and disability, other exceptions are wrongful discharge in violation of public policy or breach of contract, the promise of â€Å"good faith and fair dealing† in a contract of employment or suggesting contractual requirements based off of the company’s handbook or policy statement (Halbert Ingulli, 2012, p. We will write a custom essay sample on The Chief Operations Officer’s or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page 50), and tort whether the policy is found in legislation, constitutions, legal hearings, administrative practices, or other sources (Zachary, 2012, p. 25). The tort law offers the employee the chance to convince a jury to award damages (money awards) for â€Å"wrongful discharge† (Halbert Ingulli, 2012, p. 51). Some state and federal statutes may also prohibit the discharge of employees for their participation in jury duty, filing workers compensation claims, involvement in the union, conducting military duty or certain occurrences in whistle-blowing (Zachary, 2012, p. 21). Our company operates off of voluntary employment; therefore, general counsel reviewed the employment-at-will doctrine and exceptions mentioned above and legal termination is an option for all eight employees based off of either personnel misconduct or violation against our company’s rules and regulations cited in the employee handbook. Table 1, titled, â€Å"Employee Conduct and Rational for Termination or Continued Employment†, illustrates the eight personnel actions under investigation and the decision for termination or continued employment. The decisions to terminate or retain the employees stem from a reflective approach that melds traditional theories and modern theories of ethics. Two particular theories that support the decision are the consequences-based approach which provides the greatest good to the majority of the people, in this case, the company as a whole and the Proactive theory decision based off of recommendations or actions are just from the very start (Harcourt, Hannay, Lam, 2013, p. 312). One of the decision rules from the Proactive theory used is the parity rule which ties all similar actions performed in a similar environment receive the same or similar consequence (Harcourt, et al, 2013, p. 313). If the company is to become successful with the launch of the public offering then employees must be accountable for their actions of misconduct or violations against the company employee handbook. In addition to personnel actions mentioned above, I recommend we adopt a whistleblower policy based off the internal allegations against the accounting department for falsified expense reports and before we take the company public. Implementing a whistleblower policy will provide the employees a voice of the company, reduce monitoring expenses, stimulate additional decision-making (Moberly, 2012, p. 11) among employees, supervisors, and senior management, will protect against illegal conduct and provide greater oversight of company resources and assets (Shackelford, 2009, p. 3). Furthermore, the Securities and Exchange Commission and the New York Stock Exchange issued regulations under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act that listed companies must provide their Codes of Ethics to the public (Moberly, 2012, p. 19). Our commitment to the workforce is to implement a whistleblower policy that focuses on the three fundamental items of clear guidelines, policies, and procedures (Gould, 2009, p. 3) for reporting organizational misconduct. Our whistleblower policy and Code of Ethics should be included in the revised employee handbook, posted on the company website and a hardcopy distributed and signed by each employee. The policy guidelines should contain our objective and scope of the policy so we can address what we want to accomplish (Shackelford, 2009, p. 3). Our policies will indicate that all employees, hourly to senior level management salary employees, are required to report organizational misconduct and to assist in any investigation by law enforcement or regulatory agency. Step-by-step reporting procedures will also be included in the policy. Employees will have the right to submit the report directly to their first line supervisor unless that individual is involved in the matter then report the situation to the next supervisor in the chain. If employees feel uncomfortable using their direct reporting chain then they can submit the report through the company action hotline, anonymously or directly to the audit committee. The individual’s confidentiality will remain as confidential as practicable (Shackelford, 2009, p. 3). Our company encourages the employees to report the wrongdoing internally through the use of our open-door policy or through the various avenues aforementioned rather than blowing the whistle externally. Our company will not tolerate retaliation against employees reporting wrongdoing or whistleblowing. In conclusion, as the Chief Operations Officer, I reviewed the employment-at-will doctrine, conducted and resolved eight thorough employee investigations that required my immediate attention, and provided background information that supports my recommendation on implementing a whistleblower policy prior to our public offering.

