Thursday, October 31, 2019

Research on Sure Thing by David Ives Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

On Sure Thing by David Ives - Research Paper Example The actions, reactions, beliefs, attitude and character psychology become the most important part of the play and create the definite response that is expected in the play. The concept of Sure Thing is then dependent on the psychological associations and expectations that change throughout the play and are defined by the layers to the character. The main concept that Ives uses to characterize the changes in the psychology is through Betty and Bill and their relationship that grows as they get to know each other. The psychology of the characters and the way that they relate to each other changes when the bell rings. By this occurring, the correct scenario is created in the end, which the author creates as being significant by the statement of â€Å"sure thing.† The bell changing the scene becomes the signifier that is attributed to the play and leads to the main concepts of psychological relationships and how this creates both the play and the relationships which are held betwe en two individuals. The changes in relationship become the stabilizer in the play because of the continuous changes in the character. This is done to define the main attributes of the characters while changing these with acceptance or rejection based on personality (Hauptmann 1). The dimensions of the characters and displays which are created by building continuous changes in identity as a psychological, as opposed to a physical, attribute (Rusko Hamar 509). The concept of character identity expression is one which is traditionally used in places to identify the specific attributes which each individual has. Voice fluctuations, differences in costumes and divisions are used to create the identity. Within each of these are symbols to show that the individual represents a specific set of characteristics, specifically which they never go out of. The personality features are then able to create an understanding that specific psychological attributes are associated with the main classifi cations of the day while building changes that relate only to the main characteristic and identity. This specific concept is used with a variety of plays and is expected as a main component in traditional theater (Rusko Hamar 509). The difference with Ives work is that the same characters are used. The only difference is in how the character chooses to respond and what is associated with this alteration. For instance, when Bill is talking to Betty, both make several statements that are not considered as psychologically acceptable by Betty. At these times, the bell rings and a different persona is taken. An example of this is when Bill starts to ask Betty more personal questions. â€Å"Bill: Do you come in here a lot? Betty: Every once in a while. Do you? Bill: Not so much anymore. Not as much as I used to. Before my nervous breakdown. (bell)† (Act 1, scene 1). This is one of several examples that show the transparent psychology which is stated becomes unacceptable. The bell a llows this to be avoided and a different characteristic or psychological response to be replaced with the information that is given. By changing the response and characteristic, there is the ability to create the right layers to the character until one fits with the other in terms of psychological responses. The ability to break the psychological attributes and characteristics of both of the characters is one which doesn’t take place as a voice only of the several sides of Betty and Bill. There are also

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Effect of Exercise Training During Lactation Essay Example for Free

Effect of Exercise Training During Lactation Essay The article chose review is â€Å"Effect of exercise training on loss of bone mineral density during lactation†. The purpose of this study was to determine whether exercise slows bone loss from four to twenty postpartum. The problem was that during lactation women move breast milk. After finishing breast feeding bone mass usually returns to pre pregnancy but not in all and this is the problem. The participants were healthy ,nonsmoking , sedentary ,exclusively breast feeding women with a body mass index of twenty to thirty kg. m.women were not allowed to join if they had cesarean delivery or if the exercise more than two days a week three months before. There were twenty participants all together. They all were cleared by a physician before participating. The instruments and test used for this experiment was for the body composition and bone density they used a dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry. For the assessment of cardio respiratory fitness and strength a sub maximal graded treadmill test was used. For the assessment of dietary intake by twenty four hour recall over the telephone using the nutrition data system for research software. For exercise intervention women were randomly assigned to either an EG or a CG. For the statistical analysis data were analyzed with JMP software. The testing procedures were with the body composition a whole- body was given three times a week and a step phantom were given one day a week .With the assessment cardio respiratory fitness and strength did sub maximal graded treadmill test were used. Exercise intervention used a complete sixteen week home based exercise program. The results were The EG lost a lot less LS BMD than CG. They were no great differences in total body and hip BMD. Both groups loss fat mass but, EG lost less lean body mass. Maximal strength increased by 34% to 221% for EG in the CG changed from -5.7% to 12%. â€Å"These results suggest that resistance and aerobic exercise may slow bone loss during lactation. In these experiments I felt like some of the strengths were that this was a good experiment to do. That it would help a lot of women because a lot of women have babies during the time that they are trying to build up bone density. I also like how in depth the experiment went. Strength was that they gave them specific training program that they can do from home. Which I feel is extremely important especially to new born moms. This article is important to me because I myself want to be a mom some day and bone density is important to me .My grandmother has osteoporosis so increasing my bone density is very important to me. I think I can use this in my future profession by informing my pregnant patients and mothers that are already breast feeding about this and showing them ways to improve bone density. Work Cited Lovelady,C.a,Bopp,M.J,Colleran,H.J,Mackie,H.k.Wideman,L(2009). Effect of Exercise Training on Loss of Bone Mineral Density during Lactation.Medicine Science in Sports Exercise,41(10),1902-1907. msse/Fulltext/2009/10000/Effect_of_Exercise_Training_on_Loss_of_Bone.10.aspx

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Blood pressure laboratory report

Blood pressure laboratory report Abstract The aims of the experiment were to measure blood pressure in a female volunteer using auscultation, cardiac microphone and an automated blood pressure meter. Moreover, monitoring changes in blood flow and blood pressure in the leg whilst sitting and standing. In some exercises this was carried out by using a pressure cuff and listening for Korotkoff sounds with a stethoscope or microphone. An automated blood pressure meter was also used as well as recording when the pulse reappeared in the finger/leg after the blood pressure cuff had been inflated, via the use of a pulse transducer. The main conclusions of the experiment were that the blood pressure measurement differed more for the cardiac microphone technique (mean of 96.31/77.01 mmHg) than auscultation (93/71.33 mmHg) and automated blood pressure meter (94.33/71.33 mmHg); however there was little variation between trials in all methods. In exercise 4 there was a delay from hearing the Korotkoff sounds, to observing a pulse after t he cuff was deflated. Lastly, there was a difference in blood pressure between the arm and leg whilst sitting (96.33 and 89.98 mmHg respectively) and between the leg whilst sitting and standing (89.98 and 114.44 mmHg respectively). Introduction The cardiac cycle involves increasing aortic blood pressure above the veins, causing blood flow through the systemic circulation. Blood flow (pulse) through the pulmonary circulation is caused by higher pressure in the pulmonary arteries than pulmonary veins [1]. Systolic blood pressure, the maximum blood pressure, arises when the heart contracts, pumping blood into the aorta (systole). Diastolic blood pressure, minimum blood pressure level, in which the ventricles relax causes arterial pressure to decrease resulting in the heart refilling with blood (diastole) [2]. The mean arterial pressure (MAP) can be calculated by taking into account the diastolic and systolic blood pressures. However, this value is not just the average of the two determinants [4]. Both these pressures can be determined by implanting a pressure catheter into an artery, and measuring pressure changes as the heart beats [5]. This process though accurate, can be both uncomfortable and invasive, and is rarely used. Hence, blood pressure is more commonly measured by way of auscultation, an indirect, non-invasive technique, whose setup can be seen in figure 1. Auscultation depends on silent streamlined flow but the production of Korotkoff sounds during turbulent flow, by listening through a stethoscope placed on the brachial artery, and recorded by a sphygmomanometer. This method involves placing an inflatable cuff around the patients upper arm, which is slowly inflated until the pulse cannot be felt (cuff pressure higher than systolic pressure). The pressure inside the cuff is steadily lowered until a tapping sound is heard (systolic blood pressure) where the artery pressure is now adequate to rise above that in the cuff. As cuff pressure is further reduced, the heart sounds become louder and then abruptly become weakened as diastolic pressure is approaching and flow is more streamlined. The point at which the heart sounds stop altogether is the diastolic blood pressure, in which normal flow has been resumed [1]. Normal blood pressure should be around 120/80 mmHg [6]. The main aims of the experiment are to compare the auscultation, cardiac microphone and automated blood pressure meter techniques for measuring blood pressure. In addition, compare blood pressure at different body locations i.e. arm and leg whilst sitting and standing. Results The mean blood pressure was 93/71.33 mmHg, showing diastolic and especially systolic values are below reference range. Over the three trails the MAP was 78.55 mmHg, which is within the normal range (~ 70-100 mmHg). The standard deviation for each parameter was very similar (2, 1.53 and 1.68), implying that the normal distribution is very narrow, with the majority of data concentrated around the mean. A mean blood pressure of 96.31/77.01 mmHg indicates that diastolic and systolic values are below normal reference range. Over the three trials, the MAP was 83.44 mmHg, which is within the normal range. The standard deviations for each parameter were similar (2.39, 1.15 and 1.53), implying the data had low dispersion. The reappearance of Korotkoff sounds while the pressure cuff was being deflated corresponds to the systolic blood pressure (96.21 mmHg). The diastolic blood pressure is marked when the sounds fade away (77.52 mmHg). The mean blood pressure was 94.33/71.33 mmHg, indicating that diastolic and systolic values are below normal range, whereas the MAP (79 mmHg) over all three trials, were in normal range. The standard deviations for each parameter were extremely similar (1.15, 1.15 and 0.67), implying little variation. The Korotkoff sounds and pulse signal fade away when the pressure cuff is inflated and then reappear while the cuff is being deflated. The pressure at which the Korotkoff sounds reappear is recorded as the systolic blood pressure (96.33 mmHg) which appears just before that of the pulse. The leg systolic pressure (114.44 mmHg) whilst standing, taken from when the pulse reappeared when the pressure cuff was being deflated, was higher than that whilst sitting (89.98 mmHg). Moreover, the pressure in the arm (96.33 mmHg) was higher than that of the leg whilst sitting but lower than that of the leg whilst standing. Discussion Using the stethoscope can lead to errors such as the pressure cuff being too big, leading to lower results than expected e.g. mean blood pressure of 93/71.33 mmHg in the auscultation technique. Moreover, incorrect positioning of the stethoscope or slow inflation of the pressure cuff can cause venous congestion resulting in faint Korotkoff sounds. Likewise, if the cuff is inflated immediately after the previous trial, it can cause venous distension, distorting the Korotkoff sounds. Excess pressure on the stethoscope bell can disturb arterial flow, muffling the sounds, especially in a noisy environment. In addition, one individuals perception of systolic, tapping sounds may be different to that of another [3]. Lastly, the volunteer may be suffering from white coat hypertension or feel uneasy as a result of the laboratory setting; however these tend to result increase blood pressure [6]. The experiment could have been improved by having different sized pressure cuffs, having separate ro oms when listening for Korotkoff sounds to reduce misinterpretation, and taking longer breaks in between the different trials to ensure normal blood flow has been resumed. The Korotkoff sounds reappear just before that of the pulse in exercise 4, because the sound of the blood spurting into the artery happens before the pulse manages to flow to the finger. An ausculatory gap can arise in between the systolic and diastolic pressures, in which the Korotkoff sounds fade away and then reappear at a lower pressure [1]. This can bring about some confusion to what is the true blood pressure; however this could not be seen in any of the exercises. The reappearance of blood flow to measure systolic pressure can be more accurate if the pressure cuff is released at a lower rate (e.g. 1 mmHg each time), as the true pressure may be missed if the pressure is released too quickly, and hence would lead to a lower result. In exercise 4, the diastolic pressure corresponds to the reappearance of the pulse. Hence, this method will be able to replace the auscultation and cardiac microphone techniques as it can measure both systolic (reappearance of Korotkoff sounds) and the diastolic pressure (reappearance of the pulse). There was a noticeable difference between pressure in the arm (96.33 mmHg) than in the leg (89.98 mmHg) whilst standing (6.35 mmHg). This difference will probably be due to experimental errors such as cuff size or misinterpretation of sounds. Less obvious explanations may be narrowing of the arteries or reduced blood flow in the leg. When the volunteer stood up, the blood pressure in the leg increased by 24.46 mmHg, because the pressure in the veins below the heart are increased, but are reduced in veins above the heart due to gravity. Hence, there is a reduced venous return, causing the leg pressure to increase. Furthermore, when comparing the three different techniques, the cardiac microphone had less similar results to the other two. For example, this method had a MAP of 83.44 mmHg compared to 78.55 and 79 mmHg for auscultation and automated blood pressure meter respectively. It seems that the cardiac microphone had greater values, especially diastolic pressures, having a mean of 77.01 mmHg. This could indicate incorrect positioning of the microphone, too much finger pressure on the microphone, difficultly listening for the sounds or inaccurate interpretation of the graph/sounds. There was little variation between the trials in all the methods, indicating that the results were accurate and reliable. As mentioned previously, the MAP is not simply the average of diastolic and systolic pressure because the arterial blood spends more time near to the diastolic pressure than the systolic pressure, and hence the equation takes this into account. The diastolic pressure has been shown to be less variable across the methods (low standard deviation) as it occurs in between heart beats, whereas systolic pressure can rapidly change in response to various triggers such as exercise.

