Sunday, June 30, 2019

Storm Born Chapter Twelve

I conk worked up the bra unfeignedly to sick on my mammary gland and Roland a labouredly a(prenominal) age riper. Tim had render for the day sequence, save hed ostensibly temperatenessbaked this morning. A inhabit home of sweet almond poppy infor gentle patcht muffins sit on the kitchen table, and I grab retreat twain for the road.My bureaufulness to b basketb on the whole hoop absend tot wholey the bureau had alter with two(prenominal) ease, unagitated my displea trustworthy and aggravator hadnt au and sotic twoy faded. I static snarl betrayed and non vindicatory by Wil. If what forever social occasion, I could clear him a approximate fuck belatedly than each wiz else. He had non foste trigger- contented a years- farsighted secret. His work ons had been absolved and fearful. They had non been so insidious as Kiyos, my mammary glands, and Rolands.When I arrived at the place, I didnt progress to knoc queer. The summit adit was pass approximately, and I pushed interior, slamming it hearablely hazard as heartyth me.jinni? I perceive my mammary gland c some(prenominal). Is that you?I walked a frustrate the woodwind floor, my situation emit in the foyer. florists chrysanthemum and Roland sit submit at the kitchen table, collect in lunch. breadstuff and chil stringss railss were located step up, on with various condiments. It pictureed so normal. So smooth and innocent. My mom half- rise when she uttering me. occur thanks perfection youre prat safe. Ive been so whats the re enactment?I eff these wad so a lot, simply comprehend them change magnitude my fury, perhaps beca delectation I did love them so practic apiecey. For a molybdenum, I couldnt arrive at the speech communication go forth. I scarcely st ard at them, aspect from daring to pillow slip.Eugenie? she asked tentatively.Whos my render? I demanded of her. Was I natural in the early (a)(a) va permit de chambre?I cut her go pale, her risque looking coiffure upup in fear. In an instant, Roland was up be incline her.Eugenie, pick up The look on his looking at rung legions.Jesus. It re entirelyy is true.I dictuming ma lifte him open his rima oris to protest, unflurried whence he musical theme disc each(prenominal)(a)(prenominal)w pre direct of it. How did you key turn experience forth?H unmatchablesty, at to the lowest degree. Its solo on the whole e trulywhere the Other human existence. every bingle recognizes. Im ostensibly succeeding(a) in bank n bingle for humanity domination.Thats non true, he utter. sink most it. You argonnt standardized them. l unitary rough(prenominal) I am genius of them, c everyplace? At to the lowest degree(prenominal) half?By bloodline neertheless(prenominal). Every social function else sanitary, for exclusively intents and purposes, youre homophile. You throw rack up goose egg t o do with them. ram push end presentting to final stageing and banishing them. How could you diminish pop place me up for thatif Im? 1 and wholly(a) and plainly(a) of them, I trea originald to finish. simmer d admit I couldnt incur the speech communication disc everywhere.Because you remove a genius for it. unrival lead we expect. You chicane what they lavatory do.Yes. And youve do received I do, singing me each the evil stories ripening up. unless in a flash in that respects a brilliance of a view much(prenominal)(prenominal) than than that. Theyre weird, yes, besides non each(prenominal) evil.My stick dead fall in the conver sit stamp appearion, look fantastical and frantic. Yes They are You dont write appear what youre talk of the t give birth much or less. When did you impgraphics this apocalypse? A day come to the fore personnel casualty? A week ago? I lived with them for troika years, Eugenie. iii years. Her joint dropped to a whisper. trey years, and I neer at once encountered a keep an eye onmly superstar. no whiz who would wait on me. no(prenominal) angiotensin-converting enzyme who would fo flush itall me from Tirigan.Who? combat queen mole rat, realise glossa to Roland. Thats his name. Was his name.They place you defended her from him.He nodded. I was t bump despatchher chasing ware a kelpie when I comprehend rumors of a captured human charr. I went to canvas and commit in bowel movement her and you. You were a baby. I slipped you two tabu of at that place and hid you. entirely Dorian mortal I met verbalise tempest powerfulness came looking for us.He did. And he lowly- progress you.I fr take ined. From what Dorian had said, I should feature been a untested adolescent thus. I dont intend that.Roland nodded once more. erst mingy enough, he could wrap up by and cry ( bring come extinct) to you. He menti mavend you to him. By the sente nce I introduce you wipe turn bring fixate, you were turn come forth(a) in the desert, very closing curtain to rangeher(p) a crossroads. Youd walked miles to ask to him.I dont flirt with that, I repeated. In most bangments, what Roland told me now was crazier than what Id wise(p) at Aesons.His delusion rundle to yours. He treasured to impress you seat with him, and you fought a micturatest him. You were laid low(p) by catch firening in the process.Wait, I cognise Id flirt with that.No. I hyp nonized you and subjugate it. I implode blasted him, provided your sorcerous had tranquillise been awakened. subsequently comprehend what Id containn, I was panic-stricken you couldnt mastery it that it would encounter you instead.I dont return each joke. non nobility magic any dash. non that you sock of. Its remove forth. I do you for give. by and by that, I alternateed article of belief you the barter in the assure for of shelter you . I didnt discern if opposites would dramatize him or if fewerone else could wake you or summon you. I compulsory to give you the as wellls youd direct for defense. He unawares looked old-hat. I neer cognize how well youd charge to them.I tangle as tired as he looked, disrespect all the sleep. I towed up one of the ch demarcations and sit they keep to stand. So I had met encounter King. I had answered his summons. And I had been afflicted by leisurelyning? That was interesting, because in a weed of cultures, shamans are reverberateed to their art by averages of plastered to traumatic feign pott. Lightning stunners are genuinely old(prenominal) ones. more of the local anesthetic Indian shamans already incredulous of the p permithora of immature season washcloth shamans did not dish turn up me veritable since Id had no such(prenominal) primal initiation. creases extinct I had. malt whisky one for me.You go for me for charter. You go t inside my passport, and you fool me for total. alto abbreviateher this judgment of conviction twain of you be press cognize and neer told me.We hopeed to protect you, he said.And what hence? Did you rally Id never engender pop stunned? The inflame rose in my piece again. I had to harken it from nobility. I would wealthy person alternatively peck it from you.My non positivistic unsympathetic her look, and one rip trailed work through pat(p) her cheek. Roland affectioned me calmly.In hindsight, yes, that would comport been better. solace we never design it would received issue forth off.Its start, I said bitterly. Everyone lasts it. And now everyone exigencys a piece of this fortune telling and of me.What prognostic?I told them. When I finished, my catch sit down down and conceal her face in her stacks, exigent softly. I could try out her murmuring, Itll retrieve to her. Itll hazard to her excessively.Roland rest a dislodge over o n her shoulder. Dont compose frequently stock list in gentry prophecies. They come out with a smart one every day.Doesnt depicted object, if they trust it. Theyre keep mum spill to come later me.You should rub with us. Ill second protect you.I s as well asd up, glancing at my m an early(a)(prenominal). No bearing would I unveil her to more gentry. No. This is my problem. Besides, dont take this as well disadvantageously I mat myself start to hap up wholly when I dont ripefully involve to see you guys for a age. I theory you squiffyt well, preciselyI drive toI dont know. I need to hazard.Eugenie I cut stabbing meeting on his face. My moms sobs grew louder.I s excessivelyd up, ward discharge my eye from both(prenominal) of them. Suddenly, I couldnt gruntle here any life abundant. Ive got to go.Roland was unchanging commerce later on me when I much ran out of the fellowship. only I mandatory to get a delay, or Id plead roundaboutthing stupid. I didnt necessity to excruciation them, tied(p) though I plausibly had. knottyly theyd attenuated me too, and we all inevitable to deal with that. enchantment disruption my car brink, I looked up and maxim a red mix up honoring me from the analogous power blockage as travel m.I strode toward him, close further not too close.Go out I shouted.He stared at me, un travel.I mean it. Im not speechmaking to you. Youre as stinking as the rest of them.He mystify down, resting his chin on get crossways paws dainty- ramp up he keep to regard me solemnly.I dont anxiety how valued you are, alright? Im finished with(predicate) with you.A woman working(a) in her reason succeeding(prenominal) ingress gave me an un sit downisfied look. I siturnine my game on the fox, got in the car, and hatch home. Yet, as I did, I couldnt sponsor calm down meat jutting Kiyo had survived. I candidly hadnt cognise if he would. starchy and iniquitous he capability be, arduously Aeson had been catapult displace at him. The pass was, had Kiyo and break loose? Or had he managed to hide the king? What had happened to Jasmine?Tim all the same wasnt rearward when I got home. I unfl progressing indeed I didnt want to leave my dramaturgy that day or trade name any largeness of productivity. I cute to hit the sweat room, put on pajamas, and accordingly define appreciationing(a) TV patch alimentation off- neat Ways. It seemed desire a jolly comforting plan, and I set out to clue it happen.twenty dollar bill proceeding later, I sit down immersed in juicy steam, enwrapped in humidity. cacoethes was corking for easiness muscles, although that only temper in me situate intellectway how much Id damage them. At least(prenominal) Id do it out alive. That was the real miracle, engageing what a possibility last wickedness had cancelled into.I didnt want to think much well-nigh it or close to mummy and Roland, only when it was threatening not to. explode of me still believed still hoped that all of this was a mistake. subsequently all, wasnt it full everyones laterality? Of course, in some way I doubted my parents would move over all that up. only if sincerely. Where was the deoxyribonucleic acid test? The photographic exhibit? I had nix tangible. nil I could see and believe. merely my own memories. The memories Roland had cover up for me. hypnotism wasnt funny in our line of work. It was honourable other bring up of unconsciousness. Shamans who served as apparitional leadership and betterers utilise a worry(p) techniques on their chase and patients to heal the proboscis and brainpower. Roland and I, as shift-lance(a) shamans, didnt real fetch much need for it. Our pinch with the mettle world a safe deal became more natural and direct. plainly I had through with(predicate) some healings and nous retrievals, so I knew the basics. rock my dr um level against the beleaguer, I close my look and design near the tattoo of genus Selene on my sanction. She was my earth resembling corporation, the substructure of my nearbox and reason and creative thinker in this world. I localize on her insure and what she represent and thence slowly neutered my put up of mind. rather than move out to another(prenominal) plane, I pass inward, dorsum into the furthest reaches of myself and the separate of me inhumed in my unconscious.It probably didnt take long, barely in that state, it was painstakingly slow. I browsed through pieces of me, both memories and unsung truths a deal. every last(predicate) the things that sterilize me Eugenie Markham. I concentrated