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Professional Mission Statement Essays

Professional Mission Statement Essays Professional Mission Statement Essay Professional Mission Statement Essay Each profession differs in the kind of service it provides or the role it fulfills. People go through life looking for meaning and wondering what to do with themselves. Some of them consider factors like wage range, ease of job, and the prestige associated with the title, while some are forced to glide through life taking whatever they can find as long as they survive. I am quite fortunate to have finally discovered that I want to be a teacher specifically for young kids. It is quite the challenge because this is the age bracket that forms and shapes their habits, behaviors, and attitude towards life, people, and education. I love taking on challenges because they inspire me to work harder in achieving goals and most of all I am passionate about working with children. As an aspiring parent, I believe that setting the right foundation is quite essential for the overall development of children. The young ones spend most of their time in schools more than at home, leaving teachers with the responsibility of being their guardians and guides. Therefore, I find fulfillment in knowing that I have taken part in ensuring that children have the right foundation in building their lives. Becoming a teacher is not the hardest task. One only needs to qualify academically and get enrolled in an academic institution. However, being successful at the job is what determines the nature or characteristics of a good teacher. Anyone can be a teacher, but to be a good teacher especially for the young children requires particular skills. First of all, a teacher should be passionate about the art because the passion drives their dedication to the role (Devine, 2013). Without the passion, the instructor may as well give the children the books to learn on their own. A regular teacher is concerned with exchanging knowledge to students, but a passionate one will ensure that they understand and apply the knowledge appropriately. Secondly, an educator should know how to relate to children on their level. It motivates the children to be receptive towards the teacher and comfortable during class. Other skills needed include patience, communication proficiency, confidence, good lead ership, and organization (Devine, 2013). Due to the tasking nature of dealing with young children, I sought to increase my knowledge in other fields instead of focusing on teaching. For example, I took some early development and counseling courses to sharpen my ability to understand and work with children. I have also volunteered to participate in school and community programs dealing with the kids and their welfares. Through active participation, I am aware of issues that these young ones go through outside the school setting, and how these events affect their lives both inside and outside of school. My primary mission is to impart the young ones lives in a wholesome way other than ensuring they succeed at the classroom level. The current education system has failed to provide this experience to children. Schools are more focused on completing the syllabus as per state or national regulations than how education impacts the lives of the children (Sallis, 2014). My goals are also to ensure that the children focus less on com peting and more on developing their talents, and not being afraid to fail at what they want to achieve. I want to teach children to learn how to love themselves so that they avoid future problems like misconduct due to peer pressure or indulging in destructive behavior. The best way to advocate for children as a teacher is by presenting their needs to the relevant stakeholders such as parents, fellow educators, school administrators and the government. Working in public schools is the bigger challenge due to the standards set across all States, inadequate funding, overpopulation, and lack of amenities among other problems faced by public institutions (Ballantine Hammack, 2015). Instead of burdening children with several subjects that have no impact on their current lives, I intend to focus on nurturing their development by teaching them life skills. I will also use different assessment methods instead of using tests to reduce the pressure of learning to cram the syllabus as opposed to understanding it (Devine, 2013). My primary goal is to set aside a small number of children and apply the different education strategy, and after successful implementation, I will use them as proof that the system requires an overhaul. In the event I fail to do s o, I intend to work within my means by impacting the lives of those I can in a given moment. As a Christian, I believe in setting the right foundation from an early age. Just as my faiths doctrine preaches, when you teach a child certain ways while they are still young, they will never part from those ways even when they are fully grown. I am, therefore, spiritually and morally obligated to ensuring that I use my position to create a positive influence in society. Our current civilization requires an overhaul in nurturing and education (Sallis, 2014). The busy and demanding lifestyles have rendered parents unavailable to fulfill their parenting role leaving it to teachers. Some of them are not passionate about their jobs while others lack the capacity to act due to circumstances such as handling several classes at once or working in public schools. It is easy to choose to give up and follow the system when overwhelmed, but I hope my passion for this role gives me the strength to achieve what I want. There is nothing more fulfilling than knowing I played a part in the success of a childs growth. References Ballantine, J., Hammack, F. M. (2015).The sociology of education: A systematic analysis. Routledge. Devine, D., Fahie, D., McGillicuddy, D. (2013). What is goodteaching? Teacher beliefs and practices about their teaching.;Irish Educational Studies,32(1), 83-108. Russell, T., ;Korthagen, F. (2013).;Teachers who teach teachers: Reflections on teacher education. Routledge. Sallis, E. (2014).;Total quality management in education. Routledge.