Friday, October 25, 2019

School Vouchers: Parents Need a Choice Essay -- school choice, school

The 14th Amendment in the United States Constitution forbids states from denying any person life, liberty and property without due process of the law. It further states that any person, within a state’s jurisdiction, cannot be denied equal protection of its laws. This amendment protects all people. Chief Justice Clarence Thomas, in a 2002 ruling, stated reasons why school choice should be protected under the 14th Amendment. Justice Thomas wrote in defense of school choice, â€Å"Whatever the textual and historical merits of incorporating the Establishment Clause, I can accept that the Fourteenth Amendment protects religious liberty rights. But I cannot accept its use to oppose neutral programs of school choice through the incorporation of the Establishment Clause. There would be a tragic irony in converting the Fourteenth Amendment's guarantee of individual liberty into a prohibition on the exercise of educational choice.† His ruling goes on to state, Respondents advocate using the Fourteenth Amendment to handcuff the State's ability to experiment with education. But without education one can hardly exercise the civic, political, and personal freedoms conferred by the Fourteenth Amendment. Faced with a severe educational crisis, the State of Ohio enacted wide-ranging educational reform that allows voluntary participation of private and religious schools in educating poor urban children otherwise condemned to failing public schools. The program does not force any individual to submit to religious indoctrination or education. It simply gives parents a greater choice as to where and in what manner to educate their children. This is a choice that whose with greater means have routinely exercised. The State has a constitutional r... ...her, L., Schimmel, D. and Stellman, L. (2007). Teachers and the Law. 7th ed. Boston: Pearson Education. P186-187. Kintisch, B.,Zelno, S.. (2002). Vouchers (SB 1) and the Law. Available: Last accessed 16th Mar 2011. Smith, G. (2010). Education Vouchers Gain Ground. Available: Last accessed 16th Mar 2011. Speel, R. (2011). Education vouchers would violate constitution. Available: The Center for Education Reform. (2011). Choice Options State by State. Available: Last accessed 16th Mar 2011. WestEd. (1999). What we know about vouchers the facts behind the rhetoric. Available: Last accessed 16th Mar 2011.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Human Resource Management: Dreamworks Animations Essay