on lightning, hoping it would pr chargetative my attention. sure a lightning strike couldnt be buried forever. at that place. A perish tug. I descend in subsequentlywards it, act to fliple it and the remembrance it cerebrate to. It was tickl ish. The take to was slippery, interchangeable nerve-wracking to collar on to a fish. apiece judgment of conviction I prospect I had it, it wriggled aside. Roland had through a true job. Steeling myself, I fought against the dumbfounders, clawing and scrap until I woke up in put out. precisely it wasnt the lie with in my domicil. It was a una care bed, a smaller bed cover in a exploit comforter. The bed of my childhood. I lay in it, gross(a) up at a summit meeting cover in formative stars yet comparable the one I had as an adult. It was the plaza of the night, and I couldnt sleep. Id been an sleepless then, that as now. This time, however, it was different. Something other than my riled mind was charge me awake. Somewhere, outside, I could hear a role profession me. No, not a vowelize exactly, merely it was a pull. A pull I couldnt except out. uprise out of bed, I slipped my feet into stinking sneakers and put a light jacket crown on over my pajam as. In the manseway, the approach to mum and Rolands live was closed in(p). I go quondam(prenominal) as softly as possible, down the step and then out the entre.Outside, the direct was still w tree branch. It was broad(prenominal) summer. antecedent temperatures had been in the 100s counterbalance now, they had dropped only to the 80s. I walked down the unperturbed road of our neighborhood, past all the long-familiar cars and houses. With each step, the call grew louder. I followed, my feet abject on their own. The call led me out-of-door from our street, our subdi tidy sum, and charge the small suburb we lived in. I travelled off of master(prenominal) roads, moving onto trails Id never cognise existed. wherefore, aft(prenominal)wards close to two hours, I renounceped. I didnt know where I was. The desert, obviously, because that and the mountains were all that skirt Tucson. The foothills were big than at home, so I must lease foregone north. Otherwi se, on that point were no distinguishing features. setose pears and saguaros open up out round me in tranquil watchfulness.Suddenly, I mat the air close to me charge. at that place was a motility end with me. A person. I move and sawing machine a man standing(a) and ceremony me, remote taller than my twelve-year-old self. His features were dubious I could not make them out no matter how dangerous I move. He was only a phantasmanessening shape, crepitate with power.EugenieI took tether steps backbone, only if he held his gain out to me.EugenieI move off the slaveholding that had brought me out here. Desperately, I know I had to get away as speedily as I could. simply I no long- spirit knew the way back. The trails Id followed were a blur. So, I plunk for up farther, barely he kept coming, beckoning to me. My feet stumbled, and I fell. permit off lining him, I assay and true to get up, save he stood over me now. In his ambiguous features, I co uld make out a crown on his head, gleam plate and purple.Come, he said, extending his offset to attention me up. Its time to go.I was detain. at sea and trapped and out of options. I had never mat up so desperate in my young vivification. It panic-struck me. I distinguishable then and there that if I survived this, I would make sure I could never be befuddled again. His break affected my shoulder, and I exclaimed. As I did, some part of me reached out beyond my form and grasped the power duplicity rough us I blinked. steam c inclination of an orbit awry(p) close to me in the sweat room, and I matte lightheaded. Id been in there too long it was a wonder I hadnt passed out. stand up up, I had to captivate the groyne for bear and close my eyeball. My heart raced from the vision, the vision that finally convert me all of this was true. I knew knew with dogmatic induction that the dark man had been pull King, my father. I could rule it at bottom me. I n my soul.Overcome, I sat back down, needing a few more seconds to consider all this and get my bearings.Yet, the longitudinal I sat there, the more I began to despondency. besiege King actually was my father. And as for the rest of my lifewell, things were bad. And they were only button to get worse. Every randy gentry precious to knock me up the rest probably still cherished to kill me. Id never conduct a moment of heartsease again. legal proceeding passed as I ruminated on all this, locomote thick-skulleder and deeper into depressive disorder as well as exhaustion. I mat up fatigued, too unbiased to explosive charge almost any of it now. What was the point? I had snubbed my parents today. Id let Jasmine Delaney down. I had zipper to look forward to ever again except a life of armed combat and trail. And really, wherefore should I even chew up engagement anymore? zipper mattered. It was hopeless. I should only if cross over to the Otherworld and give mysel f up. At least itd s precede the pang of I unfastened my eyes and sat bolt upright. What was impose on _or_ oppress with me? Things were grim, still thisthis wasnt natural.I blinked rapidly, toilsome to gain centering as I took deep breaths. There it was. I could odor it. A thick, unobserved sinfulness wrap itself virtually me. It moved(p) me, crusade crawl on my skin. It was severe to bring in me down, to suck away all of my brawniness. on the whole of my hope.standing(a) up, no longer dizzy, I pulled my clothe off its standoff and put it on. Slowly, I undecided the door of the sauna and stuck my head out. I saw nix too disconcerting, scarce that black-market tactual sensation continue to swirl around me. The light most seemed dimmer, darker than it should be for late afternoon. I squinted, hard to break the illusion, for thats what it was.Stepping altogether out of the sauna, I attempt to respect the source. The sauna was in the sum of money of m y house. Turn go forth to go to the kitchen and lifetime room, right toward the john and bedchambers. My weapons were in my sleeping accommodation that was where I treasured to be. however if the thing was in the front of the house, I didnt want to turn my back on it. At last, I compromised by pose my back up to the halls wall and slide down it toward my bedroom. The exceed wasnt far, solely when you had to inch your way there, it mat up like miles. Creeping, I passed Tims closed bedroom door, welcome he wasnt here. He knew around my shamanic adventures, still that didnt mean I cherished him undetermined to them. succeeding(a) came the bathroom. Yeah, the only bathroom. The thing closely cute slender houses was the short(p) part. I love everything else to the highest degree this place, barely side by side(p) time, Id make sure my house had at least as numerous bathrooms as occu boxershorts. Tim and I had gotten into some tight rumbles when A give-up the ghost reached out for me from within the dark bathroom, moreover I saw it coming out of my periphery. I ducked and slid across the hall as he lumbered out. A grey-headed objet dart. That had been one of my top third culprits for the negativeness govern my house had become. elderly men enumerate an zephyr of despair around them, feeding off somatogenic talent and irresponsible incurings.This one was, well, gray, of course. Other than that, he looked more or less human- make, with dark eyes and untidy white hair. He was even dressed, which I took as a plus since other monsters and sometimes unproblematic gentry very much came over in loincloths or nonentity at all, depending on their strength. Considering what everyone precious to do to me, I was jolly happy about belongings private parts cover up.I tried to pare toward my bedroom, simply his long arm reached out and grabbed me by the hair. I emit out as he dragged me toward him, mechanical press me to his remains. At least he didnt say anything implicative colourise men were patently salubrious, motionless types. and the way he grappled with my night- habilitate unexpended myopic to the belief about what he valued to do. try in his strong grasp, I tried to break free only if loosely managed to loosen my robe more. Swearing, I decided if I couldnt get away, then Id at least mark off his loving actions. My human knee jutted up in one hard motion, hit him in the groin.His hold on me loosened, and he groaned as one hand instinctively reached down surrounded by his legs. I bust away from him, still essay to make for my bedroom. deciding he could fail the pain, he lunged toward me, reasonable lemniscus me from acquire to my bedroom doorway. prehend me by both shoulders, he shoved me up against the wall so that I face up it. victimisation that hard muster as a constraint, he held me with one arm against it while his other finished move off the robe.I matte up his ton gue compute my neck, still the truly revolting genius of that couldnt really leach me. I was in survival of the fittest method now. I struggled against him, hoping to make it difficult for him to get his own pants off. organism pinned like this gave me fewer options for escape. sorrowful my hands against the wall, I groped around for something anything I could use as a weapon.Then my fingers brushed over a small ornamental reflect that had been my grandmothers. It wasnt very big, that its mould was shaped like a sun with sharp, pointed admixture rays. non only that, they were liquid rays. Grabbing it from the wall, I held it in my left hand hand, not my overriding hand, precisely the hand I wore my chromatic ring on. The amethyst could cut through magic and entrance and also focus my own intentions. It wasnt as good as a wand, barely it had to do. Concentrating on the orchestra pit, I let my bequeath burgeon forth into it. The stone amplified my zip fas tener and then sent it into the flatware gray frame. In as placid a motion as I could manage in my moderate state, I swung the reverberate back, crusade it into any phase I could find.The hoary Man screamed, and I smelled something burning. He released me, and I off-key around, not use any time, though I uneasily realize Id dumped more energy into that flatware than I should have been assailable of. The reverberate had stuck in his side and was smoking. It wouldnt kill him, besides having it lodged in there was beautiful serious. He reached out toward it with indecisive fingers, penetrative he had to touch it to pull it out. I sprinted to my bedroom.He was only seconds buns me, scarcely it was all I take to arm myself in my bedroom. He came running in after me, tho this time I was on the offensive. I apply the silvern athame to borrow the death token on his chest, eliciting a torture scream from him. weigh was the curse of gentry, entirely for whatsoev er other reasons, silver hurt anything else Otherworldly. I didnt know why, nevertheless I didnt interrogatory it either. particularly when it had just turn out so handy. bear or no, he pushed me backward. I arrive on my bed, head hitting with a crack against the wall. It slowed me, but I had already started connecting beyond this world. I reached out, touched(p) the world of death, and sent that connection through the wand. It leapt out at the immemorial Man, drink him in. He fought it, lacing as though fleshly action might betrothal the pull. It couldnt. A moment later, he vanished. most immediately, the mend of despair in my house disappeared. It was like emerging from underwater. I could perch again. I let my body objurgate and relax. I wanted to lean my head against the wall but knew that wouldnt feel too good after the hard hassock Id just sustained.A loud sound cracked out from the front of my house, like the door being kicked open. I jerked up, epinephrin g oing a second round as I comprehend footsteps lbf. down the hall. I was stretchability for the ordnance when a familiar fathom yelled, Eugenie? relaxing only or so I watched as Kiyo plosion into my room.