Sunday, March 1, 2020

10 Ways to be a Great Admin Assistant

10 Ways to be a Great Admin Assistant As a personal or administrative assistant, yours is one of the most important (and undervalued) components of a successful operation. Here are 10 ways to be a great admin assistant and get noticed for all the amazing, crucial work you do.1. Show core competenceThis covers the basics. You should be solid on everything from basic office and organization skills, necessary software, all word processing programs, database creation and management, communication skills, phone manner, spelling, grammar, punctuation, scheduling, payroll, budgeting, report generating, basic accounting, supply ordering, etc., etc. Think of this as your absolute minimum as far as skills and expertise go, then build on it, rather than thinking of it as a rudimentary checklist. You want all these boxes ticked, and well, before you can feel comfortable calling yourself good at your job. Then build on them and get even better and more competent.2. CommunicateThis is an absolutely key and crucial skill for assistants . Don’t just be good at it- be great at it. That’s where your bar should be set. Whether you’re speaking to clients or your boss’s boss on the phone, be personable, charming, and precise. Smile, even when you don’t mean it, and even when no one can see. They’ll be able to hear it in your demeanor and it can make all the difference. Be a pleasure to speak with on the phone and in person. Be someone people are relieved to go to when they have a problem that needs fixing.3. Dot your ‘i’sOrganization and attention to detail are two skills probably already on your resume- and everybody else’s! You must make these the keystones of your entire job outlook. Pay attention. Be meticulous. Find a system that is efficient, common sense based, and works for you. Be the best-oiled machine possible. When you’ve reached optimum efficiency, try and make it even better.4. Manage your timeAnother skill everyone likes to tout on their resumes. But you must absolutely own this one. Half the time you won’t just be managing your time, but your boss’s time. Or the company’s. You’ll have to manage all of this while also managing yourself and your projects and deadlines. Become a master juggler. Know when you can add another log to the fire and when you have to delegate or decline.5. Know your industryIt’s not enough to know your office inside and out. If you’re not thinking past your immediate workspace and your company, you’re only ever going to be an administrative assistant. A lot of industry-specific stuff you can learn on the job. Just make sure you learn fast. Pay attention. Ask questions. Bone up in your free time. After week two, you should be the one answering the questions. After another few weeks, be good enough to be a resource to your boss- rather than the other way around.6. Hone your toolsDepending on what your particular tool box contains, you’ll learn very quickly what you need to know. Whether it’s Quicken or Excel, take a training course, gain Jedi ninja skills that make you a wizard at that tool. There will come a time when your wealth of extra knowledge saves the day.7. Be a consummate professionalDon’t just dress nicely for work and be professional. Dress consistently and perfectly for what you’re doing and who you’re working with. Look good- the more professional you look, the more respect you’ll gain without having to do much at all. And be absolutely steadfast in your commitment to being a professional. This reputation for trustworthiness and respectability will only help you as you go.8. Be trustworthyWhether you’re dealing with twisty office politics or having to mediate concerns between coworkers or you’re just plain listening to people air their troubles, be a vault. Don’t speak ill of anyone behind their back. Earn people’s trust. Maintain integrit y and dignity. And always handle confidential documents, matters, and conversations with the utmost of tact. Be a vault. The trust of your colleagues and superiors is a valuable thing to have.9. Cultivate good judgmentUse all those skills from your undergraduate philosophy class. Hone your reason and critical thinking skills. Learn how to think through problems, anticipate complications and needs. Become deft at knowing how to delegate, whom to ask for help. And learn to do it without a lot of direction from above. Your boss will thank you for putting out so many fires on your own.10. Be a team playerThis sounds cheesy, but it really is a must. Pinch in when you can. Do the job everyone else is batting around like a hot potato. And do it with a smile on your face. You’ll have a bunch of favors you can call in in a pinch. Plus, you’ll impress your boss with your initiative. Try to never utter the words â€Å"but that’s not my job.†