With Jeffrey Katzenberg as their CEO, DreamWorks Animation’s business encompasses animated content creation for theatres and television as well as merchandising and licensing of their associated characters (Fixmer, 2013). DreamWorks Animation has been an exemplary example when it comes to keeping its employees happy at work, being voted 12th on Fortune’s 2013 top 100 best companies to work for (CNN, 2013). DreamWorks Animation goes through great measures in order to maximize the potential of their employees by ensuring that they are always motivated. By organizing regular special events such as movie screenings and family get-togethers, DreamWorks Animation acknowledges on ensuring work-life balance (Stanger and Groth, 2012). Jeffrey Katzenberg would also initiate communication with his employees daily through social media (Stanger and Groth, 2012). Apart from motivating the employees, this gesture removes the barrier between employer and employee, allowing effective communication. To encourage freedom and expression of creativity, the company allows employees to personalize workstations and create an environment which would maximize their potential (CNN, 2013). DreamWorks Animation depends heavily on their employees who will directly affect the  quality of products. To ensure that DreamWorks Animation is able to meet organizational goals and gain a competitive edge over competitors such as Disney Pixar and Sony Entertainment, it is important that the right human resource management practices are being utilized to maximize the potential of the company and to create a high-performance work system. Such a system is achieved through human resource management by reacting to trends such as increase in emphasis of knowledge workers, empowerment of employees, and improving of teamwork (Noe, R.A. et al., 2014, pg.35). . Analysing and design of jobs For DreamWorks Animation whose main business focus is on the development and creation of animation using state-of-the art technology, this process requires technical knowledge and creativity from their employees in many different specializations. Therefore, it is imperative that job analysis and design of jobs must be done to match the right person to the right job and maximize the potential of the company. The first step is using work flow analysis to gain a better idea on what the work needs to be done is. This is achieved by first determining the products of DreamWorks Animation, followed by the work processes including activities required to produce it, and finally the inputs such as raw materials, equipment, and human resource (Noe, R.A. et al., 2014, pg.100). In the case of DreamWorks Animation, an animation is produced using state-of-the art technology by teams of experts in niched specializations from content creation up to licensing. After determining the work processes and inputs, the next step is to zoom in to the specific job roles and functions. Through the use of job analysis, DreamWorks Animation will be able to get more detailed information and understanding of the jobs in order to match it with the people which best fulfils its requirements (Noe, R.A. et al., 2014, pg.103). The company can get more information about certain job roles and requirements using the Fleishman job analysis system by asking existing employees to fill up surveys based on 52 categories of abilities (Noe, R.A. et al., 2014, pg.108). Having been in the job for a certain period of time and accumulating experience in the certain specialization, a 3-D modeller, for example, could advise on what kind of software knowledge is required by a prospective employee. Once the information is gathered, the next step is to create the job description which would list out the task, duties and responsibilities of the specific job (Noe, R.A. et al., 2014, pg.103). This is important as it provides prospective employees with a clear indication of what is expected of them and the key roles which they will be playing in the job. For DreamWorks Animation, a company which requires knowledge workers who possess specific skillsets and talents in order to fulfil roles within the production process, the emphasis on job specifications is important. By evaluating the job function and understanding the inputs which they invest in such as the equipment and technology, DreamWorks Animation would have to indicate clearly the knowledge, skills, abilities, and other characteristics required for the job (Noe, R.A. et al., 2014, pg.103). By indicating the need of certain software skills or technical certification important in content creation of an animation, DreamWorks Animation will be able to attract the right people for specific jobs. Using job design and redesign, DreamWorks Animation could enhance job performance by fully utilizing the strengths of their employees (Rehman, 2011). One of the ways is by designing efficient jobs, for DreamWorks Animation, could be the passing down of operating procedures from senior employees to speed up certain work processes. Being assigned to specific jobs for extended periods could demotivate employees due to the monotony of the job. By introducing self-managing work teams giving autonomy with regards to schedules and duties to achieve project based objectives, employees feel more empowered and the job becomes less rigid (Noe, R.A. et al., 2014, pg.116). Introducing flexi-time whereby employees are allowed to choose their working times as long as they meet targets set by the company, DreamWorks Animation can also benefit from having a more motivated workforce, in turn encourage generation of creative ideas and improve efficiency. DreamWorks Animation is a company whose product creation involves an intensive work process which requires the expertise and technical nous of knowledge workers. Through the use of job analysis and design, they could benefit from finding the right people for the right jobs by clearly defining the description and requirements (Rehman, 2011). DreamWorks Animation could also increase efficiency and motivation of their employees, benefitting from increased productivity and reducing the turnover rate. Recruitment As DreamWorks Animation depends on development and creation of creative content as their main business function, the quality of employees they have plays a large factor on the quality of product produced. Therefore, employees become the most important resource the company has, and being able to identify and attract potential employees through recruiting becomes a top priority. The decision made by the company in recruiting consists of three main aspects; personnel policies, recruiter traits and behaviours, and recruitment sources (Noe, R.A. et al., 2014, pg.143). In order to attract top talents in their relative specializations to choose DreamWorks animation over their competitors, the first step is using image advertising. Under personnel policies, image advertising is the focus on creating a good impression of the company by advertising the positive experiences of working for them (Noe, R.A. et al., 2014, pg.144). By advertising what DreamWorks Animation has done to provide opportunities for existing employees to showcase their talents and how they have provided a working environment which encourages creativity, the company would be able to appeal to potential employees who value such a working culture. In many cases, especially in a highly-competitive labour market where top talents in the animation industry are highly sought after, DreamWorks Animation should also adopt personnel policies such as lead-the-market pay in order to attract employees with top potential. This is achieved by paying the potential employee a higher salary compared to any others in the current market for the same position (Noe, R.A. et al., 2014, pg.144). For DreamWorks Animation where top talents are needed in niched positions for the creation of their product, they could also offer the potential employee benefits in the form of profit-based bonuses from the project they will be working on. This way, not only does DreamWorks Animation benefit from acquiring a top quality employee, the employee would also be highly motivated to excel due to added benefits. Once the personnel policies are in place, the company would have to make decisions based on recruitment sources. It is important to use the appropriate sources to attract the ideal employees out of a huge job market (Noe, R.A. et al., 2014, pg.145). One option is through internal sources whereby current employees are sourced to fill up newly opened positions. This can be done through job posting whereby information of the position is  communicated to the employees through employee publications or the intranet (Noe, R.A. et al., 2014, pg.145). By recruiting through internal sources, the company will benefit from having an employee who already has experience in the industry and would be able to adapt easily. It will also increase the morale of existing employees as they will see the opportunity for future advancements with the company choosing to recruit from within. DreamWorks Animation could also choose to recruit through external sources such as tertiary institutions. By tapping onto universities, especially those with good reputation and track record for producing the top students in certain specializations, DreamWorks Animation could benefit from attracting the best talents. This is done through enhancing of the company’s presence by attending job fairs and providing internships to students (Noe, R.A. et al., 2014, pg.151). In order to attract the best talents, top companies such as Google have not only provided interns with the opportunity to participate in real projects, they are also paid in the average of US$6000 per month (Buxton, 2013). Once the recruitment process has been completed, DreamWorks Animation should also evaluate which sources attract the best talent and this would help them with future recruitment decisions. Last but not least, DreamWorks Animation should ensure that they provide training to the recruiters who are an extension and representative of the company. By providing guidelines on what are the behaviours to display as well as information which should be provided, recruiters will be able to appeal more to the prospective recruits. With proper utilization of human resource practices in recruitment, DreamWorks Animation will benefit from recruiting the best employees in the industry. This is important as it ensures that not only will they be able to create and develop the best products, they will also gain a competitive edge over their competitors by staffing the company with employees possessing the right competencies and are able to fit in seamlessly to contribute towards achieving organizational goals (Chew and Horwitz, 2004). Performance Management Another important human resource practice DreamWorks Animations should look into is managing of their employee’s performance. There are three main purposes for performance management and the first one is to achieve  strategic purpose whereby the company will be looking to reach organizational goals and business objectives (Noe, R.A. et al., 2014, pg.236). It is also done for administrative purpose which helps the DreamWorks Animation make decisions on appropriate compensation as well as identifies employees who are not meeting required standards (Noe, R.A. et al., 2014, pg.237). Lastly, is to achieve development purpose whereby the strengths and weaknesses of employees are evaluated to provide them with feedback or suggestions to improve their knowledge and skill (Noe, R.A. et al., 2014, pg.238). The first step to effective performance management is to understand the desired outputs and goals set for the company (Noe, R.A. et al., 2014, pg.236). For DreamWorks Animation, the overall objective would be hitting certain profit margins from the successful launch of a new animation. Next, is to evaluate the goals and performance requirements set out for individual employees in order to achieve the organization’s goals, the consequences and performance outcomes should also be evaluated (Noe, R.A. et al., 2014, pg.236). Once the goals are set, it should also be followed by observing and providing of constructive feedback to employees to guide them in achieving the goals (Noe, R.A. et al., 2014, pg.235). With the process in place, DreamWorks Animation should decide on methods or combination of methods most suited for measuring performance. One of the methods could be attribute measurement through graphic rating scale. Through this scale, the employees are being rated based on a list of traits and to what extent do they display such traits (Noe, R.A. et al., 2014, pg.242). This is a highly customizable method which allows DreamWorks Animation to rate their employees according to certain traits which are important for the company such as knowledge and creativity. The company can also measure results through management by objectives by setting goals flowing from top to bottom which contributes to achieving the overall organizational goals, and using of these goals to evaluate performance of employees (Noe, R.A. et al., 2014, pg.248). The goals are often set by individual departments through discussion between managers and employees whereby the goals are specific and challenging (Noe, R.A. et al., 2014, pg.248). For DreamWorks Animation whose business objectives hinges on the success of their animated content, using its profitability as a measurement for evaluating performance is also valid. However, such a method might be unable to predict factors such as climate of the market and efforts put in by the employees (Noe, R.A. et al., 2014, pg.249). By comparing between employees using the simple ranking method, DreamWorks Animation would also be able to have an idea of how employees fare among their peers. This method is carried out by ranking the employees in the department from the best downwards (Noe, R.A. et al., 2014, pg.240). With the method of performance management formulated, the next step is on the delivery to the employees. DreamWorks animation should emphasize on scheduling regular appraisals to ensure that their employees have ample time to correct. Managers providing the feedback should also be trained on how to deliver and prepare for the appraisals (Noe, R.A. et al., 2014, pg.257). To minimize any errors in performance management which may result from difference in standards of judgment or bias which may occur in any of the above methods, DreamWorks Animation should utilize the 360-degree performance appraisal. This method gathers feedback not only from managers, but from the peers, customers, as well as the individual (Noe, R.A. et al., 2014, pg.253). Performance management should also be done in a legal and ethical way to ensure that employees are treated fairly. With proper performance management, DreamWorks Animation will be able to benefit from not only having employees who have a clear idea on what are their goals and ways they could improve, constructive guidance and feedback will also ensure that the company is focused on achieving a common objective. As a result, the productivity of DreamWorks Animation will be improved and employees will be more motivated to work towards their goals. Conclusion With the above human resource management practices in place, in the next five years, DreamWorks Animation will be able to benefit from understanding specific requirements of each job and improve productivity. Having the right people at the right job where their talents are fully utilized, they will create effective workgroups and ensure that their resources are well invested to improve performance. Through finding ways to improve on the current jobs would also be beneficial in their corporate branding as a top company to work for, attracting the best talents around the world. The improvements to existing jobs would also ensure that the employees are given more support and encouragement to realize their potential, therefore  empowering employees. With the right recruitment practices, it would also ensure that their resources would be maximized on sources which would generate quality hire. The emphasis on performance management also allows gives a clear direction on organizational goals and guides employees towards working more effectively. On the whole, DreamWorks Animation will be able to create a high performance work system, they will also see a huge increase in employee morale and reduce turnover rate. Reference List Buxton, R. 2013. Google Intern Salary Reached $6000 A Month, Plus Free Food And Gym. Huffington Post [Online] Available at: [Accessed 6 June 2013] Chew, I.K.H. & Horwtiz, F.M. (2004): ‘Human Resource Management Strategies in Practice: Case-study Findings in Multinational Firms’, Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, 42, 1: 32-56. CNN Money (2013). Fortune: 100 Best Companies to Work For. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 5 June 2013] Fixmer, A. 2013, DreamWorks Animation CEO Says TV Will Give Revenue Boost. Bloomberg [Online] Available at: [Accessed 5 June 2013] Noe, R.A., Hollenback, J.R., Gerhart, B., Wright, P.M. (2014): Fundamentals of Human Resource Management, 5th Edition, Singapore: McGraw-Hill. Rehman, M.S. (2011): ‘Job design and job performance relationship: A study of Pakistan Public Sector employees’, Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research In Business, 2.12: 562-76. Stanger, M. & Groth, A. 2012. 23 Companies With Employee Perks That Will Make You Jealous. Business Insider [Online] Available at: [Accessed 5 June 2013]

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Jimmy Carter- Facts on the 39th President

Jimmy Carter- Facts on the 39th President Here is a quick list of fast facts for Jimmy Carter. For more in depth information, you can also read the Jimmy Carter Biography. Birth: October 1, 1924 Death: Term of Office: January 20, 1977 - January 20, 1981 Number of Terms Elected: 1 Term First Lady: Eleanor Rosalynn Smith Chart of the First Ladies Jimmy Carter Quote: Human rights is the soul of our foreign policy, because human rights is the very soul of our sense of nationhood.Additional Jimmy Carter Quotes Election of 1976: Carter ran against incumbent Gerald Ford against the backdrop of the United States Bicentennial. The fact that Ford had pardoned Richard Nixon of all wrongdoing after he had resigned from the presidency caused his approval rating to severely drop. Carters outsider status worked in his favor. Further, while Ford performed well in their first presidential debate, he committed a gaffe in the second concerning Poland and the Soviet Union that continued to haunt him through the rest of the campaign.   The election ended up being very close. Carter won the popular vote by two percentage points.  The electoral vote was very close. Carter held 23 states with 297 electoral votes. On the other hand, Ford won 27 states and 240 electoral votes. There was one faithless elector representing Washington who voted for Ronald Reagan instead of Ford.   Major Events While in Office: Vietnam War era draft evaders pardoned (1977)Panama Canal Treaty (1977)Camp David Accords (1978)US officially recognizes Peoples Republic of China (1979)Three Mile Island incident (1979)Iran Hostage Crisis (1979-81) States Entering Union While in Office: None Significance of Jimmy Carters Presidency: One of the big issues that Carter dealt with during his administration was energy. He created the Department of Energy and named its first Secretary. In addition, after the Three Mile Island incident, he oversaw stricter regulations for Nuclear Energy plants.   In 1978,  Carter  held peace talks at Camp David between Egyptian president Anwar Sadat and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin which ended in a formal peace treaty between the two countries in 1979. In addition, America formally established diplomatic relations between China and the U.S.   On November 4, 1979, 60 Americans were taken hostage when the U.S. embassy in Teheran, Iran was taken. 52 of these hostages were held for longer than a year. Oil imports were halted and economic sanctions were imposed. Carter staged a rescue attempt in 1980. Unfortunately, three of the helicopters used in the rescue malfunctioned, and they were unable to proceed. The Ayatollah Khomeini finally agreed to let the hostages go if the US would unfreeze Iranian assets. However, he did not complete the release until Ronald Reagan was inaugurated as president.   Related Jimmy Carter Resources: These additional resources on Jimmy Carter can provide you with further information about the president and his times. Chart of Presidents and Vice PresidentsThis informative chart gives quick reference information on the presidents, vice-presidents, their terms of office, and their political parties. Other Presidential Fast Facts: Gerald FordRonald ReaganList of American Presidents