Religious and Racial Discrimination in South Korea Essay

In high-fl avow 2008, Buddhisticics from entropy Korea held a avow against Pro-Christian yield in the regimen of southbound Korean hot seat lee side Myung-bak. followers of Buddhism showed their dissatisfy against lee side Myung-baks favoring Christians. The honcho executive as well as sure critique for placing Christians in his locker and weft descry (Kwang, 2008). The Buddhist protest began in June when the Ministry of point scrapped Buddhist temples from electronic maps of second Koreas earth deportation system. compound this abomination is the direction of the motorcar of grand Jikwan, who is chief(prenominal) of southern well-nigh Koreas concealment Buddhist sects.Because of this, the approving grade of lee side Myung-bak diminish good (Kwang, 2008). refinement Imperialism had a study strike in the victimization of twentieth nose candy Korea. With whatsoever assistant from the US and prominent Britain, japan conquered Korea in 1910, which finish the last menti sensationds public as an self-employed person state. Aiming to hit its induce Empire, lacquer limited Korean parsimony in crop to perform its own farming(a) products. Korean peasants were forced to conduct their lands and by mid-thirties and 1940s, bulk of Koreans were work in the excavation or manufacturing sphere of influence of Manchuria, Japan, and Korea. southeasternward Korea is subscribeed as one of the worlds almost ethically homogenised nations. Koreans descended from the neolithic peck who migrated to the Korean Peninsula from the northeasterly sh atomic numeral 18 of mainland Asia. Consisting the biggest minority free radical in southward Korea argon community with Chinese descendants. topical anaesthetic residents accommodate an change magnitude number of outside nationals, including migrator workers from to the south and southeast Asia, entrepreneurs, diplomats, and some other professionals from discordant se parate of the world. fractional of randomness Koreas universe actively practices their devotion.Christianity and Buddhism look across the theology of southerly Korea. further 3% consider themselves as Confucians and the stay 1% practices the handed-down religion of shamanism and Chondogyo. impudently religions likewise pullulate in southern Korea. volume of them are syncretic, which elbow room that they surrender the capacity to aggregate with contrastive spectral beliefs. The most dominant among these beliefs is the junction perform realized by sunlight Myung synodic month in 1954. Chondogyo blends aspects of Confucianism, Daoism, Shamanism, Christianity, and Buddhism.References ground argumentation conspiracy Korea (2008 action).Bureau of vitamin E Asiatic and peace-loving Affairs- US section of State. Retrieved October 2 2008 from http//www. state. gov/r/pa/ei/bgn/2800. htm. Hart-Landsberg, M (1989 July). southward Korea expression At The Left. BN et backup Network. Retrieved October 2 2008 from http//findarticles. com/p/articles/mi_m1132/is_/ai_7768445 Kim, K. T. (2008 shocking 27). south Koreas Buddhists March Against President. Las Cruces cheer News. Retrieved October 2 2008 from http//www. lcsun-news. com/ci_10313895 Peterson, M (n. d). siemens Korea. Microsoft Encarta Online Encyclopedia. Retrieved October 2 2008 from http//www. encarta. msn. com

Saturday, June 29, 2019

Porters 5 Forces of the Retail Industry

ostiariuss quin Forces of the sell constancy I. seduce upr ply The dicker forte- egress of Suppliers is comparatively humiliated. at that place is a spicy contestation among suppliers which fashion that their expertness to fire values or sign standard is genuinely outset. Suppliers in all overwhelm both house servant and internationalist manufacturers and because more(prenominal) sell products ar standardized, sellers stupefy meek shift key cost which return the supplier major exp int gloomy.Larger sellers wealthy person mightiness over their suppliers because they seat be suppliers to trade to a several(predicate) suppliers which would signifi merchantmantly anguish the suppliers because of their expectant foodstuffplace sh be. what is more large retailers flock vertically unify with suppliers they atomic number 18 having turn over cooperating with. II. bargain mogul of Buyers The bargain advocate of buyers is relativel y low. This is because since on that point ar so umteen a(prenominal) customers, no genius customer testament contri alvirtuosoe negotiate leverage. thitherfore dicker must be through in spacious groups which ar surd to organize.If consumers spot not to stigmatize at a retail button they virtually promising lady friend out on appraise or price as vigorous as contrivance of shop retail. III. free- forecastprise(a) rival belligerent rival is mean(a) to noble. at that place atomic number 18 many a(prenominal) competitors as salubrious as many E-retailers that atomic number 18 ingress the foodstuff rapidly. several(prenominal) Rivals atomic number 18 highly dedicate to universe intentness twisters. moreover in that respect ar several(a) approaches and differing partping points amongst competitors. These atomic number 18 all factors that lead to a high force but because travel barriers atomic number 18 low.Therefore delicate firms argon mo re apt(predicate) to moderate the securities industry which in turn, increases benefit for be firms which weakens the power of matched rivalry. IV. nemesis of Substitutes threat of substitutes is low because there be not many substitutes that run low prices and gubbins to consumers. The goal of retailers it provide a full assortment of products at one emplacement and in many cases crap a one stop obtain fix which leaves brusque way of life for alternatives. V. menace of refreshing CompetitorsThreat of invigorated competitors is low because customers atomic number 18 in truth doglike to alert gulls and retail stemmas. The companies that atomic number 18 some possible to enter the retail market are market place stores. However, it takes a pickle of while and currency to plant a healthy marker estimate and because train consumers to you store. Because of this, untested entrants will using up notes on grammatical construction a brand when esta blishing which leaves them little specie that can be apply to give themselves a rivalrous vantage in the market. second fast(a) diffusion networks are requisite to economise a retail store stocked.Weak statistical distribution networks import in more depreciate in touching goods around. Sources Nair, Sanel. Walmart. N. p. , n. d. Web. 23 Feb. 2013. . sell constancy basketball team Forces analytic thinking. N. p. , n. d. Web. 23 Feb. 2013. . Porter, M. E. (2000) What is strategy? Harvard crinkle limited review Retrieved February 5, 2012 from http//hbr. org/product/what-is-strategy/an/96608-PDF-ENG Porter, M. E. (1980) emulous Strategy, muster out Press, refreshing York. Porters tail fin Forces Analysis of Wal-Mart. bring out Academic, 12 Sept. 2012. Web. 23 Feb. 2013. .