Friday, February 14, 2020

Leith Agency Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Leith Agency - Case Study Example This is clearly evident in the Tennents Lager, a beer brand in Scotland, wherein it had good market share with one out of four pints consumed, but it wasn't popular among younger population. The question why younger lots were not drinking the Tennents Lager was a critical incident and the challenge was to make them believe that it was their brand (Lieth Agency case study). Lieth Agency can identify the critical incidents in the similar manner by analyzing the product and its marketability as in the above mentioned case. It is necessary to assess customer satisfaction as it is the best lead indicator of future loyalty as mentioned by Hill et al (2003:3). It is further stated that customer satisfaction will enable to know whether their expectations have been met, identify priorities for improvement for customer satisfaction and set goals for service improvement and monitor progress against a customer satisfaction index. Customer satisfaction is measure of how your organizations "total product" performs in relation to a set of customer requirements. (Hill et al, 2003:6). Similarly Vavra (1997:3) states that customer satisfaction measurement is formalized, objective tool for assessing how a business treats its clients and employees as well who testify that an organization is quality oriented. In regard to Leith Agency, the company can assess its customer satisfaction through product survey and its improvement index in terms of sales and its market share after the campaign. This will give an insight int o the effect of advertising campaign on the particular product which will in turn help in assessing the customer satisfaction. Merits of Servicescape Framework The concept of a servicescape developed by Booms and Bitner emphasizes the impact of the physical environment in which a service process takes place (Ghanghas,M n.d) wherein it plays an important role, both negative and positive, in customer's impression formation (Lin, 2004:163-178). According to Lin (2004), servicescapes are an important tangible component of the service product that provide clues to customers and create an immediate perpetual image in customers' minds. At Leith Agency, customers can encounter interpersonal servicescape as the company has to provide few ideas and samples of the ad campaign, discuss the changes required and then strike a deal while completing talks in financial matters. The framework plays important roles as package, wherein the customer is allowed to see a sample of their product or what they are going to get, so that client gets what he wants; facilitator, providing equal opportunities for both customers and service employees; socializer, providing cordial and friendly atmosphere to the customers in the office and differentiator, wherein the appearance and ambience of the workplace leaves an overall impression on the customers and provides pleasant atmosphere for its employees to work (Ghanghas, M, n.d).. The merits of servicescapes as mentioned above like package, facilitator, socialzer and differentiator will be helpful to the agency in developing a cordial atmosphere among its employees and making it stand apart from its competitors. Moreover, a difference in the type of working and ambience is itself a creative thinking which may entice the existing and future customers. References 1. CALT Learning (2007)

Saturday, February 1, 2020

The History of Rock and Roll Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The History of Rock and Roll - Essay Example However, crossover music may also be a combination of two dominant styles that are each distinctive. Jerry Lee Lewis' "Great Balls of Fire" went to the top 3 of the C&W, R&B, and Pop charts because it had distinctive elements of all three styles. Musical styles can sometimes be combined into 'fusion' music, such as Rockabilly, that forms a new style but is still considered a form of crossover. Crossover is important because it increases the size of the available audience. This is especially true when radio stations are categorized by genre. An audience will have a loyalty to a certain station and by getting airtime on both a rock station and a country station, the artist has doubled their exposure. This phenomena was critical to 45-RPM record sales in the 1950s. Exposure to new music was through the radio and record sales were directly linked to airtime and radio station promotion. A crossover record could double their sales or as in the case of "Great Balls of Fire", sales could triple. Elvis Presley's musical career peaked in 1960 before he left for the Army. The previous 6 years had an enormous impact on rock and roll that his later career would never have been able to capture. When Elvis signed with Sun Records in 1954, he brought the right ingredients to an environment that meshed perfectly with his style (Stuessy and Lipscomb 36). Rock and Roll had been introduced to a rebellious post war youth in an affluent economy. The 45-RPM record had made music on demand accessible for everyone and it was most popular with the younger audience. To this scene, Elvis brought his unique mix of musical talents. He had a broad range of style from Gospel to hard core Rock and Roll that held a wide appeal (Stuessy and Lipscomb 40). He could successfully blend these styles or use them independently. His physical appearance and performances were just rebellious enough to mirror James Dean and entrance the emerging TV viewers. Elvis was able to dominate the youth culture and explo it the new mediums of recording and television. After his release from the Army, Rock and Roll had taken new directions and had a life of its own. Music was getting more sophisticated and the audiences had generated expectations of a continually changing sound. His 1960s hits "In the Ghetto" and "Suspicious Minds" lacked the spark that had ignited the Rock revolution (Stuessy and Lipscomb 38). They were generic sounds that could have been performed by a dozen other artists. Though he would always remain one of the most popular figures in music, without the early years he would never have reached the success that he has today. A Good 1950s Rock and Roll Song The Rock and Roll of the 1950s was a pulling away from the Big Band era and the crooners of the 1940s. It had to be counter to those sounds. Where Big Band had been highly structured, Rock was required to have little if any structure. This often resulted in songs that were simple and direct with few chords and simple progressions. This was part of Rock's appeal. A good song needed a familiar structure that the audience could immediately relate to. Buddy Holly's "Oh Boy" was built on the I IV V chord progression that had permeated Country and Blues for decades (Stuessy and Lipscomb 30). The successful song would take these familiar progressions and escalate the tempo, timbre, and volume to create a good Rock and Roll