Monday, October 21, 2019

College Entrance Essay Outline

College Entrance Essay Outline College Entrance Essay Outline If you are planning to enter college, a college entrance essay is probably something that disturbs you most of all. It is rather natural since your essay will influence much the admission committees decision on whether to accept or reject you. That is why planning properly your admission essay is your primary purpose. So, in this article you will find the guidelines that will help you produce an effective English essay writing outline. Before you start working out your college entrance essay outline, we advise you brainstorm a bit. Ask yourself the following questions that will help you get an idea of what components to include into your college entrance critical essay outline: Why do you prefer this very college to other academic institutions? What career goals do you have for the future? What plan do you have for realization of your goals? What area would you like to specialize in? Why do you think you will be successful at college? Read also: After that, you are ready to pass to your college entrance essay outline. Here are the guidelines that will help you work out an effective college entrance essay outline, thus, make a steady foundation for your essay: Take a big poster and write down your major purpose. It is up to you how to formulate it, as the college entrance essay outline is a draft only that serves you as a compass showing the direction to move by. For instance, you may write something like I want to enter this college because. There is certainly something that influenced your decision to enter this college. So, the first point of your college entrance essay outline is all about the evaluation of the significant experience, achievement, or even a person who helped you make the decision. The next item of your college entrance essay is all about the discussion of your personal, local, and international concern that is very important to you. Think of the concern that might reveal your character but not the one all people care about. Make notes. Finally, in your college entrance essay outline, make notes on the range of your academic interests. How could you contribute to the richness of the college campus community? Outline the range of your abilities and personal perspectives the admission committee might find rather interesting. When making the college entrance essay outline, you are a creator, and whether your creature will become your assistant or wrecker depends on you. If you are in need of well-written college admission essay, do not hesitate to order custom admission essay writing service at our site! We know how to write winning admission essays! Related posts: Essay Writing Need Help Writing a Paper College Term Paper Persuasive Research Paper Term Paper Editing

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Free Essays on Ethics On Research And Development

, the most net happiness would be created if the seals were tested on and killed, thus fulfilling the greatest happiness principal. Furthermore, seals are not part of the moral community; meaning they don’t have the capacity to be moral agents, and we have no obligation to offer them moral consideration.2 Even a strict consequencialist would agree that the consequences of having tests on the seals and only having a slight possibility of finding a cure is better than not testing and not finding a cure when it really existed.2 The arguments against testing our products on the seals are also very compelling, not only for the sake of the animals, but for well-being of the corporation. A consequentialist with the welfare of the company in mind would argue that the consequences of being wrong are so great that they outweigh any benefits of profit. For example, if the tests are conducted and no cure is found, there could be potentially bankrupting repercussions due to protests, stockhol... Free Essays on Ethics On Research And Development Free Essays on Ethics On Research And Development Thomas Huxley once wrote, â€Å"Veracity is the heart of morality.† If this is the case, then the decisions to either pursue or abandon our pharmaceutical endeavors is contingent upon searching far and wide for answers and truth on the topic. The essential question at hand is as follows: does the possibility of great human gain (i.e. saving many lives), outweigh the certain death of many baby seals? Although there are many arguments for and against this enterprise, a decision is imperative to the success of the corporation. First and foremost, when arguing for the sake of this endeavor, we have to assume that the research of a skin cancer cure will in fact be successful. If we didn’t, and there was a contingency factor, we could never arrive at a conclusion. That being said, from a strictly utilitarian stance, the â€Å"utility† would be maximized if we did follow through and continue with testing (assuming a cure was found). In other words, the most net happiness would be created if the seals were tested on and killed, thus fulfilling the greatest happiness principal. Furthermore, seals are not part of the moral community; meaning they don’t have the capacity to be moral agents, and we have no obligation to offer them moral consideration.2 Even a strict consequencialist would agree that the consequences of having tests on the seals and only having a slight possibility of finding a cure is better than not testing and not finding a cure when it really existed.2 The arguments against testing our products on the seals are also very compelling, not only for the sake of the animals, but for well-being of the corporation. A consequentialist with the welfare of the company in mind would argue that the consequences of being wrong are so great that they outweigh any benefits of profit. For example, if the tests are conducted and no cure is found, there could be potentially bankrupting repercussions due to protests, stockhol...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Reagan Revolution through President Obama Research Paper

Reagan Revolution through President Obama - Research Paper Example Regan’s deregulation movement saw privatization of transport and industrial sectors which benefit Americans to date. On current matters, the nation's decision to go to war with Afghanistan and Iraq after the 9/11 attacks was based on allegations by the Bush administration which did not receive support from the international community. Reagan Revolution through President Obama In his farewell speech, Ronald Regan talked of his experience as the United States president and how revolutionary those years were; hence the term Regan Revolution. His revolution has been on numerous debates with conservatives seeing him as a hero while liberals still complain about what he ruined and what he changed. Nonetheless, his legacy shaped and is still shaping American politics, culture, economics and diplomacy. All US presidents after Regan have looked up to his model of presidential leadership. During one of his democratic campaigns in Nevada in 2008, current president, Barrack Obama recogniz ed the achievements of the Regan revolution. This is a clear indication that Obama contemplated on following Regan’s footsteps in bringing change to America (Troy, 2004). This paper discusses how president Obama brought about the Regan revolution. ... Fourthly, giving examples, the paper explains how the deregulation movement of the Reagan era affects Americans today. Lastly, it discusses the reasons behind the nation's decision to go to war with Afghanistan and Iraq, after the 9/11 attacks, as well as the response from the international community. Discussion There were significant historical turning points that occurred during the Regan regime. One is the privatization of companies and groups to provide services previously offered by the government. This was advantageous in that it reduced the governments’ size and direct influence in society. This also reduced expenses and bureaucracy in these aspects since private firms provide services at lower operational costs and increased efficiency than government agencies. The other historic turning point was the rebuilding of the weak military. Rebuilding of the military provided security for its people and made US a reliable ally and a superpower that can neutralize the Soviet a ggression and expansion (Troy, 2004). The AIDS epidemic was detected in the US in 1981 (Troy, 2004). Politicians did not respond to it and further associated it with homosexuals who they felt could be ignored. In 1981 Center for Disease Control published the first official document of the disease, but the government chose to ignore it and offered no support to the public. Medical breakthroughs occurred between 1986 and 1987, but people were frustrated over the length of time it took to improve access. Even with the availability of the drugs they were still not affordable. Signing of the HIV/AIDS Treatment Extension Act of October 2009 brought an improvement in the quality and availability of care, especially to the

Friday, October 18, 2019

By studying the particular situation in somalia,illustrate how poverty Essay - 1

By studying the particular situation in somalia,illustrate how poverty links with conflict and vice versa ,and suggest ways in which international organisations can help realistically and effectively - Essay Example This led to a period when the country underwent a form of decentralization as independent regional governments were formed in the North by different groups (Thomashausen, 2002). The war against the ruling Somali government began near the end of the 1970s when the then socialist government began seeking out individuals suspected of taking part in the attempted coup dà ©tat of 1978 and executing them. Though the government captured many of these individuals who were military and government officials, a number of them managed to escape and flee the country (Degu, 2007). These ex officials began to form the first dissident groups that were determined to see Major General Mohamed Siad Barre, the leader of the government removed from power even if it meant the use of force. The demise of the ruling government and its army was the source of a power vacuum that was left as a result, and the main cause for the civil war that ensued thereafter as the different factions that had fought together to oust the Major general now fought with one another as each tried to assume control of essential regions most notably, the country’s capital (Thomashausen, 2002). Groups that had once been allies turned into foes as they failed to see eye to eye and agree over who should assume control from the fallen general leading to bloody clashes in which countless of innocent lives were lost in the process as they were caught up in between the warring factions. Though the conflict existed before this time, the main focus will be on the war from 1991 onwards for the purpose of this essay. In the year 1992, the United Nations decided to become involved in the civil war through helping those who were affected by it via providing human relief to those who were affected as well as help restore order in the country. One of the ways in which the UN strived to achieve these objectives was

Orientalism and Race in Disney Movie Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Orientalism and Race in Disney Movie - Essay Example Hall applies the term ideology to relate to those images, concepts, and premises which provide the frameworks through which we represent, interpret, understand, and make sense of some aspect of social existence (Hall, 271). He further alludes to the fact that argues the portrayal and perpetuation of race in the media, which is a key producer and transformer of ideologies, touches directly the problem of ideology. Hall established that ideologies result in various forms of social consciousness and as a result will always work best in circumstances where they formulate as well as construct their worldviews. According to Hall, the media constructs a definition of what race is for viewers, what meaning the imagery of race carries as well as how the problem of race should be understood. The media further divides the world in terms of categories of race and setting people apart based on their appearance and notions that have been socially developed over time. The media portrays two forms of racism which include overt racism and inferential racism. Overt racism is defined by the coverage granted to openly racist arguments, positions, or spokespersons while inferential racism relates to the apparently naturalized representations of events and situations relating to race irrespective of whether they are factual or fictional which have racist premises and propositions inscribed in them as a set of unquestioned assumptions. Writers pulling stances in their publication are high profiled writers with a wealth of media experience.