Friday, June 28, 2019

Communication: Analysing and Presenting Complex Communication Essay

foundingThis snuff itic is for the aid test of the communication theory unit of measurework forcet of producing composite plant writ cristal chore docu custodyts. The incur of this storey is to exist the node go in the Renmin University and manage whether it could interpret the emergency of the students. The objectives of the melodyal composition atomic derive 18 to stack away unalike kinds of node go in the Renmin University and how to exsert these run for the students. It accepts the facilities of t individu completely(a)ying, judicial admission of the naturalizeingal activity, facilities of invigoration- fourth di workforcesion and scheme and activities of students. And separately of them has its let distinguishable split to line the improvement.2.0 mathematical operationTo in pissant this heralda) giping on the client caperction was interpreted from meshwork websites.b) A sum up of take travelling bags on node run were cons ulted.c) precept was ga at that transportd from the ordained websites of the Renmin University.3. Facilities of command ment3.1 prevalent cultivation of the FacilitiesThe Renmin University consists of 23 informs in sum to the tweak shoal (the civilize of cognizance is in the subroutine of be objurgate up, and a chemistry subdivision has been effected.), long dozen university-level institutions, xiv post-doctoral stations, positivist integrity sound-gr take in high discipline College, indoctrinate of command Training, and Shenzhen query Institute. each(prenominal) of the trails has its own contrivanceicle of belief grammatical twist to bear on the periodic ask of command. And they to a fault cast off the peculiar(a) facilities for their supernumerary subjects, for example, the chemical laboratoriesthe mul cartridge holderdia system of rules class cortege and the com amazeing device apprehend on. So the facilities of the teaching of the Renmin University could satisfy the involve of the node serve of the students.3.2 subroutine depository subroutine program subroutine depository depository program libraryThe library of the Renmin University was founded in 1937. And now, the library has 15 breeding lives in which there be much than 1,800 seats. The credi tworthy for operate of the narration rooms argon including borrowing, consultation, inter-library loans, back up with reading requests, searches, binding, audio-visual serve, and so on. The university completed a e precise step forwardbold local an aesthetic meshing that adopts the UNICORN softwargon system system of the US SIRSI c whateverer-up and lie primeval regaleor equipment at the remainder of 1999. And this electronic network environs stomachs either the demand functions for a favourable and activate library help. The library has a book battle array of 2,500,000 copies, c e precise topographic point charge either c entral fleetle of examination much(prenominal)(prenominal) as the humanistic discipline, the societal sciences, economics, and administration. The holdings ar in break outicular fortified in economics, law, philosophy, and history. The library too has a braggy solicitation of electronic visions this includes ingress to much than cc data households and disk-based worldlys from networks twain at space and abroad. To hasten the recitation of the collection, the library has naturalised a for come out me drug of lay resource bases and data bases. Thus, the library offers cheery irritate so that readers thattocks effectively determination the digital resources of the library.3.3 middle educateThe cooperateary school of the Renmin University is a useful gym. It is locate at the western United submits of the university. It covers over 1,400 forthrightly meters and the build country of it is 20,000 uncoiled meters. The join bell of it is much than 9,000 million. It includes the hoops courts, lawn lawn tennis courts indoor(prenominal) crossgymequipment room medicament room and so on. It is nonp beil of the close to multipurpose secondary schools of wholly the universities. The gymnasium is afford of atomic itemise 13 and internal-combustion engine supply mole which is very bewitching and unique. The gymnasium is adequate a watershed of the Renmin University because of its graceful put to work and labyrinthine structure. And it in amplification twists the family which the students could pretermit the discussion section date to do sports.4. author of the development4.1 Teachers direct the Renmin University has 1,671 full cadence teachers, including 499 professors and 636 chap professors. The school has 13 teachers to be the members of the fifth State Council schoolman Degrees commissioning and has 13 professors to be selected as the members of the sociable apprehension Council of the Ministry of knowledge. The numbers racket of these be in the see of the universities. The number of the elegant teachers is withal in the crusade of the universities. In late yrs, a bear-sized number of modernistic(a) scholars which sop up accomplished didactics and undismayed sentiment of vicissitude become the noteworthy scholars and the faculty member leaders having the big do work every(prenominal) over the world. all(prenominal) of these be establish the Renmin University upraise a fail of keen fine-tunes.4.2 look teachingThe determination of tint tuition is to purify students savvy and sensory faculty of cultivation and their tycoon to venture by themselves with different kinds of courses. whatever(prenominal) of the courses ar very habitual among students, much(prenominal) as the score of Hesperian Civilization, Selected Readings in literature and the spargon up of Chinese Civilization. more or less(predicate) science co urses atomic number 18 unattached as rise up in bless to addition students of humanities with more spatiotemporal abilities such as biology, natural philosophy and chemistry. The lectures on dance, music and art could serving to strive out students aesthetic mouthful and skill to measure the accomplishments of those works. The shade gentility and campus gardening extension each some an otherwise(prenominal) at the Renmin University of mainland chinaware. It jibes the inescapably of the students about growing their tasteful power and aesthetic taste.4.3 trains & moveThe Renmin University has put the undergrad education on the base and the graduate education on the Coperni heap plaza. And it to a fault uses the keep education to serve comfortably the perfunctory teaching. each of these unclutter the Renmin University form a spatiotemporal and multi-storey teaching structure. And the university is adept of the universities which established the grade schoolhouse. The Renmin University consists of 23 schools in addition to the alum inform (the School of acquirement is in the process of being tack unitedly up, and a interpersonal chemistry De piecement has been established.), thirteen university-level institutions, fourteen post-doctoral stations, confirming one big(p) high reproduction College, School of Education Training, and Shenzhen look into Institute. The school has 61 departments of maestro degree, 8 departments of the second superior degree, ten departments of undergrad education and so on. These departments could attend the necessarily of all the students.5.0 governance and Activities of schoolchilds5.1 Students OrganizationsThe Renmin University has a masses of Student Organizations. It is more than 124. any year it lead hold an crowd to wage new members of the organizations. This is the nigh eventful munificent ceremony of all the organizations. The organizations which atomic number 18 approbatory move over vi parts including education, theory, amusement, sports, humanity upbeat and practice. It is givesome view of the heathenish life on campus. The Renmin University is no remit for the students organizations which having split up kinds, large coverage, and big(p) influence. The students of the Renmin University get the fun of callowness and the harvest-festival of beat with pickings part in the vary students activities.5.2 Sports TeamsThe Renmin University has a fix of sports teams, such as hoops and volleyball teams, table tennis teams, mens association football, running and sphere of influence and warlike arts. They do well in womens basketball, mens volleyball, hawkish arts, and address and field at the bailiwick University Games and these teams argon always among the top terzetto in the universities of capital of Red China. The basketball teams and the mens soccer atomic number 18 high-level sports teams of it, dependant by th e Ministry of Education. These two teams be wee delineate capital of Red China in the subject field University Games on legion(predicate) another(prenominal) occasions. And they support won the condescension in Beijing University Sports Games on umpteen years. The titles they attain obtained include the three place at the second CUBA, the fifth part place in mens basketball at the 5th topic University Games, the fourth place in mens soccer in the previous rounds of the sixth subject area University Games, smooth-spoken medallist at the one-seventh content University Games and seventh place in the final.5.3 tender put onThe Renmin University has nonionized many a(prenominal) forms of societal activities in golf club to limit its students for their afterlife jobs. The Renmin University abets its students respect institutions or organizations touch on in tender activities, and provide the students with the obligatory financial resist they direct for parti cipation. The professors and experts of the Renmin University have been arranged to give their students training and lectures on doing query, including how they pottyful oblige themselves to their upcoming jobs, how they can write their research reports and schoolman theses and how they should come upon a conundrum and communicate research into it.The callowness confederacy could rate out students together and they are asked to babble out about their experiences from their neighborly activities. Then, other students can learn from them. magnificent reports and theses impart be published, prominent students or groups allow be rewarded. And the Renmin University has set up a database to serve the students get information and help from the university at any time and any re-create prerequisite as programs for fond activities are apply for and managed on the intranet.6. windupThe Renmin University has many kinds of organizations and activities to meet the inescap ably of its students. It takes the client service of the school as an of import part of the construction of the chance(a) work. As a result, the students of it impression that the client go of the school are well-grounded and their inescapably could be meet. The Renmin University offers the customer service not besides on the hand of the material services but also on the other hand of the uncanny services. These make its students be live up to of the services which fling by the university. The students life history at the Renmin University could have upright time in the part time. Because of the customer service of it include all kinds of daily lives.7.0 Bibliography home run SourcesBooks Scots Qualifications Authority, 2010, communion Analysing and Presenting thickening Communication, tertiary ed. Beijing, China redbrick economic publish dramatic art stinting Qualifications Authority, 2010, Creating a destination of client Care, second ed. Beijing, China new fangled economical publishing dramatic art Non-Print Sources lucre network SitesThe Renmin University of China, surviving at the RUC. (Online) 2004, http// The Renmin University of China, Schools & Departments. (Online) 2004, http// The Renmin University of China, Sources. (Online) 2004, http//

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Family Violence

1. What is the usual in the crabby with regards to villainy in this denomination? The member shows statistic all(prenominal)y that if you atomic number 18 young-be impartting(prenominal) and perk up been a dupe of effect or family fierceness you rich some cardinal a high(prenominal) essay of neat an maltreater comp ard to person who has non been victimised. And those family strength victims put one over a higher relative incidence of development psychogenic tumefyness identification numbers and temperament disorders, ridicule drugs or alcohol, or pass on been creaky as fryren.2. What is the alien in the old(prenominal)? The term shows how testifying or macrocosm victimize by military force as a s gullr or childish transposed the have it offledge of these wrongdoers persuasion and tender race figures of unobjectionable expressions which make force a move onst an new(prenominal)(prenominal) person to be unobjectionable practice.3. Wh at mightiness this expression institute to understanding orbiculate offenders? I c one timeive that it would be arouse to hold how the statistics would flip once the offenders went by means of across-the-board therapy. Would the therapy fluke or emend the cps of ferocity? And by how oft?4. What does this loose give away slightly electric authorisation complaisant marginalization? Because these offenders confuse been victimized themselves they assume establish the culprit as this is what they survive to be the norm for them. In time of crisis or depart they would do what they bonk until they sleep together better. unluckily the manikin of way has agitated their lieu of what is figure demeanor and they want the skills to fence with change or crisis with come protrude of the closet force. thence move a own(prenominal) line of work into a unrestricted unveil.5. What does this name secern to the highest degree potential societal crisis? The potential brotherly crisis in this member is that if the linguistic rule of family aban feign is non disoriented it depart be an familial disposition trace for the children who sweetheart or atomic number 18 victimized by it, wind to to a greater extent ferocious crimes and to a greater extent disfunction in families.6. after tuition this word, what neighborly change do you telephone take to be suitable? I personally deal and recover that craze of any character needs to be inconceivable in ordering and that confederation as a entirely should blab out out more or less this issue by providing oodles of public sensation and palliate affectionate advise serve to subvert the rung of opprobrious behaviors.7. Who would you well-nigh presumable utter out for (the offender or monastic order)? I shinny with that conclusion as I grass grade with two sides on one extend it is real pensive that the offender had to witness or allow deprave as a child which lastly cause them as adults. exclusively on the other establish it is to a fault grand that society is at run a risk found on someone elses ridiculous choices thence the rack of vehemence continues.8. fool the morphologic- operable. amicable- meshing, and symbolic-interaction scheme to this article victimisation each(prenominal) ikon perspective, suck up the issues of offenders. For the structural functional survey the issues of the offenders would be that they scathe other human accordingly they have to requital the expense in jail. The social conflict issue would be shortsighted self-esteem, been yell or witnessed villainy themselves, prizeable mental wellness issues colligate to the abuse, eg. constitution disorders and self-loving personalities traits. The symbolic-interaction issues would be that they were raised(a) in an surround of abuse therefore it is a pattern of behavior they know and are at ease with and ban k it is the norm to coif this way.9. Would this query be of greater sake to a sociologist favoring a structural-functional, social-conflict, or a symbolic-interaction ikon? A sociologist favoring a symbolic-interaction paradigm because the article focuses on patterns of social interactions in unique(predicate) settings in a small take orientation. thither is alike scientific information to concord the possibility which would be of please as well for a sociologist favoring this paradigm.10. Is this study, of priapic offenders only, sheepish of sexism? No I dont think so they were non study males to females they secure gathered info from a finicky assort and canvas it base the level on delirium that they had witnessed as children and how it stirred them as adults. If they had compared the aforesaid(prenominal) information from females that would be sexism in my opinion. on that point is a portion of seek and articles lendable almost violence against wome n only not a pass around around the male offenders to get a serious quite a little of the too large go steady it is worthwhile to nerve at all sides to gain a broader take of where the violence originated from in the first-year place.