Friday, January 24, 2020

Community Power and Participatory Decision-Making Essay example -- Kar

Critical theory appears unpopular probably because of its ideological bias as claimed by Pease, Form and Rytina (1970). Liebert and Imershein (1977) similarly assert that a common theoretical tendency in community research is a distinctly â€Å"political theme that tends to find the greatest efficacy and power, and indeed the most universal structure of power, to lie in a certain organized diversity, a pluralist state of subsystems within an integrated system of elites† (pp. 191-192). The primary aim of critical theory, as James Bohman (2005) notes, is to thwart oppression. This theory was not only used by incorporating the best tools but more importantly, to critique what is happening within the research context. Since the community studied is Bautista, a resettlement area and which has an existing power structure, a critical analysis and decisional approach were adapted using the case study design to examine the locale. Critical theory questions the structures and it assumes that science is objective and â€Å"value-free†. Its goal is the emancipation of people from domination (Quebral, 1992 as cited in Drilon, 1998). Critical theorists such as Karl Marx and Jà ¼rgen Habermas are critics of unequal social conditions specifically groups that are excluded from power or from free access to information. Thus, critical theorists do more than observe, interpret or describe; they criticize. Looking through the power structure research lens, this theory helped the researcher by asking who benefits from the unequal distribution of power and who are they taking advantage of by focusing on the community issue. In communication, critical scholars have focused on the role of communication in society and on the control of communication... dimension† of his work (Dreyfus & Rabinow, 1982, p. 114). He claims that power and knowledge are not external to each other, but that they operate in a mutually generative fashion, as â€Å"nothing can exist as an element of knowledge if [...] it does not possess the effects of coercion† and as â€Å"nothing can function as a mechanism of power if it is not deployed according to procedures, instruments, means, and objectives which can be validated in more or less coherent systems of knowledge† (Foucault, 1997, p. 52). Thus, rather than to study knowledge and power separately, is â€Å"the nexus of knowledge power† that needs to be described in order to grasp the acceptability of the knowledge power system (p. 53). One needs to analyze the connections between power and knowledge to find out why a certain â€Å"regime of truth† has become acceptable at a given historical moment.

Thursday, January 16, 2020


Lee is unafraid to show emotion, especially when writing about his father or his wife. The images Lee finds, such as the rose and the apple, can refer to the life-span off human. Life (on the tree branch), falling off tree (Life- span), then how death Is portrayed by using the ground as the end of life. Even his father's blindness and death can become beautiful. From what I gathered from the poems in Rose, was Lee grew up in a strong tight-knit family environment.He is not afraid to describe is feelings with colorful adjectives, and has a powerful relationship with his mother and father throughout his poems. It is clear that Lee grew up in an atmosphere where there is a certain level of humility, love of speech, from where he also searched for wisdom understanding. Lie-Young Lee's poems are very beautiful and meditative. The way that Lee captures love & longing, subtle forms of love, nuances of parental relationships, and the sadness and reflection that makes it meaningful and though t provoking to the reader.Lee draws on his own life experience in such a way that readers will wonder if he is ring to extract those experiences from his inner self. While these poems are deeply personal, they are also universal in their appeal. Like a child who possesses a sensual, adult relationship with the world, Lie-Young Lee shines with an open gentleness and delicate Iverson 2 sensitivity. Nothing escapes his keen eye and, as he so greatly illustrates, the greatest art is all around us. Lee's poetry results in a clarification or awakening of feelings that summon the reader's desire to examine his or her feelings, and by examining them, express them.Therefore, by reaching into our own self-awareness, we are able to eek redemption. We forgive ourselves. Young Lee's poetry is lucid in the way he captures the details of living with accuracy and tenderness, it moves the reader to awe . Lee reveals the way our families create who we are in a manner that heals the reader and makes u s examine our own lives. Lee often writes about his father and his own attempt to understand his connection to him and the heritage bestowed on him. Lee also uses many forms of symbolism throughout his work. For example, in â€Å"Dreaming of Hair,† the hair is an evil thread of death.This Lee sees the simple image of his father braiding his mother's hair. Lee's work is filled with these varying symbolic representations of the ordinary. This is one of things that make his work so unique and interesting. The poetry of Lie-Young Lee consists of simple forms that create a natural and earthy feel for the reader. The symbolism and imagery in his work comes from the deep well of experience and Lee writes in a style that gives the reader a sense of his urgency – almost as if Lee is trying to purge himself from what lies within him. Because of this, Rose is a very interesting and thought provoking read.