Negotiation in China Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Negotiation in China - Research Paper Example   Many entrepreneurs have strived to make their ways in China with different investment intentions that include creating a partnership with Chinese firms. Negotiations are never easy since there are special insights that are required for proper negotiations processes. There exist a number of complications that hinder negotiations inChinaa which are largely based on the complicated Chinese culture. Better negotiation styles and skills are therefore very necessary in bringing competitive advantages and benefits. Chinese culture has very great influence on her business negotiations. China’s culture and behavior should be viewed differently by investors since the economics within Greater China become more internally linked together. To create competitive advantage among foreign investors going to china, there is a dire need to train them in international manners and customs so that they can learn a better negotiation style that is appropriate for China. The collectivism, hierarc hical, relationship and the haggling culture of Chinese people should be well understood particularly their long courting, formal and the fact that they prefer drawing on intermediaries when it comes to negotiation process. Dr. Robert Grosse authorized this research to further investigate the business managers’ perceptions regarding specific characteristics needed for successful negotiation in China. Dr. Robert B. Rogow, Dean of the College of Business and Technology at Eastern Kentucky University, will receive the finalized report on March 6, 2013.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Marketing and Sales of AirAsia Company Case Study

Marketing and Sales of AirAsia Company - Case Study Example Many airlines have been able to reduce their costs by using E-commerce technologies. Customers are able to find complete information online and do not have to go through the hassle of contacting and visiting travel agents. Hence the intermediary costs are eliminated and the airlines are able to cut cost and provide cheaper tickets to the customers. In low-cost airline carriers, E-commerce is of greater importance because the airline is able to eliminate the admin. Another major factor for the importance of E-commerce in the airline industry is that they are able to closely monitor the activities of the consumers and are able to conduct market research and collect customer data. AirAsia has been able to develop a competitive advantage in the industry by offering its customers a level of value that is exceeded by the cost of activities. This results in a large profit margin for the AirAsia. The value-generating sequence of activities introduced by Michael Porter is found in every firm and using these activities, AirAsia’s value chain has been analyzed. This is one of the primary value chain activities of a firm introduced by Michael Porter. In the case of AirAsia, the inbound logistics is related to the aircraft that AirAsia has booked for the anticipated growth in customer demand. AirAsia also has been able to build a strong relationship with Microsoft, the providers of Vista Gadget. AirAsia recognized the branding and commercial worth of innovations such as sidebar gadgets on Windows Vista. Operations are the primary activities that are required in order to develop the products, in case the activities those are required to provide travelling services to the customers successfully. AirAsia has also been able to master the activities that are required to give travelling services to its customers. AirAsia operates from six hubs in Asia and has increased the capacity by a continuous rollout of Airbus fleet. This has facilitated AirAsia to engage in a strategic expansion program by adding new routes and increasing the number of flights per day.  Ã‚  

Childhood and Adolescent Animal Cruelty Methods Research Proposal

Childhood and Adolescent Animal Cruelty Methods - Research Proposal Example Further research is obliged to inspect the components related to why people take an interest in youth animal evil and what are the behavioral and social viewpoints identified with this sort of conduct. Hirschi's social holding hypothesis is actualized into this study as an intention to address social bonds amid youth and their general significance in connection to creating withdrawn behavioral qualities. Hensley and Tallichet (2009) evaluated the relationship in the middle of youth and juvenile demonstrations of creature mercilessness in connection to interpersonal savagery towards people that happens further down the road. Mead (1964) attested that there was a relationship between youngsters who take part in demonstrations of creature cold-bloodedness to that of assaultive character issue. This behavioral theory pondered how youngsters could be aided by right on time conclusion when exhibiting this kind of maladjusted conduct in which may help in avoiding further inclusion in interp ersonal savagery and murder later on. The exploration address inside this study tended to a connection between the sorts of creature torment to best anticipate later interpersonal brutality in grown-ups. The type of creature torment that was considered by the specialists included demonstrations of creature pitilessness, for example, 1) Drowning, 2) Hitting, 3) Kicking, 4) Shooting, 5) Choking, 6) Burning, and 7) Having sexual relations with the creatures (Hensley &Tallichet, 2009). Inside the domain of sociology exploration, analysts normally coordinate a subjective examination configuration to build general exhaustiveness into the range of human and social association, with the objective of applying intending to these ideas in the development and acceptance of human learning.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Negotiation in China Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Negotiation in China - Research Paper Example   Many entrepreneurs have strived to make their ways in China with different investment intentions that include creating a partnership with Chinese firms. Negotiations are never easy since there are special insights that are required for proper negotiations processes. There exist a number of complications that hinder negotiations inChinaa which are largely based on the complicated Chinese culture. Better negotiation styles and skills are therefore very necessary in bringing competitive advantages and benefits. Chinese culture has very great influence on her business negotiations. China’s culture and behavior should be viewed differently by investors since the economics within Greater China become more internally linked together. To create competitive advantage among foreign investors going to china, there is a dire need to train them in international manners and customs so that they can learn a better negotiation style that is appropriate for China. The collectivism, hierarc hical, relationship and the haggling culture of Chinese people should be well understood particularly their long courting, formal and the fact that they prefer drawing on intermediaries when it comes to negotiation process. Dr. Robert Grosse authorized this research to further investigate the business managers’ perceptions regarding specific characteristics needed for successful negotiation in China. Dr. Robert B. Rogow, Dean of the College of Business and Technology at Eastern Kentucky University, will receive the finalized report on March 6, 2013.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Childhood and Adolescent Animal Cruelty Methods Research Proposal

Childhood and Adolescent Animal Cruelty Methods - Research Proposal Example Further research is obliged to inspect the components related to why people take an interest in youth animal evil and what are the behavioral and social viewpoints identified with this sort of conduct. Hirschi's social holding hypothesis is actualized into this study as an intention to address social bonds amid youth and their general significance in connection to creating withdrawn behavioral qualities. Hensley and Tallichet (2009) evaluated the relationship in the middle of youth and juvenile demonstrations of creature mercilessness in connection to interpersonal savagery towards people that happens further down the road. Mead (1964) attested that there was a relationship between youngsters who take part in demonstrations of creature cold-bloodedness to that of assaultive character issue. This behavioral theory pondered how youngsters could be aided by right on time conclusion when exhibiting this kind of maladjusted conduct in which may help in avoiding further inclusion in interp ersonal savagery and murder later on. The exploration address inside this study tended to a connection between the sorts of creature torment to best anticipate later interpersonal brutality in grown-ups. The type of creature torment that was considered by the specialists included demonstrations of creature pitilessness, for example, 1) Drowning, 2) Hitting, 3) Kicking, 4) Shooting, 5) Choking, 6) Burning, and 7) Having sexual relations with the creatures (Hensley &Tallichet, 2009). Inside the domain of sociology exploration, analysts normally coordinate a subjective examination configuration to build general exhaustiveness into the range of human and social association, with the objective of applying intending to these ideas in the development and acceptance of human learning.

Virtue and Happiness Essay Example for Free

Virtue and Happiness Essay There are so many different circumstances under which someone will perform an action that it can be confusing when to determine if an action is virtuous. There can be factors of ignorance or factors of pressure to do certain actions. Pressure, ignorance, or reward can have a various affects on a person’s choices about virtuous acts but when it causes his or her moral actions to be compromised, then only certain situations can pressure or ignorance be an excuse. Courage is a virtue that can be determined by choices that a person can make. A person that only does an act because he sees some personal gain from the act such as saving a child from a fire may not have committed a virtuous act because of the motive behind it such as fame or honor. However, a person who has done a virtuous act can still be honored and glorified with the act still being virtuous. If that person were held at gunpoint and told to save the child, if he performed the act it would be hard to determine if it was truly virtuous. It does not mean that it was not a virtuous act, but it would be hard to tell what the motive was behind the action. Near the end of Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle talks about the range of peoples characteristics. Aristotle states that the: â€Å"†¦of the moral states to be avoided there are three kinds-vice, incontinence, brutishness. † (Aristotle. Page 157.) Aristotle states that there are the opposites of these which are virtue, continence, and the super-virtue. Vice would mean the person knows what they are doing is wrong but does it regardless. Incontinence would mean that a person has an incorrect moral that they act on, causing them to act in a manner that was not virtuous. And brutishness would be a person acting purely on urge and having no emotional or rational or even irrational thought behind what they are doing. It would be primarily animalistic in nature. Looking at Aristotle’s view on â€Å"the best life† or a â€Å"happy life,† it can be seen that virtue is what he really believes will lead to a â€Å"good† life. The fact that there are many different ways in which someone may be virtuous or not shows that acting on desire can be right as well as wrong. And many different situations can determine this right or wrong act. Aristotle states that one must fulfill the desire for happiness by virtuous means and that our rational mind can lead us away from the correct way of fulfilling our ultimate desire.