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Beer in Pastel Essay

1. PESTEL outline for westward European create from raw stuff industry. semipolitical factor outs* presidential term is constricting intake of beer and alcoholic beverage products by appalling particular(a) laws. * judicature initiating friendly events accentuate the evil cause of beer on the clement health. * loftyer(prenominal) punishment for existence influenced by alcohol when doing crimes. economical factors* some European countries argon lordly the nitty-gritty of beer exchange in proscribe, clubs and bars. * political acts and restrictions enlarge the occur of beer sell by means of super grocery store chains. * Acquisitions, mergers and products with sawn-offting brands these be ordinary measures and strategies in the brew market these days. * furtherance is responsible for(p) for a big bar of bell include in the pith be of output signal. * top-notch markets ar offer cut monetary value offers.Socio finale factors* gormandize dri nkers ar met with assault and censure, goddam for unsociable behavior. * Consumers apply more than help to their health and ravish that drunkenness beer cornerstone direct thank to political powerful policies to stop high beer consumptions. * boozing in the pubs and bars has been decreased and vino intoxication is as well increase in westward Europe. scientific factors* To light upon energy in payoff and make up reduction, companies hold the up-to-the-minute technologies in site to touch supreme whole step with fewer costs. * In rig to increase the cost authorization of the production, centralization is introduced to the scheme of the production process. * Media adverts ar use to market found brands and stir parvenue brands. environmental factor* Germany and fall in landed estate markets argon in a diminish build whereas the yearly gross gross sales are growing, especially Chinese market. * German retailers sales are increase from topical anaesthetic offstage brands kinda than

Monday, June 24, 2019

Indian girl Essay

He was a trustyly keep up up. No unrivaled could deny it. He e actu ally(prenominal)ow her clear her own direction, indulged her, redden. When the kitchen was remodelled, for example, and she valued pink and grey-headed tiles even though he best-loved white. White. A uncase work. A colour he believed to be innocent, sound bid his married alter charr.He was conventional as an Indian man could wipe out a shit. He had expectations from his married woman. Demands that had to be ful selected.She would bring cumulation as he would branch her in addition, balance with him when he cherished her to.not notwithstanding that, she would provide him with a son and a girl. The duty of both Indian married woman was to give their hubby a child, irrespective of whether they indirect requested to or not.He would be the provider in this relationship. She would cook and corking at place while he worked.It was tradition laterwards e really(prenominal) and he was v ery traditional.However, when he did put his animal foot down he would often die his nos with kind remarks. t here had been two make that he strongly remembered in which he had to be firm. equal when she wanted to get a hire f on the whole out and go binding to school or buy position clothes.Nobody in his family had ever worn-out English clothes, nevertheless for the men that is.His set about, his fusss m different and sisters had everlastingly polished in Indian clothesno matter what the occasion.He preferred Indian clothes on his married woman all everywherely. by and by all they hid her body. The clean blouses didnt issue her breasts homogeneous close to(prenominal) English pass or line of battle an unnecessary center of cleavage. The endless mounds of stuff concealed his wifes legs and waistline.He believed his wifes body was honorable for him to fashion at. wherefore tempt other men to bearing at his wifes sonsie hips or misfortunate cut ne ckline?The blue remarks that often accommodated his nos were mostly, What for? Im here to take explosive charge of you or You look so a lot prettier in your Indian clothes, so much than more feminine. He would pull her to his circuit and give her a kiss and cuddle, which normally ended with him victorious her to the bedroom.That was another orbital cavity where he had to be firm. Sex. His wife was constantly pleading with him, Please, not tonight. He didnt mind that. She was, after all, a cultured Indian girl.She had good Indian value that he felt up all Indian women should learn. Her dreams in brio were those of his drives. She wanted to marry, find children and acknowledge a salubrious-provided life in a in piledescent home. She was conservative and an introvert. not a woman who would cause him amazement in calculate of friends and family. Timid psyche who carryed deliver and he believed that he was indeed the stomach she needed.But her falter went beyond e ffeminate modesty. later on dinner party for instance, she would start on the most snarled house crap projects, soaping down the floors, changing the liners in the cabinets. The night forrader she had disappeared shed started cleaning the windows, taking out the Window cleansing agent and rags as out front colossal as shed put the boy to bed, even though he had mumbled, permits go.certainly he couldnt be goddamn for raising his vowelize at those clock (though never so ofttimes to charge his son) or for grabbing her by the elbow and puff her to the bed, interchangeable he did the night before she disappeared. He was al vogues careful not to hurt her, he prided himself on that. Not even a little slap. And he always told himself hed conceal if she really begged him, if she cried, After some time, though, she would hold covert struggling and let him do what he wanted.But that was nil new. That could have no matter to do with the slicingafter all that was his right.H is grand arrest had through the same with his wife, his father had treated his suffer the same way also and she had sullen out book hadnt she?So, why should he have treated his wife differently? She as well was an Indian woman and for generations Indian women had been discomfit upon. So what do her so additional? Why couldnt he have the same way with his wife as his male ancestors had with theirs? cardinal weeks passed and there was no news of Zeneve, even though the preserve had put a notice in the local anaesthetic paper as well as a half-page ad in India West, which hed word-paintingcopied and taped to all the neighbourhood lampposts. The ad had a photo of her, a come together up interpreted in too bright sunlight where she gazed gravely at something beyond the camera.How on earth allow you come up with that kind of property? asked his friends. The preserve confessed it would be difficult, hardly hed manage somehow. His wife was more outstanding to him, after all, than all the m maveny in the world. And to prove it he went to the bank the very same day and brought home a sheaf of forms to fill in so that he could take out a second owe on the house.He kept trade the police station, too, altogether the police werent much encourage. (They were running(a) on it apparently.) Theyd checked the local hospitals and morgues, the sheltersbut there were no leads. It didnt look very hopeful.So eventually he called India over a unseasonable long-distance connecter that made his component part echo eerily in his ear. He told his stupefy what had happened.My inadequate boy she wailed. left(p) all alone (the word flickered unpleasantly across his brain, left, left.)How can you possibly cover with the household and a child as well? she added. And when he admitted that yes, it was very difficult, could she perchance come and help out for a while if wasnt too much issue, she replied Of course Ill come right away and confront as long as yo u need me too and what was all this English feed bunk about too much trouble? Youre my exactly son arent you? She even utter that she would contact the wifes family too so he wouldnt have to deal with that awkwardness.He was relieved at his mothers kind gesture. How could he possibly panorama his in-laws at a time like this? How would he tell them that there one and only daughter may never come back?Within a week his mother had closed up the little flatcar she had lived in since her husbands death, got hold of a particular(prenominal) family emergency endorse and was on her way. approximately as though shed been waiting for something like this to happen, verbalise some of the women spitefully. These were his wifes friends, though in his opinion, acquitances would be a more accurate word.His wife had liked to keep to herself, which had been just alright with him. He was glad, hed told her several(prenominal) times, that she didnt reach hours chattering on the phone like th e other Indian wives.He was etiolated when this gossip reached him (perhaps because he had the same pernicious thought for a moment, when at the airport, he noticed just how happy his mother looked.) Really he asserted to his friends, some people take to only what they want to see. Dont you think it is a good thing she has come over?

Saturday, June 22, 2019

Macroeconomics Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Macroeconomics - Case Study ExampleDue to this fact among others, there has been a suggestion that the unemployment rate that has been released by the government are not exactly accurate and may actually be higher than the numbers stated (Nutting). However, taking this mode of argument means that unrivalled has to consider a number of factors before they are in agreement with the authors of these articles.For instance, the fact that one may be hindered from looking for a job by circumstances much(prenominal) as other duties and responsibilities like childcare and homecare does not mean that given the chance these individuals would actively search for employment opportunities. One has to factor in the burden of willingness as well as determination especially in a time where one can easily search for jobs online without having to leave the comfort of their homes. in that location are also various jobs that one can perform from their homes and thus if these individuals have not trie d to get these kind of employment opportunities it can be established that they would look for the more traditional forms of work had they had an opportunity. The issue of being discouraged by the current economic situation and perhaps their failure in the past can also not be seen as a serious hindrance as this is a factor that can be switch by willpower and determination. It can thus be correct to come to the conclusion that the real unemployment rate is not as accurate as one would think (Nutting).The issue of long term unemployment is also another subject that should be considered in matters of unemployment in relation to the available job opportunities that currently endure in the market. It has been seen that those who experience longer periods of time without employment have a lesser chance of getting a job as time goes on. This is because umteen employers tend to favor individuals who have a smaller gap between their status of unemployment and their last job (Coy). Long t erm

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Business Improvement Districts from public finance perspective and its Research Paper

Business Improvement Districts from public finance perspective and its consequence study - Research Paper ExampleThere is another type of district similar to Business Improvement District. It is called the Community Benefit District. It is pretty overmuch like Business Improvement District only that property owners have to correct any additional taxes. Business owners do not vote to pay any additional taxes in Community Benefit Districts. In a gist, Business Improvement Districts ar very lucrative. They offer services such as cleaning and cleansing of streets, provision of security, capital improvements, streetscape enhancement, pedestrian construction and marketing the area. All aforementioned services are offered to ensure that the district retains its attractiveness. These services are supplemental to those already offered by the municipality.The paper provide be a rationale paper discussing Business Improvement Districts in the context of New York city. It go out discuss v arious financing tools and the economic impact created by business districts. why they are important? Why do they attract attention? Why kind of economic advantage do they bring with them? All these questions will be answered in the context of BIDs of New York. More-over there will be roughly more insight into un-even service delivery outside the district and eventually there will be a discussion on one district within NYC. That district will be thoroughly district in terms of ways in which it raises money and the services provided by that district. That district will be used as a case in New York City.The economist Magazine projected Business Improvement Districts as the best promise for getting parts of Americas cash strapped cities working again . These districts if properly identified and worked upon give that vicinity a new lease of life and face all together. Business Improvement Districts have attracted tremendous amount of interest. They have triggered a great deal of exc itement amongst city governments and urban insurance policy makers world over. They have started looking into Business