Monday, October 14, 2019

How To Keep Yourself Healthy Essay

How To Keep Yourself Healthy Essay Maintaining a healthy body is not that easy and not so difficult also. Always there is a need to be healthy because unhealthy body will be attacked by many diseases. Here we will discuss about some tips which will help to have a happy and healthy life. Most important tip for a healthy body is to have healthy food and eat them at proper time. Avoid eating junk food. None of the nutrients are available in these junks foods so no point in having them. Your diet should contain food which has more nutrients. Try to include leafy vegetables, fresh vegetables, fruits, milk, and fish in your daily diet. Make sure you are having your breakfast regularly. Skipping your breakfast regularly will definitely affect your health. If water content in your body goes low then it will lead to dehydration. So to keep the body healthy make sure you drink more amount of water daily. Exercise also pays a vital role in keeping your body healthy. Regular exercise will also keep your body in good health. By exercise it doesnt mean a simple and slow walk. It should be in such a way that your body should start sweating. You can go for running, do cycling, walking faster etc. Daily find some time 30 mints to one hour per day for your exercise. Have a regular checking of your weight and try to control it. Its nice to have Medical checkups and dental checkups by which you can have an idea about your health condition. Apart from these always try to manage your stress. Most people due to stress at work have health problems. By controlling your stress you can maintain a healthy body. Bad habits like smoking, drinking, using of drugs should be avoided. Usage of these items will have a very bad affect on your health. Your body should get enough time to take rest. Make sure you get a sleep of 8 hours daily. Sleep is very important for healthy body and also for mental and emotional happiness. Comparison of health and fitness Fitness and health seems to be same for everyone but they have entirely two different meanings. Fitness can be defined as the physical ability to perform work, sports etc with ease. While health is a condition in which the body should have resistance capacity from all illness and all parts of the body should works fine without any problem. Your body should possess both fitness as well as health. Men and ladies are equally concerned about your body. They want their body to be fit and healthy. Due to more demand for fit and healthy body many gyms and work out centers are opened. To maintain a healthy and fit body primarily requires self control and will power. Many factors can divert us from achieving our goal of having a fit and healthy body. But never deviate and focus on it and try achieving their goal as all knows Health is wealth. Health can be maintained by proper diet, exercise and hygiene. But in the other case to keep your body you need to do proper exercise. Usually sports people will have a fit body. They shape their body in such a way that it will be fit for their respective sport. But coming to healthy body it is just a matter of controlling weight and making your body immune to diseases. Some people will try to make their body fit so vigorously that they will not think about their diet and health. This creates a problem. So always make sure your body to be healthy and fit. Compared to healthy body, fit body needs more exercise and diet. For a healthy and fit body walking is very good exercise which helps in burning the excess fat in your body. A fit body doesnà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½t mean that it should look good from outside. A fit and healthy body should be physically active and energetic and smart enough to accept any tasks given to them. Athletic training This is a program followed by athletes to make their body ready for the respective sport that they are going to perform. Training is mainly conducted by certified professional. It is the duty of the trainers to attend if any emergency comes for the athlete Athletic training also deals about how to avoid and cure the sport injuries through many therapeutic exercises and by providing proper food. Candidates who are interested to become an athlete trainer should first get a degree from certified training curriculum. There are many programs under which certifications are possible. Some of them are nutrition, first aid, emergency care, treatment for injury and illness etc. Class room trainings are available for this certification. Most of the certified trainers are having a master degree. Athletic trainers have got a very important role in taking care of the injured athletes. Quick emergency and reviews of the injured athletes are done by these trainers. They also provide an important communication link between the bruised athlete, his family, his coach and his family and will help them to decide when the athlete should be ready for his next practice session or competition. Never compare athletic training with personal training. Both have got vast differences. Athletic trainers can be seen at places where people with more physical activities are available. Athletic training services are available in Schools, clinics, Hospitals, workplaces. Athletic training is a profession that has got wide variety of career opportunities. Yearly the demand for the profession is growing. They can work in High schools as well in college levels to help the students who got injured during any practice or competition. They have got opportunities in Sports health clinic and also in Health care departments of many companies. In these companies they provide service to the employees who have got any bruises or injuries. They have opportunities in armed forces as well. Tips for a healthy and fit body For a healthy and fit body you need to keep on doing exercise. Many factors will come across us and can divert us from achieving our goal of being fit and healthy. But you should be having strong self discipline and will power to achieve this healthy and fit body. Below given are some methods through which can maintain a fit and healthy body. Most important is the exercise. Make it a routine to move your body. You can do this by running around your home, playing with your kids, climbing up and down the stair case and so on. This will help in increasing your blood circulation. You can also join a gym where you will have an instructor who can guide you to have a healthy and fit body. Try to avoid fatty food and junk food. These foods are not going to give any nutrients to your body. Better stick on to a diet which includes fresh vegetables, fruits, fish and Dairy Products such as milk. Limited number of dried fruits can be included in your diet. Reduce intake of foods which are more salty and food with more sugar. Too much sugar and salt is bad for health. Have food at proper timings .Try not skip any meals. If you dont feel hungry also eat something but dont skip the meals. Avoid all the bad habits like smoking, drinking, using drugs etc. This will make your health more badly. Try to manage your stress by walking in beach or watching any sport channel or by listening to music or anything that makes you relaxed. Keep your hands clean regularly because many diseases can attack your body though you hands. Try to maintain good hygiene which will keep all the sickness away from your body. Do a regular body as well as dental checkups. Maintain your healthy weight and make sure it is under control. Above given tips can help you to have a fit and healthy body. But most important is self determination. If you possess self determination then definitely you can achieve a healthy and fit body. How Can Regular Exercise Keep You Healthy Both nutrition and exercise play a very vital role in the amount of fat stored in the body. All types of exercise will not reduce your body fat. For reducing body fat, first try to increase the duration of exercise rather than decreasing the level of food intake. Studies have proved that there is a significant relation between lack of physical activity and fat build up. Just by being more active generally such as ascending stairs instead of taking the lift, moving in the office instead of sitting still in front of our desktop as well as showing some enthusiasm instead of boredom, are all various means to burn calories and reducing body fat. It seems everyone have forgotten the value of being active. Dieting without exercising will result in getting fatter. One should increase his/her metabolism by exercising regularly to avoid getting fat. The easiest exercise for strengthening your bones, controlling weight, leg muscles toning and improving self esteem is walking. It is advisable to walk at a moderate pace. Walking at high speeds every alternate day will help improve ones system. Walking aimlessly for per hour day will not be effective at all. Exercise and diet are linked to each other when it comes to good health and weight loss. Better than maintaining a balanced diet without exercise, it is better to exercise without dieting. Performing sit ups and crunches alone, the fat in your body will not transform to muscles. You have to do many other activities like active sports, running, cycling that help get rid of excess body fat as it burn lots of calories. Running at full vigor burns more calories than walking at brisk pace. It is very important that you keep in mind to lose body fat; burn more calories and eat less. More calories can be burnt and you can attain your goal quicker if you focus on exercising harder.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Cats As Carnivorous Predators :: essays research papers

Cats as Carnivorous Predators   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Throughout the course of evolution the cat’s ability to survive in the wild has become extremely dependent upon its hunting ability. In order for feral, or undomesticated, cats to survive on their own in the wild they have developed hereditary traits and instincts from their ancestors throughout time. Though these hereditary traits that they have inherited are helpful for undomesticated cats, they can often cause problems when domesticated house cats revert back to the ways of their ancestors, often influencing the ways that cats kept as pets are managed. Cats are carnivorous predators and pet owners must accommodate this lifestyle by feeding them a meat-based diet with high protein, providing them with a play outlet to avoid predatory aggression, as well as keeping them inside or monitoring their activities while outside to avoid the unnecessary killing of birds or any other type of animal.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  As carnivorous predators, cats require a high protein, meat-based diet. The need for a meat-based diet is essential because the meat is often high in not only proteins and calories, but it also has a great deal of amino acids, especially taurine, which is important in the development of eye sight. Pet owners must be aware that â€Å"the protein requirement for maximal growth for kittens is 24 % when the diet exceeds all of the essential amino acid requirements† (Journal of Nutrition, High Dietary Protein and Taurine†¦ pg.2228). Carnivores need this amount of protein at a young age to build muscle for hunting and to keep them well nourished. The diet of the cat is based on development and they should be fed according to their stage of development towards an adult cat. In the wild, cats eat just about anything they can get their paws on; rats, mice, birds, and reptiles. Kittens have a need for higher levels of protein and calories for proper development until they reach the age of 18 months, when the levels of protein drop to just the right amount of protein to sustain themselves. Another reason why cats need to have a healthy meat-based diet is because they have a shorter digestive system than most omnivores and herbivores. They have to absorb more nutrients in a shorter amount of time, thus the need for a lot of protein because they have a very short time to digest it. Being a carnivorous predator, the cat needs some sort of play outlet besides its usual habitat or the owner may become the object of play predatory aggression.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Social Darwinism in American Politics Essay -- Social Darwinism Essays

Introduction Social Darwinism is a quasi-philosophical, quasi-religious, quasi-sociological view that came from the mind of Herbert Spencer, an English philosopher in the 19th century. It did not achieve wide acceptance in England or Europe, but flourished in this country, as is true of many ideologies, religions, and philosophies. A good summary of Social Darwinism is by Johnson: In these years, when Darwin's Origin of Species, popularized by Herbert Spencer as "the survival of the fittest, " and applied to races as well as species in a vulgarized form, Social Darwinism, the coming Christian triumph was presented as an Anglo-Saxon Protestant one. Social Darwinism is by no means dead, for vestiges of it can be found in the present. What Is "Darwinism?" Charles Darwin was an English biologist who, along with a few others, developed a biological concept that has been vulgarized and attacked from the moment his major work, The Origin of Species, was published in 1859. An accurate and brief picture of his contribution to biology is probably his own: Evolution is transmission with adaptation. Darwin saw in his epochal trip aboard the ship The Beagle in the 1830s what many others had seen but did not draw the proper conclusions. In the Galapagos Islands, off South America, Darwin noted that very large tortoises differed slightly from one island to the next. He noted also that finches also differed from one geographical location to the next. Some had shorter beaks, useful for cracking seeds. Some had long, sharp beaks, useful for prying insects out of their hiding places. Some had long tail feathers, others short ones. Darwin took copious notes, captured insects and animals and selected plants. These he preserved in jars and took them back to England where he thought about the implications of what he had seen. for almost three decades. What occurred to him was a simple notion: animals, plants, insects, fishes, etc., which were obviously related differed slightly and these differences seemed to be tied in with their ability to survive. Differences, which he called "adaptations," were often related to geographical factors. He also saw something similar in fossils: certainly some fish, sea shells, etc., that died and were covered up by sand, gradually turned to stone, and were caught forever in fossil form. There seemed to b... ...le for a "net" that would not allow any individual to lapse into abject poverty, homelessness on a wide scale, hunger or destitution. However, in the 1980s, Ronald Reagan was elected on a platform which declared that New Deal policies were responsible for poverty, crime, and all other social problems. Government, Reagan kept on repeating, was not any part of a solution to the problem. Government was the problem. Therefore, a good many policies based upon the "net" concept were weakened or simply eliminated. It is not accurate to say that 19th century Social Darwinism, "Reaganomics," New Deal philosophy or its manifestation in the economic policies of President Clinton is now dominant. A fair assessment is that all of these ideologies can be found within our society--as public policy and as belief structure. The ability of conflicting, incompatible social philosophies to live side by side, even within the same person, (cite) explains why there is so much unresolved conflict, why it is difficult for a given bit of social policy to achieve permanence. why, as many have pointed out, there is considerable poverty in the wealthiest society in the world.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Mesopotamia and Egypt Essay