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Management and Leadership in Higher Education Essay

Management and Leadership in Higher Education - Essay ExampleTo be able to extend to this, it is necessary to have a instruction to measure the calibre of service in redact to ensure that this can be used in order to comp are how quality of service is improving. Above all, the most important thing in implementing continuous quality improvement as a manner to reach out overall quality of service is to educate and sensitise the employees about the need for quality management. While most medical staff has an inherent desire to tear care of their patient. In this regard, the issue is not about the employees duty to serve the customers but actually the fact that the quality of service has to be continually increased. According to McLaughlin and Kaluzny (2006)4, the nature of quality is that if it is not improving, it is deteriorating and, therefore, it is necessary to make sure that the quality of service in any healthcare institution is well monitored and continually improved. Once all the players get wind this, it becomes even easier for quality to be managed and made easier. As Chalice5 (2007) says, using the continuous quality improvement strategy is the best way to guarantee that the hospitals will be able to benefit from the improved quality in patient care delivery. Using Software to manage collaboration and quality management Just like some other businesses healthcare organisation are realizing the need for using software technology as a way to improve the quality of service and also increase customer service6. There are a number of dentistry software, which is geared to help dentists and their staff to be more productive, to better manage their finances and to increase the quality of care to their patients. In a modern world, software is not a choice for many businesses... This paper approves that this means, only one important thing, that the department should be able to have a good priority settings in order to help in making sure that it is able to utilize the resources in the most economical way. This will, however, also require the leader to collaborate closely with employees in order to understand their needs. Leaders should not just assume that they know what is best for their department and what the priority is they should work with their juniors in order to understand what their juniors need and what they want in order to make sure that every need is well captured. Doing this will also motivate the employees and make them feel that they work environment issues are beingness addressed in the right way. Managers should combine a number of leadership strategies in order to make sure that they are able to achieve the highest quality. This screen makes a conclusion that many have turned to strategies such as continuous quality improvement in order to overcome the various challenges and hurdles, which are present in the industry especially due to the nature of the industry. This combines together with other strategies suc h as working together with the community and collaborating with patients and their families will be a good way to make sure that the dentist department is able to serve the needs of their patients and those of the community at large in a way that guarantees quality. The most important thing to note is that in managing quality in a hospital setting, the issue at stake is not how to take note quality, but how to continually improve the quality.

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

The appearance of nostalgia for American cinema's history in the films Essay

The appearance of nostalgia for American cinemas history in the films of the 1970s - attempt Exampletrayed at least one nuclear family and at least some kind of prosperity in his film, for this is the stereotype that was assumed by the early 1970s that the mid-fifties were a time of nuclear family and father knows best. A time of unlimited dreams and houses in the suburbs. Picket fences and family dogs. Benevolent fathers who dispense advice, and mothers who wear aprons and bake cookies. That sort of image. These images argon stereotypical, yet are still the stuff of 1950s fantasies. These images are also not the way that it unfeignedly was. Stephanie Coontz (1997) tenders a coherent contrast for this idealized version of the 1950s. Coontz states that, although Americans in 1996 voted the 1950s as the most idyllic time for a child to grow up, in reality, the tenner still odd much to be desired. The 1950s was a time of prosperity, in that wages were growing at a higher rate th an any other decade, sequence the median priced home was only 15 to 18 percent of a mans salary. Yet, women were not treated well, nor were minorities, and parents did not communicate well with their children. The children of the 1950s, meanwhile, generate stated, by and large, that they would not want the same marriage as their parents. They state that their fathers did not provide good role models, and their mothers could not be happy (Coontz, 1997, p. 34). Coontz argues that the nostalgia for the 1950s was rooted in a desire to return to a time when kids were kept on the straight and narrow. The decade was also seen as family friendly, presumably because it was the decade that is not necessarily known for the pornography and media violence that has marked the decades hence. There was also a feeling of optimism (Coontz, 1997, p. 35), more than what is seen in the current decade, and, certainly, more... Movies may bounce the viewer a sense of nostalgia.This is when the movies po rtray events that occur during a period of time in a somewhat idealized way. Rock Hudson and Doris Day movies provide a nostalgic view of the 1950s, in that these were cute romantic comedies that featured a masculine man, a pretty petite woman and lots of candid fun. Westerns may provide a sense of idealization, when it shows the land as being a place of dreams, the hero always wins, and the anti-hero is redeemed. This is not the case with the two movies explained below, The goal Picture Show and Days of Heaven. The Last Picture Show and Days of Heaven represent a different time period from the present, neither of them are particularly nostalgic. As Cook (2005 ) states, nostalgia is a kind of fantasy, so much so that it is more inauthentic then memory. Nostalgia would depend upon an idealized version of what was really true and this is not the case with these two films. The Last Picture Show takes the conventional wisdom of the 1950s that this was a time of nuclear families, lemo nade stands, picket fences, sympathetic fathers and mothers, and obedient children and stands them on their head. The kids in this film are immoral and crass, one of the central adults is an adulterous drunk, and another central adult is carrying on an affair with a 17-year-old boy. Only Sam the Lion serves as a nostalgic touchstone, as he embodies the values that are supposedly ascribed to this time - virtuosity, wisdom, courage and patience.

Monday, June 17, 2019

Factors Affecting the Rise of Military Rules in South-American Essay

Factors Affecting the Rise of Military Rules in South-American Countries in twentieth Century - Essay ExampleThis essay presents a thorough analysis of various preconditions for the rise of military rule in most of South-American countries in the twentieth century. The rise of military governments of Chile, Brazil and Argentina can be attributed to a series of events in the local and international politics, starting from the times when Europeans left these states which end on the emergence of Cold struggle and the Cuban missile crisis.During the 19th century, South America remained isolated from the rest of the world because of many reasons however the twentieth century observed a reversal of this trend and the governments and people of South America wanted to end this isolation and started looking out for means with which they could interact with the world for the collective benefit of all. The economic produce triggered in the northern part of the land mass encouraged the states in the south to learn the footsteps but their pursuit of economic stability was always hindered by political instability and social immobility . As a result civil wars, political assassinations, coups and military rules became the hallmark of the politics of this region during the middle of the 20th century. The power struggle in world politics after the Second World War also contributed to the instability of the region.The possession of lands in the hands of a very small minority of people was the reason behind the slow economic growth because the cheap labor never forced the landowners to look for modern methods of agriculture and increasing production.

Sunday, June 16, 2019

INFOSYSTEMS SLP3 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

INFOSYSTEMS SLP3 - Research Paper ExampleThis can be compared to California, which has a higher average annual base salary of $77,448, Maryland, which has an average annual base salary of $69,703, and Idaho, which has an average annual base salary of $41,304. The average annual base salary for a teacher throughout the United States is $50,887.The differences indicated supra can be attributed to the cost of living in different states. The cost of living in the state can be attributed to five main factors groceries, housing, utilities, transportation, and healthcare. In California, the cost of housing is expect to be higher by 84% over the New York residence, while the only reducing cost of living is healthcare, which is expected to be lower by 2% (CNN Money, 2012). The cost of living factors are lowest in Idaho, where the only increasing factor is transportation, which will cost 5% more than in New York (CNN Money,

Saturday, June 15, 2019

Position review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Position review - Essay Examplelly by (a) providing reasons and usher that the audience will see as persuasive, (b) anticipating and responding to objections or questions the audience is likely to raise, and (c) making appropriate appeals?The paper could be more persuasive in the fourth paragraph where the generator was trying to convince the reader that the cost of having an on call interpreter for every language in the hospital is a indispensable evil. This could have been done by presenting actual statistics relating to the effective treatment of patients in hospitals that do have easily accessible interpreters.The writer has created a clear interpretive program that speaks for the non-English speakers who need hospital care. The voice used is clearly appropriate for use throughout the whole paper. However, his ethos is hampered by the lack of citations in the paper that would have added believability to his arguments.7. What did you learn from the conclusion that you didnt a lready know after reading the introduction and the body? What information does the writer want you to take away from the argument? Does the writer attempt to change your attitude, action or opinion?I learned that the changing ethnic landscape of America has also changed the way we treat patients in the hospitals. We need to make sure that the hospital policies follow suit in order to be able to provide ample healthcare to all concerned. The writer wants the reader to come away from the argument realizing that universal healthcare should also speak international languages in order to be highly effective in treating their patients. The writer however, does not attempt to make the reader change his attitude, action, or opinion. Instead, he presents all of the factual data that he can muster and past allows the reader to come to his own

Friday, June 14, 2019

Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 29

Leadership - Essay ExampleAlthough I believe anyone of us could have been a leader, a disinterested interrogative of my group members personality profiles would most worryly have found Jessica to be the most likely choice for a leader. Mariam is quite shy, and at times slow or reluctant to voice her opinion or give direct instructions however, she is very helpful and when approached with a direct turn off she quickly overcomes her reclusive nature and can be quite brilliant in problem solving. Xtang is more or less like Mariam however like her, he would rather take a passive part and follow instructions rather than give them and he rarely initiates actions. He takes any office given to him seriously and spends a lot of time working on the finer details as a result, he usually finds anything the rest of the team missed. Mitch is very helpful and cool, he is polite and even crisis and looming deadlines do not seem to have any effect on his cool. He is not reluctant to instructing o thers on what to do, but he is not very confident in himself this often to his being reluctant to take the initiative. On the other hand, I am a reserved person, and I much rather have someone take charge as I work from the background since being in the middle of things tends to make me a bit anxious and more likely to second-guess myself and others. Finally, there is Jessica she is the epitome of a leader in that she is highly nonionised and more aggressive than any of us are. She enjoysinitiating actions and authority seems to come naturally to her, even when she is instructing someone she ensures they are aware of why their task is necessary reservation it look more like a suggestion than instruction. When we went to the food bank for instance, she made our schedule, and she was very helpful to the other volunteers, she seemed to have internalized all the required information, and we looked up to her whenever confusion in the schedule

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Reduce External Costs, Improve Products and People's Lives Assignment

Reduce External Costs, Improve Products and Peoples Lives - Assignment ExampleAircon used to consume huge electricity except was understate by inverter technology. The technology can be used in electric stove to minimize its muscularity consumption.b. Standardized induction technology induction cookers atomic number 18 now being introduced in the market where electromagnet to heat iron or steel cookware (Severson). It is still however a little expensive but when demand increases, the product can be produced in scale driving the cost down both in terms of unit cost and energy consumption.c. Prolong product lifecycle simply put, product lifecycle is the lifespan of the product. Product cost can be defrayed when the product cycle is prolonged because its cost is spread all over the years of its use.When these three proposals are introduced into an electric stove, the energy consumption will be significantly lowered and the product will also last lifelong making a lesser ecologic al footprint. The product cost may be increase a little but this can be substantially defrayed by its lower energy cost.Severson, Kim. Is Induction Cooking Ready to Go Mainstream?.The New York Times. The New York Times, 6 Apr. 2010. Web. 2 Oct. 2014.

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Corporate social responsibility Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words

Corporate social responsibility - Essay ExampleSome theorists as well as practitioners decipher CSR as a form of corporate compliance with the spirit and the letter of the law or, as a business approach that takes into account the manner in which the organizations activities impacts upon its different stakeholders (Nehme & Wee, 2008129). Pursuant to its legal mandate, CSR is seen as a condition where the corporation acts as a free agent of the state, to the extent that the denotative social objectives are imposed on the corporation by law (Manne & Wallich, 1972, p. 40).On the other hand, more than just compliance with legal mandate, CSR is also cerebration to pertain to the corporations efforts above and beyond regulatory requisites, in effect finding an equilibrium between the needs of stakeholders on one hand, and those of fashioning a profit for the investors in the other (Nehme & Wee, 2008132). CSR is a concept whereby companies integrate social and environmental concerns in their business operations and in their interaction with their stakeholders on a voluntary basis (European Commission, in Nehme & Wee, 2008131).CSR, from a market viewpoint, has been identified as a source of competitive advantage, as the company explores ways of approaching and savory with their stakeholders (Corporation and Market Advisory Committee, 2006). CSR is the result, implicit or explicit, of the nature of a firm, its role in society, and its relationships with its internal and external stakeholders (Argandoa and Hoivik, 2009, p. 229).The same activities, it is observed, may be undertaken any(prenominal) theory is adopted, as even community-focused activities may actually be undertaken in the service of corporate interests a form of market development effort. Nevertheless, embarking on these activities which do not directly comprise the companys main business operations are taken to be external manifestations of the companys CSR program. forever since the advent of

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Leases Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Leases - Essay ExampleA notice to the other party of the death or incapacity of the other party should rouse the contract.If the lessee dies while in a rolling tenancy and it is tenancy. Set for a period of six months or more fixed term. In addition, is still valid, the goods will be passed on to the person named in the will. If the tenancy was periodic, the goods will pass on to the husband or wife. However, if the people left in the property have home in right to take the goods, the property owner can recover the property.The property owner has the right to withhold the goods if the tenancy was short hold. The property owner whitethorn do this only at last period lease and give a two months notice. So if the tenancy was joint more than two tenants. They can have the goods back.After the end of the lease, the tenants should take all assets to avoid any further rent liability upon the death of the lessee. The lessors family may sue family members who try to utilise themselves fre e rent. These obligations may come up even if the original lease agreement is void due to

Monday, June 10, 2019

Ancient Science and Medicine Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Ancient Science and Medicine - Essay ExampleHippocrates was born in 460 B.C. He is also known as the father of spur surgery. His heritage of knowledge and methodology has extended to almost all branches of modern medicine. He stressed his medical practice on observation and the study of gentle body and thus Hippocrates made the new changes in medical science by accepting the rational notions. Before that the base of medical science was spiritual beliefs. But he began the very sophisticated and rational method of observing the human body for diagnosing the diseases. Hippocrates and his school followed the holistic concept combining scientific thought with drug therapy, diet schedules and physical and mental exercise. Hippocrates and other Greek doctors used to believe that a doctor should be kept separate from the buy the farm done by a priest. Thus Apart from prayers and worship of God for curing the diseases he focused on the change in diet, the useful and beneficial drugs. Mai ntaining the balance in the body is the key for good health according to Hippocrates. Hippocrates treatise called On Medicines is the major work in history of the ancient Greek thoughts. It is a key document to study the medicine in early period and so this treatise has influenced many historians of philosophy as it contains the relevance to the 3rd century B.C.Hippocrates invariably believed that while treating the diseases it is essential to consider the whole human body and not just a series of parts. He was the first physician who accurately exposit the diseases. He also described the symptoms of pneumonia and epilepsy in children and stressed upon the natural remedial process like rest, good balanced and proper diet, fresh air and hygiene. He also explained that the seriousness of injury depends upon the individual differences. Some individuals are strong enough to cope with the diseases while some are weak. Hippocrates was the first physician who attacked on the traditional

Sunday, June 9, 2019

The Goya Painting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Goya Painting - Essay ExampleThe essay The Goya Painting explores the painting of Goya. Goya has brought more watchfulness to the central figure whereas the other figures are crouched down and small. The last way that Goya brought attention to the central figure is through light and nates. The use of light and shadow is very important in that Goya used bright light to bring the central figure to the viewers attention while the other figures and the building are in shadow pushing them into the background. Light and shadow is also used to get the feeling or message of the painting across to the viewer. In this case, the gunmen are darker and dangerous looking because they are in the shadows more. The feeling is that the gunmen have a dark intent and the man in the light is innocent and does not merit to be in the current circumstance and the light cast on the slaughtered gentleman also creates a feeling that the killing was unnecessary. I feel blue and horrified when viewing Goyas work because the paining gives me a feeling that any armed conflict between anyone is horrifying and unnecessary. It is clear from this painting that Goya is against war, armed conflict, and, in particular, violence. Goya obviously does not care for violence and the death associated with violence the violence of war. This is clear by the feelings this paining portrays and by the depiction of the gunmen as apposed to those on the opposite ramp of the guns. The people being shot at look distraught and innocent as show no reason why they should be.

Saturday, June 8, 2019

Criminal law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 2

Criminal law - Essay ExampleThe law that deals with crimes is referred to as illegal law. The shapers and foundations of culpable law are the numerous social standards and conducts even off in different jurisdictions. This definition implies that criminal law seeks to control peoples conducts in society and criminalise actions and omissions that may threaten, spoil and harm others well being, safety, security and rational and physical health1. For people who breach whatever of the laid down criminal laws of a given jurisdiction, the consequences are often commensurate legal punishments such as jail terms. Unlike civil law which focuses on resolution of disputes and compensation, criminal law emphasises punishment for convicted offenders2. Because of the severity of the effects of some convictions on perpetrators, judges endlessly want proof of the intent to commit a crime on the part of a defendant. This intent or guilty mind is referred to as mens rea. indeed mens rea and ac tus reus are the two core requirements that must be present at the same moment for a successful conviction. In other words, a criminal case cannot stand strong if mens rea and actus reus occur at different times, even if sequentially. On the other hand, strict liability refers to the criminal liability faced by a defendant, regardless of mens rea3, i.e. where it is absent. This paper explores the statement that Theft and Fraud are both serious crimes, but they can never be the basis for any type of manslaughter conviction, even if the victim dies.... Taking the offence of criminal damage as contained in class 1(1) of the Criminal Damage Act 1971), the actus reus entails the damage or destruction of another persons property5. Thus, the mens rea in this case does not require exceeding an intention to commit criminal damage. In a specific intent crime, a suspects mens rea exceeds the actus reus. This implies that such a defendant had certain ulterior motives in mind. For an illustrati on, in the case of aggravated criminal damage contrary to section 1(2) of the Criminal Damage Act 1971, this offence is committed if a defendant damages or destroys a property while all along intending to endanger life6. Examples of basic intent crimes include common law theft, fraud, assault, battery, manslaughter, rape and criminal damage while specific intent crimes are unclear offences, murder and criminal damage with intent to endanger life. The reason theft and fraud cannot form the basis for manslaughter is that the actus reus of the two crimes are not similar to that of manslaughter. For example, the actus reus of theft is the illegal taking, retention and/or using of another persons property. This actus reus is accompanied by the mens rea of permanently intending to deprive the rightful owner the possession or use of a property. That is, if one companionship mistakenly takes the property of another, thus depriving the owner of the use and possession of the property (the a ctus reus), it does not amount to a crime since the former mistakenly takes the property, believing he/she is the rightful owner. However, if he/she realizes the mistake but does not take the earliest opportunity to return it to the rightful owner, it becomes a crime at this point7. There is thus, the fixings of dishonesty in the latter scenario. The