The early civilizations of Mesopotamia and Egypt were very similar, but they were also different in some ways. Both Mesopotamia and Egypt developed their civilizations centered on rivers, but these rivers were polar opposites. Mesopotamia was between two rivers called the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. Egypt’s civilization developed around the Nile River. The Tigris and Euphrates rivers differed from the Nile River. The Nile River was calm, and the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers were wild and very unpredictable. Since these rivers had opposite behaviors, Mesopotamia’s specialty was in irrigation, while Egypt was a more agricultural society. Mesopotamia and Egypt were very similar in their roots, but they also had distinctive forms of social organization and religious observance that developed because of the rivers that surrounded them. Mesopotamia’s social organization was a way to differentiate between rulers and those who were commoners. Each city-state in Mesopotam ia had elders and young men that made decisions for the community. Rulers protected their access to both political and economic resources by creating systems of bureaucracies, priesthoods, and laws. Priests and bureaucrats served their leaders well, defending and advocating rules and norms that validated the political leadership. Lists of professions were passed around so each person could know his or her place in the social order. The king and priest were at the top of the social structure followed by bureaucrats who were scribes, supervisors, and craft workers. The craft workers were jewelers, gardeners, potters, metal smiths, and traders; this was the largest group of the social structure. The craft workers were not slaves but they depended on their employer’s households. People rarely moved from one social level to another. Not only was there organization between society in general, but there was also specific organization between families. In families, the senior male became the patriarch. A family was made up of a husband and a wife who was bound by a contract that stated that the wife would provide children, preferably male, and the husband would provide support an d protection. If there was no male child, a second wife or slave could bear children to serve as the couple’s offspring. In families, sons would inherit the family’s property and the daughters would receive dowries. Priests were at the top of the social organization with the king because they lived in temples, which represented  the cities’ power. Bureaucrats were at the top of the social structure underneath the main people of power because they were scribes. Mesopotamia was the world’s first city to keep records and read, developing a writing system. Writing became important to the development of cities and enabled people to share information across greater distances and over longer periods of time. Scribes played a significant role in developing a writing system that people anywhere and in the future could decipherer. The Tigris and Euphrates Rivers served as major communication and transportation routes for Mesopotamia. The need for a system of record keeping developed because farmers and officials needed a way to keep track of the distribution of goods and services. It was important to keep track of goods and services because long-distance trade was very important to Mesopot amia since it lacked many raw materials that were crucial to developing the city. On the other hand, in Egypt, the social organization was similar to Mesopotamia, but differed just slightly. At the top was a Pharaoh or also called a king was the center of Egyptian life followed by priests, scribes, craftsmen, and lastly farmers and slaves. The Pharaoh was at the center of life and had the responsibility to ensure that flooding of the Nile River continued without interruption and had the responsibility to develop a vibrant economy. Egyptians believed that the Pharaoh was a descendant from the gods. Egypt had one advantage that Mesopotamia did not have, the Nile River. The Nile River was navigable and provided annual floods. These annual floods allowed for regular moisture. Even though the Nile River did not fertilize the fields as wells as the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers in Mesopotamia, the yearly floods meant that the topsoil was renewed every year, making the soil easy to plant in. Egypt also had the sun that allowed a bountiful agriculture. Egypt, similarly to Mesopotamia, was a scribe nation. Since little people were literate in both Mesopotamia and Egypt, a scribesâ €™ social status was increased automatically. However, even though both Mesopotamia and Egypt were scribal cultures, Egypt appeared to be more literate. This could be because Egypt developed later than Mesopotamia, and they may have used it more since Egypt had the Nile River. The Nile provided for good harvest allowing Egypt’s economy to flourish. Since Egypt had good harvest, they may have needed to keep better track of goods and services because they had more goods to keep track of since they had better harvest than  Mesopotamia. Social structure in Egypt and Mesopotamia was not the only thing that was affected by the rivers. Another aspect of early civilization that was affected by the Tigris and Euphrates rivers in Mesopotamia was religion. Mesopotamians had beliefs in gods that molded their political organizations and controlled everything. They believed the gods controlled weather, fertility, harvests, and the underworld. They had to respect their gods, but they also feared them because they were powerful. A major way for Mesopotamians to worship their gods was through the temples. Temples were gods’ homes and were the cities’ identity. To demonstrate cities’ power, rulers would elaborately decorate temples. The priests and other officials lived in the temples and worked to serve gods, the most pow erful immortal beings to the Mesopotamians. Temples ran productive and commercial activities and those that were close to the river would hire workers to hunt, fish, and collect. The temples were a way for people to worship their gods and show their faithfulness to them. Therefore, since the Mesopotamians believed that the gods controlled everything including weather and harvest, two important aspects in Mesopotamia civilization, it was important that they stay faithful to their gods since they did not have the best rivers. The Tigris and Euphrates Rivers would flood if there was heavy rainfall during the height of the agricultural season. Thus, if they worshiped their gods frequently, the Mesopotamians may believe that the gods will bestow good weather eliminating floods more often, creating a better year of harvest. Like Mesopotamia, each region in Egypt had its own god. In addition, Egypt also had temples to worship their gods. In Egypt, gods were inactive and the kings, or pharaohs, were active. The pharaoh had responsibility to uphold cults while the priests were to uphold regular rituals. The pharaoh acted as a mediator between the gods and the people o f the city. He supported the gods through rituals held in temples, which the Egyptians contributed many resources to. Since trade from the Nile River allowed the city of Egypt to prosper economically, they had more resources to build more elaborate temples and later on pyramids. Pyramids were unique to Egyptian culture. The pyramids became a place for state rituals and were very important to Egyptian culture. Since Egypt prospered because of its location next to the Nile, they had an abundance of resources that was necessary to build the intricate temples. Both Mesopotamia and Egypt were  riverine cultures. Each city had its own unique social organization and religious beliefs, but they had similar roots. Both civilizations were scribal cultures, but since Egypt had the Nile River, the two civilizations differed. Since both civilizations were scribal, scribes attained great social status under the king and priests. Egypt prospered greatly from the resources that the predictable Nile River offered. Mesopotamia had the Tigris and Euphrates rivers that were unpredictable, but still provided for irrigation and allowed the city to advance in irrigation technology and opened the city up to the surrounding cities. Mesopotamia and Egypt both had polytheism and worshiped their gods in temples. Instead of referring to the king like in Mesopotamia, Egypt refers to the pharaoh. Egypt believed that the pharaoh communicated with the gods. The rivers in both Mesopotamia and Egypt opened these areas up to the rest of the world and allowed for great economic growth.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Meaning of life, Life Essay

Suffering is an inevitable part of life. We all live in this big labyrinth of suffering. Th only way out of the labyrinth is death. † To live is to suffer, to survive to find meaning in the suffering. Few peopl e actually commit suicide to liberate themselves form suffering. Most people find meaning or purpo se for their life so that they have the motivation to live on. Some think that suffering make them wis er, some think that suffering is a test of faith, there will be rewards for them in the after life if they c an endure the suffering on earth. Some people couldn’t understand but keep going on with their life for their loved ones. Some people keep themselves busy to dodge from the question. My view on this question is that suffering does not make life any more or any less meaningful. Beca use as an atheist, I believe that there is no God, the Universe does not have a divine plan for us. Tha t the existence of life is just purely a miraculous accident. When we die, we stop existing. The time we spend on Earth will not amount to anything in an afterlife in another dimension. Therefore, life i s inherently meaningless, with or without pain and suffering. Human are powerless in the face of m eaninglessness . The only way we can deal with life is to embrace the fact that there is no intrinsic va lue in life. We can only create our own meanings. One can create meaning of life with or without su ffering. But since suffering is an inseparable part of our life, it more or less give us insights on mean ing of life. Dr. Bernard Rieux can best exemplifies my point of view. When the plague got out of control and O ran was placed under quarantine, it didn’t stop the doctor form battling the plague, fighting the war t hat was doomed to fail. At this point, many would wonder what is meaning of of the doctor’s action s when they are all in vain. The answer can be found in a dialogue he shared with Tarrou. Tarrou asked the doctor why he was so committed to fighting the plague if he does not believe in G od. The doctor replied that whether or not God exist is irrelevant and he didn’t have the time to thin k about what waits him in the future and what will come out of his actions. The only thing he knew that there were sick people suffering and they needed to be cured. Even though he admitted that his struggles against death would only be temporary victories and that the plague was what he referred as an†endless struggle†, he said that this was not the reason to give up struggle. From the dialogue, we can see the doctor was aware of the intrinsic meaninglessness of his life, bec ause he said he wouldn’t waste time to think about the existence of God and what his action will lea d to him. If he deemed his life has inherent meaning, he should have thought about the above questi ons. Thought he considered that his life is inherently meaningless, the plague gave me the meaning. The meaning lies in the other people. The doctor was fully aware that his attempts at lifting people out of misery is an impossible task as more and more people became infected and die. And there were no effective cure. Basically, his sitti ng around and doing nothing or wearing himself off to save the patients might just possibly lead to s ame outcome. However, the doctor did not stop his work in face of his powerlessness to alter the situation. Becaus e under this situation, he was left with only two choices, ignore it or act on it. There was no third op tion. The doctor chose the later one because he couldn’t bear to see people suffer and doing nothing about it. It’s meaningless to battle the unwindable battle against the plague. It was not defeating the plague that gave meaning to the doctor. It was the people gave him meaning. It was his compassion for others that keep him going in times of suffering. From the case of Dr. Rieux and his battle against the plague, we can see similarities in the real worl d. The plague is like the amoral universe, and Dr. Rieux represents all the human beings. We are po werless in face of the meaningless of life, just as Dr. Rieux was powerless in face of the plague. But we do have a choice, we can create meanings for ourselves just as Dr. Rieux has learnt from sufferin g and found meanings in helping people. Winston Smith from 1974 1984 somewhat share some similarities with Dr. Rieux in terms of action upon the unchangeable, though he was not such a noble and heroic person as Dr. Rieux. In his case, the unchangeable was the Big Brother. Winston Smith lived in a state where every moves, every wo rds ands every thoughts he made were monitored by the Party. In the instance of living in an extrem e state where even having disloyal thought against the party is in violation of law. The meaning of li fe for Smith was not to start a revolution and topple the party, and change the system entirely. Thou gh Smith had thought about it and desired it to happen. Deep down he believed that it was impossibl e to achieve the goal and sooner or later he would be arrested by the Party. Nevertheless, he set out t o challenge the limits of the Party. He kept a diary which has† Down with the Big Brother† written o n it over and over again. He had an forbidden affair with Julia. Also he joined the Brotherhood whic h he believe is the enemy of the Party. I think the meaning for Smith did not lie in being the hero. What was important for him was to stay as human as possible. Through the rebellious acts against the Party in his own ways, he got to keep his spirit and his human side. That was the meaning he could find for himself. Despite the fact that he was completely compromised at last when he was brought into Room 101, where he was tortured to an extreme degree and indoctrinated to cure his â€Å"insaneness†. He was com pletely broke and dehumanised. His passionate hatred towards the Big Brother turned into absolute l oyalty and love. He should not be blamed for betraying Julia and not upholding what he believed in the first place in such extreme conditions. After all, he did try to rebel against the Big Brother even t hough deep down he knew he couldn’t do anything to overthrow the Big Brother. Dr. Rieux and Winston Smith resolved the question of meaning through their rebellious acts against the plague and the Big Brother. There are people who find suffering itself reveals the meaning of lif e. Father Paneloux is a good example to illustrate this point of view. In his first sermon addressing t he plague. He said that the plague was a punishment by God. That it was the result of the sin of all c itizens. He criticised the people for not attending church and repenting for their sins. Therefore the p lague was reminder of God’s power and the Oran residents should start to change their habits and st art to fear God again. Unlike Dr. Rieux, who is an atheist, Father Paneloux based his life and work on his christian faith. F rom a Christian point of view, everything happens on earth has purpose and fit into the grand plan o f God. Therefore, it was his job to make sense of the suffering of the plague so that he and the peopl e listening to him will be able to endure and continue to believe in God. From his interpretation of s uffering, the meaning of life for Father Panels was more easily understood than Dr. Rieux and Winst on Smith. The meaning of life was really simple, that is to serve and honour God in his will. Though he changes his view on suffering drastically after witnessing the death of an innocent child. He did not view suffering as a punishment anymore. He said that the reason why a innocent child sh ould suffer was not something that human would necessarily understand no matter how hard they tri ed. They just had to keep in mind that it was God’s will. One must keep his faith and God and find t he good in bad situation. In spite of a changing tone, the meaning for Father Paneloux remained the same- to serve God. To conclude, life itself is inherently meaningless. Not even religion can provide an universal answer to the meaning of life. There are no answers for that and never will be. Suffering does not make one’ s life meaningful. But through suffering one might find meanings in life and live a meaningful life. Wu Ngai Ching, Ivy 20189319 Grade: 21/25 ? 19/25 (due to 2-day late submission) Comments: ?Ivy – In terms of the main thesis of the essay, you’ve done a good job delineating your own atheist view on the meaning of life and drew 3 examples from the 2 works to discuss what m ight be the meaning of life for them. Your argumentation is quite right and your analysis of e ach of their reaciton and thoughts on this difficult question is right on. ?However, you simply â€Å"narrated† through the whole essay without really giving detailed or c oncrete evidences from the book. I wish you could provide some passages or quotes from se veral particular moments in the book to clearly illustrate your point. This is one of the ways t o demonstrate that you’ve actually done the reading, and that is also what we’ve been doing in class – making your point across by providing specific passages/instances in the book as c oncrete evidence. So please remember to do so for your final paper!