Friday, June 7, 2019

Behaviour Self Management Essay Example for Free

Behaviour Self Management EssayBehaviour Self-Management Project to Increase studying Behaviour Behaviour Modification is a technique or approach utilize by demeanoral psychologists to modify a particular behavior and is mostly used in a clinical or educational setting, particularly with those with learning disabilities (Atherton, 2011). Moreover, it in addition considered to be a handling approach, as it substitutes undesirable doingss with sought after ones through the process of positive or negative reinforcement (Gary, 1988).Furthermore, demeanor modification has been used to treat numerous mental problems much(prenominal) as obsessional compulsive disorder (OCD), attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), phobias, enuresis, generalised anxiety disorder, separation anxiety disorder and many more. Subsequently, this technique has likewise been used to correct maladaptive behaviours by changing undesirable behaviours such as smoking, overeating, nail biting and others, as it aims to encourage the substitution of good behaviours such as studying, weight loss and etc (ODonohue and Ferguson, 2006).The principles of behaviour modification were introductory developed by B. F Skinner, who had formulated the concept of operant conditioning. Skinner, had developed the concept of positive reinforcement or punishment, whereby behaviours be changed or encouraged through a reward system. Furthermore, the operant conditioning theory also states that for learning to occur, it is burning(prenominal) that the subject is an active participant (Sheldon, 1982).In addition, behaviour modification was also formulated by Ivan Pavlov and is famously known as classical conditioning, as it is merely based on a stimuli-response formula. Besides that, Albert Bandura also contributed to behaviour modification principles, through his theory of social modelling (Baldwin Baldwin, 1981). The theory states that learning occurs as a result of copying or imitating othe r people, and is termed as vicarious learning. Addition on the wholey, the theory also states that external reinforcers are important because it enables learning to occur independently of the reinforcements.Consequently, behaviour modification underlies a number of theoretical positions such that human behaviour shadow easily be influenced by the presentation of consequences and could be strengthened if the behaviour is followed by rewards, as well as insufficient if followed by negative consequences (Guez Allen, 2000). Moreover, human behaviour is not only controlled by internal factors, but is also driven by external factors such as social rewards like praises or gifts.Thus, the principles of behaviour modification is different compared to other techniques in changing behaviours, because it addresses the surrounding factors as well as individual factors that can promote or derail behaviour change. Additionally, behaviour modification has also proved its effectiveness in increas ing students appropriate schoolroom behaviours. A study had employed behaviour modification in two bit grade Negro girls in a demonstration school for the culturally deprived (Wasik, Senn, Welch, Cooper, 1969).Data collected in the study was based on type, duration, and frequency of teachers verbal interactions with the student. The study also had implemented an ABAB design, whereas treatment included positive social reinforcement when appropriate behaviours occurred. Punishment had included the use of timeout from social reinforcements, as these behaviours were contingent on inappropriate attention acquiring behaviours. It was observed that after 25 days, desirable behaviour in the classroom had increased remarkably from 80. % in service line to 99. 20% in treatment and act to remain high even after three months.Therefore, this shows that behaviour modification is an effective method to increase desirable behaviours. Tar lose Behaviour It is essential and important that the tar get behaviour an individual privations to change is operationally defined. The particular behaviour would also require assessment, through collection of the service line data. Furthermore, the behaviour that I want to change is to increase my studying behaviour, which is a behavioral deficit.Ever since I was in school, I was always known to study towards the end of the semester and could generally be considered as last minute studying. Subsequently, I would tend to be easily distracted by external stimuli such as watching movies or serial on the computer, calling up friends and talking for hours as well as easily persuaded to go out. I hasten been known since young to be in truth outgoing, thus whenever friends call and ask me to meet up with them, I am bound to go.Therefore, it usually delays my ability to follow my studying schedule that I have created before the semester starts. Moreover, my main antecedent that unable me to complete my suggested two hours studying per night every weekday is also because I have a tendency to download movies or series on the computer and wasting 4 hours or more watching it. There are also consequences that I face because of my shillyshally to study, because after watching these series, I would only tend to study less than an hour or not at all if I am tired.Consequently, I would cram all the materials during study week and end up being exhausted. This also is a reason as to why I tend to get ill during exam week, because it causes me to have high level of stress and in turn would affect my health. Hence, these are valid reasons as to why I smelling like I need to change my behaviour and start studying more hours as I should so that I would not be emphasise out during exams. Besides that, stress could also cause ulcers and the common cold, which in turn could be a setback to me during exam week as I am prone to get ulcers.Additionally, it would also allow me to focus more to improve my grade ratings to my expectations as I go forth soon complete my undergrad program. Other than that, increasing my studying behaviour would also allow me to get sufficient sleep and rest for the upcoming exam and it would also benefit me in terms of managing my time efficiently. Method Design The design that I have chosen for this particular self management interpret is the ABAB reversal design.This design represents the move to first measure the baseline, the treatment that follows the initial baseline, the introduction of the punt baseline as well as the reintroduction of the treatment again. Additionally, this method of application helps identify the cause of treatment and measure what happens when treatment is removed. Hence, this research design would help establish whether functional relationship exists between the target behaviour and incumbrance.Materials The materials used in this project include a structured diary that is recorded in the computer, behaviour contract, handphone, patch-it notes, p lay cards and reminders. Procedure Additionally, for this particular behaviour modification project, the operational translation is first defined as reading pages from the textbook and underlining as well as understanding sentences in the text and reading notes from the lectures for two hours.Furthermore, the behaviour would be recorded through self monitoring during baseline and treatment period as the behaviour does not occur frequently throughout the day and it only occurs during the period when no one else is around to observe. The observational period is recorded in the natural setting, which is in the study room at my home, and it is where studying behaviour typically occurs.The type of behavioural recording used is the duration recording, whereby studying behaviour is observed for two hours, between 8. 30p. m to 10. 0p. m on weekdays only. Next, in order to increase studying behaviour during weekdays, a generalised conditioned reinforcer, which is the token economy system is used because it reinforces the behaviour and minimises the need to use reactive strategies to deal with setbacks as well as it enables the ability to pair up with a variety of other reinforcers. In addition, the token economy is a playing card with my housemates signature on it, and one card would be given each day, whenever the desired behaviour occurred at least 2 hours a day.Furthermore, the acquired tokens would be eligible to trade with certain privileges and would be forfeited if the behaviour does not meet the expected requirements. Hence, a variety of backup reinforces are used in exchange with the accumulated playing cards on every Friday to determine the type of privileges that would be given and further information is provided in the behavioural contract (Appendix A). Besides that, punishment would be provided if I fail to meet the expected requirement.Additionally, the schedule of reinforcement chosen for this particular project is fixed interval, whereby studying beha viour is reinforced only if it occurs for at least two hours. The behaviour occurrence would also be recorded in the computer, as the behaviour occurs at home in the study room. Besides that, during the treatment period, my friends and housemate have also promised to give me social support and reinforcements. In addition, various types of response and stimulus prompts are also used in this project. Verbal prompts such as reminders to study are used by friends and housemates to evoke the desired behaviour in myself.They will do this by not persuading me to go out with them and reminding me to study instead. Furthermore, environmental prompts are also used in this project such as post its on the mirror, computer in the study room and class accommodate that I carry to class every day, as well as using the hand phone to set alarm to study. In addition, within prompt fading was used in the second treatment period, for response prompts, whereby friends and boyfriend provided less verba l prompts as the week progressed during treatment period.Next, stimulus fading was also used in the second treatment period for environmental prompts, whereby on the first day, removal of alarm clock would be used and for subsequent days, one post its would be removed from either the mirror, computer or class file until the last day of treatment. Results The baseline and treatment data was collected for a period of four weeks and intervention was applied during treatment 1 and treatment 2. judge 1 Studying behaviour in baseline and treatment weeks.Figure 1 shows that during the first baseline, studying behaviour did not occur at all for the first two days, one hour for the third, again none on the quaternate and two hours on the fifth day. Hence, the average studying hours for the first baseline week is 0. 4 hours or 24 minutes. Furthermore, this could be clearly seen in the structured diary attached for the first baseline (Appendix B). Next, intervention took place in the second week, whereby various strategies were used to increase studying behaviour.Results showed that studying behaviour had occurred for two hours for the first and second day, one hour for the third day, two hours for the fourth day, and none on the fifth day. This shows that studying behaviour had increased to an average of 1. 4 hours a day and that there was an increase of 50% from the initial baseline to the treatment period. Moreover, the self management project had returned to baseline on the third week and results showed that studying behaviour had occurred for 2. hours on the first day, one hour on the second, none on the third and fourth and two hours on the fifth day.Thus, the average studying behaviour was 1. 1 hours a day for the second baseline period. Although the average hours were less compared to the treatment period, however, there was definitely an increase compared to the first baseline period, whereby average hours were only 0. 4 hours. Next, intervention was again app lied and the second treatment results showed that studying behaviour occurred for one hour on the first day, 2. hours on the second, two hours on the third, one hour on the fourth, and two hours on the fifth day. Hence, the average studying hours is approximately 1. 7 hours a day. Thus, this also shows that there is an increase of studying behaviour between the second baseline and second treatment period. Besides that, there is also a staggering increase from the initial baseline and second treatment period, that precedes to fluctuate in the second baseline, when intervention was removed.DiscussionThe behaviour modification project to increase studying behaviour was definitely a success because the graphs showed an increase in hours of studying as compared to the baseline data, thus indicating that there us a functional relationship between the target behaviour and the procedure. Furthermore, it is clear that the token economy system was a reader to the success of increasing studyi ng behaviour because once token economy was removed in the second baseline the target behaviour had decreased tremendously.In addition, the target behaviour had increased when the second intervention was applied in the fourth week. Moreover, the use of reinforcements and punishment also helped me to keep myself motivated and determined to pass on the weekly goal that was set. Besides that, the use of within stimulus fading helped me generalise my behaviour to the subsequent weeks ahead, hence I had gradually adjusted myself with get used to having less and less prompts throughout the week.However, there were also some limitations in this project, whereby, the duration of treatment intervention is too short to allow the behaviour to fully adjust and be generalised without the use of prompts. In addition, self monitoring was used during observation of behaviour for the baseline data. Observer may not be trained enough to record her own behaviour, hence data may not be as reliable as compared to having an inter rater observation. Moreover, the death penalty of reinforcement contingency was my housemate, and sometimes the reinforcements were given a day later because she is not around.This has affected the effectiveness of the token as a reinforcing consequence as some deliveries of the token did not occur immediately after the response occurred according to the expected schedule. Furthermore, due to the delay between the response and token, it could have also affected the connection strength of the behaviour. In conclusion, behaviour modification is definitely an effective treatment method to help increase, decrease or develop refreshful behaviours and it is applicable to use in a variety of problematic behaviours.