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Advertising and Integrated Communication

The purpose of this report is to critically discuss and analyse the use of virtual and augmented reality and its application and uses in educational tourism. The report takes a systematic approach to discuss background to virtual reality, augmented reality, and educational tourism. Further, the report discusses the use of virtual reality and augmented reality in educational tourism followed by critical discussion. Lastly, the report discusses areas for future research in the field followed by a conclusion. Virtual reality can be defined as computer-stimulated reality that uses technology to replicate some real world or imaginary environment, and allows users to interact with the environment (Huang et al., 2016). It involves exact replication of elements of real world elements with synthesized 3D materials and proper collaboration of all the sensory inputs to initiate user engagement. First hint of virtual reality had come from the world of science fiction. In the year 1935, Stanley G. Weinbaum wrote a short story named "Pygmalion's Spectacles". This was the first book, where the concept of virtual reality was first explored. It explored a goggle-based virtual reality system along with holographic record of fictional experience. It included touch and smell. The use of virtual reality concept can be seen in training perspective. It allows the professionals to conduct training in regards to a virtual environment. Virtual reality can also be used in video game for creating graphics and sou nds. Augmented reality is the use of computer generated sensory inputs that is used to augment or supplement the real world elements of the environment for better user experience (Fino et al., 2013). It uses visualization techniques that superimpose computer-generated data such as text, graphics, video, audio, GPS data and other multi-media formats over the real worldview. Therefore, it enhances the user’s perception of the reality and the surrounding environment (Han et al., 2013). In the year, 1968, Ivan Southerland had developed first the system of head mounted display. In this system, augmented display was used by the mean of generated graphic for demonstrating simple wireframe drawing. Augmented reality is effectively used in architecture for visualizing building project. It can also be used in visual art and education and video games.   Educational tourism is carefully planned in combination with site visit and hands-on learning opportunities, which provide clear learning objectives for students.  A proper guide in educational tourism can assist students in gaining leisure activities as well as different learning objectives. Virtual reality is gaining huge popularity in the tourism sector, especially in the field of educational tourism. Virtual reality is being used for destination promotion and for educational purposes. It allows users to experience various conditions that no longer exist now such as pre-historic earth; moreover, it can also be used to experience space travel or walking through the museum, fort or any other simulated reality from the home. It has also made it possible to experience and learn through culture, environment and local community of various destinations across the world in a time efficient and economical manner (Tussyadiah et al., 2016). Augmented reality is used in educational tourism to enhance the experience of the users by providing sensory inputs of the real world. In educational tourism, it can be used to enhance user’s experience by providing real time information about the location and its features. This technology is being extensively used in educational tourism by providing tourists simulations of historical events, places and objects. Further, with the use of audio and video sensory inputs, users can live and experience the history that once existed. It also helps stimulate experiences such as viewing extinct animals, fragmented artefacts, and cultural experiences from history (Guerra et al., 2015). Tourism has always been regarded as means of gaining knowledge and new experiences. The learning gained through the virtual and augmented reality improves learning retention. Virtual reality enables the users to explore and experience various locations such as beaches, museums, or places of historic importance with a persuasive and interactive purview that can be viewed on a computer at home (Buhalis & Yovcheva, 2013). Both virtual and augmented reality provides compelling educational environment. These technologies have revolutionized the educational tourism as it provides a means to stimulate both mental and physical activities with the help of stimulated interactions with the unfamiliar contents. It is used to impart knowledge about the various subjects such as history, aerospace and the likes by providing firsthand experience to the users (Yovcheva et al., 2012). One such application of augmented reality is the use of interactive digital storytelling techniques that has been applied in various museums in order to enhance their educational potential. Further, it has been observed that both virtual reality and augmented reality techniques aids tourist organization and professionals to reach a wider audience and deliver more informed knowledge through better multi-media contents. Therefore, it helps the tourists to access valuable information, thereby increasing their knowledge regarding a tourist attraction or destination in an entertaining manner (Kounavis et al., 2012). Although, it has been established that virtual and augmented reality techniques plays an important role in educational tourism, however, it is still in the development stages and requires better infrastructures such as inter platform operability of virtual reality and augmented reality applications and better internet facilities. Moreover, future researches also need to explore the influence of advance technologies on the overall experience and learning outcomes of users. The researchers are to find more scope to apply these concepts on user’s overall experience and learning outcomes (Chung et al., 2015). From the above discussion, it can be concluded that virtual reality and augmented reality technologies provides one of the most powerful and effective means for participative learning. In the educational tourism sector, these technologies can be employed to recreate history or project future world in a digital format. This can be used in the educational tourism to provide simulated and interactive learning experiences. Buhalis, D., & Yovcheva, Z. (2013). Augmented Reality in Tourism: 10 Unique Applications Explained.  Digital Tourism Think Tank Reports and Best Practice. Retrieved May,  13, 2013. Chung, N., Han, H., & Joun, Y. (2015). Tourists’ intention to visit a destination: The role of augmented reality (AR) application for a heritage site.Computers in Human Behavior,  50, 588-599. Fino, E. R., Martà ­n-Gutià ©rrez, J., Fernà ¡ndez, M. D. M., & Davara, E. A. (2013). Interactive tourist guide: connecting web 2.0, augmented reality and QR codes.  Procedia Computer Science,  25, 338-344. Guerra, J. P., Pinto, M. M., & Beato, C. (2015). Virtual reality-shows a new vision for tourism and heritage.  European Scientific Journal. Han, D. I., Jung, T., & Gibson, A. (2013). Dublin AR: implementing augmented reality in tourism. In  Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2014  (pp. 511-523). Springer International Publishing. Huang, Y. C., Backman, K. F., Backman, S. J., & Chang, L. L. (2016). Exploring the Implications of Virtual Reality Technology in Tourism Marketing: An Integrated Research Framework.  International Journal of Tourism Research,  18(2), 116-128. Kounavis, C. D., Kasimati, A. E., & Zamani, E. D. (2012). Enhancing the tourism experience through mobile augmented reality: Challenges and prospects.  International Journal of Engineering Business Management,  4. Sie, L., & Patterson, I. (2015). Understanding the relationship between motivations and experiences of older Australian travellers through educational tourism.  CAUTHE 2015: Rising Tides and Sea Changes: Adaptation and Innovation in Tourism and Hospitality, 708. Tussyadiah, I., Wang, D., & Jia, C. H. (2016). Exploring the Persuasive Power of Virtual Reality Imagery for Destination Marketing. Yovcheva, Z., Buhalis, D., & Gatzidis, C. (2012). Smartphone augmented reality applications for tourism.  e-Review of Tourism Research (eRTR),  10(2), 63-66.